EP maximizing quest

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by -Mir85-, Oct 4, 2014.

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  1. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I have an idea of a new type of quest for the farmers society:

    A timed quest where the goal is to earn a fixed amount of EP from harvesting

    The quest would only count how much EP you receive, you would still get the EP and whatever crops/animals/products you harvest.

    The different levels could ask for EP harvested from different things:
    • EP from harvesting crops
    • EP from stalls
    • EP from trees (with or without jumbos)
    • EP from production pens
    • EP from rare stables/trees!
    • EP from deco items
    • EP from harvesting anything
    • The same for BEP (maybe in a separate quest)
    There could be quests aimed at different levels:
    1. aimed at lower level players, where only the base EP amount is counted, not bonuses from owls, ZAB, EM, etc.
    2. aimed at higher level players, much harder, better rewards and also counting the bonuses
    Maybe one EP and one BEP version of each.

    It is a quest requiring farming, not market strategies, without forcing players to grow event crops or another specified crop/animal.

    For me this would be a fun challenge to optimize my farming with respect to EP. And it would be nice to have a challenging quest that doesn't require you to donate huge amounts of what you have grown. You can complete the challenge while working on your other goals :)

    It would be an opportunity for people to put their rare stables/trees to good use (for the levels which require them). Colored upgrades and XXL trees would also be great to have, since they give better EP.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2014
    vlady, msmeow, Gery and 2 others like this.
  2. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Amazing idea Mir!:D
    I like a lot the timed quests and that we don't have to give amounts of something.
    vlady and msmeow like this.
  3. msmeow

    msmeow Junior Expert

    basically a pretty good idea .... something a bit different that is for sure, and Arielh and others would definitely be there with bells on...
    HOPE it flies:)
    vlady and Arielh like this.
  4. fiddlerviolin1

    fiddlerviolin1 Forum Apprentice

    I like that idea too Mir. The special month-to-month timed quests we get have become a bit blah for me. It's the same old same old. Something different would be nice, but I don't have the creative mind to come up with something like this. Thanks for the suggestion.
    vlady likes this.
  5. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    This would actually be quite good also from a regular farming perspective, since it would be good for players to hear the strategies of other farmers for maximising EP yield. Of course, that could also be done merely in a thread, but this is an excellent suggestion Mir!
    vlady, baw815 and -Mir85- like this.
  6. belindamotion

    belindamotion Junior Expert

    I would love it if they consider it, especially more towards a BEP Quest's...not sure how it will work as we "unlock statues" in different order depending on each players style....but it's obvious that we are getting no GB's..:( and leveling up is becoming a pain..( I really don't care for the "challenge"...my RL has enough to last me a life time...:p)
    vlady likes this.
  7. FelicityFox

    FelicityFox Someday Author

    It could be done in a thread but actually putting something into practice makes it so much easier to learn.

    Great idea Mir!

    I'm in!
    vlady likes this.