Pink Heaven

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by DBAYES, Sep 15, 2014.

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  1. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I am subcontracting you out to sprinkle your PINK magic fairy dust on my farm! Woo Hoo! Congrats!

    First one must have a pink pen to place next to a breeding shed. *sigh* How do you get a pink pen to place to get another pink pen?
    *stargazer* likes this.
  2. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Okay, I'm in. I guess you have 156 in your inventory and 100 on your fields. xD

    DBAYES Count Count

    Here is something, more news to keep this "Pink Party" going. I have completed my goal and now own all the Pink pens (one each) of every Main farm and Bahamarama animals...Woot Woot!!xD I started working on this about six months ago or when ever it was, when we could start breeding Turkeys. New Goal is to get one of every Pink Production pen...this will take some time for sure! :p

    @puppiesnponies, I will get right on that shortly Need to go warm up my plane first:D
    @illy1996, Lololol! Wish I had that kind of room on the farm for 100 Catalpa trees!!:wuerg:
  4. aisyahsaad

    aisyahsaad Someday Author

    @ DBAYES ~ Wow! Well done!:D Good Luck with your new goal!;)
    DBAYES likes this.
  5. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    DBAYES - Congratulations...that's an amazing achievement!!! I have the same 2 goals...but alas, am waaaaaay behind you! LOL

    Will you please share some secrets or tips on how you got sooooo soooo many pink pens? Inquiring minds (or pink enthusiasts - like me) are dying to know! :)
    DBAYES likes this.
  6. *stargazer*

    *stargazer* Forum Apprentice

    Thank you for answering this question and probably satisfying a lot of 'us curiosity boxes'!:D

    DBAYES Count Count

    Thanks guys.
    @Brookeham, Getting skips is one good way and finding good deals on Pinks at the Market. Been selling high demand products etc...then saving up CC's in order to buy the expensive pinks. Don't really want to part with the CC's sometimes so, I wait for lower offers until I feel the price is fair.
    Brookeham likes this.
  8. smiley2emc

    smiley2emc Someday Author

    wow DB congrats on achieving your goal [​IMG]

    lol no probs stargazer lol
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 20, 2014
    DBAYES likes this.
  9. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Congratulations DBAYES! *throws confetti*
    DBAYES likes this.
  10. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    Well done DBayes - What a class act for us to follow. I have the grand total of ONE pink pen! I think I will have a long way to go to catch you up.
    DBAYES likes this.
  11. -poppyseed-

    -poppyseed- Forum Connoisseur

    That's so great DBayes, congrats! It's so impressive that you did it in 6 months! :D I'm trying to get all the pink pens, too. At the rate I'm going it may take years. I think we need more BB days.:p
    DBAYES likes this.
  12. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    Yipee! DBAYES. I am totally jelly. I still need 4 more. o_Ops! make that 5 now with Pandas and soon 6 with Donkeys. HaHaHa
    DBAYES likes this.
  13. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    I've got 1 pink (that was because of a recent competition) a few Reds and a lot of Orange and a smattering of yellows in storage.
    I have a long way to go unless I get some liberal skips and an extended Baby Boom. I am anxious to try out my Baby Boom Rune and see what it brings after I have fun with the Cuckoos.
    DBAYES likes this.
  14. DBAYES

    DBAYES Count Count

    @sglick, Donkeys! What?? Oh no, I don't have any ( I mean I have like 4)! -.- Thanks for the heads up.:D
  15. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    Arielh and DBAYES like this.
  16. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    sglick - You totally amaze me!!!! 1114 donkies in your barn??? o_OYouza!
    DBAYES and Arielh like this.
  17. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    I raised them by hand since I did not want to spend CCs on them. LOL!
    DBAYES likes this.
  18. DBAYES

    DBAYES Count Count

    @sglick, that's a perfect amount of Donkeys for breeding, I now have 200 in my barn. Been checking the market often for good deals and yup...spending those CC's and this is why it's going to take even longer to achieve my goal of all Pink Production pens:p
    Arielh likes this.
  19. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I have only 77 monkeys because I have the bikini boutique.
    DBAYES likes this.
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