Chili Weather run!

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Arrouquelas, Oct 6, 2014.

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  1. Arrouquelas

    Arrouquelas Forum Inhabitant

    I was beginning to feel so disappointed with this event when I was reading the FAQ and considering not to do much effort to complete the event until I saw what the cloud row is giving:

    It gives 35 EP x BAHA LEVEL!!!
    How great is that!!!

    So it's going to be tough! Don't have time to calculate the requirements but I noticed we need to mill 40 special sauce. Each sauce is around 2h15m to be done.
    For those who don't have the mill reduction time by half (and I'm one of them as I couldn't renew the subscribe last time) that will take around 90 hours (a bit less with the 10% reduction rune).
    Whatever way we decide to approach the event, milling will be priority as soon as we have the requirements to start milling along the way.

    The first person to calculate the requirements, please post it!

    Good luck with the event!! We're gonna need it!

    By the way: You don't know what to plant for tomorrow's first harvest? Plant GARLIC!!!
    sglick, SuzeeRabbit and -Mir85- like this.
  2. Laurelei

    Laurelei Forum Great Master

    Well, 20k special event crop for one, and for an 8 hour crop, that is really too much. However, that's nothing when you compare it with all the breeding animals you will need--15 roasters, 30 Brown Cow and 40 Brown Pig. I think the requirements for this border on the ridiculous and shame on you BP.
    beavis7070 likes this.
  3. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I was super excited when I saw the prizes but the requirements are going to be hard! Though what is being asked for is low level breeding stock, I have made it a practice to sell them for higher levels and only have brown pigs from the clouds. None of the chickens, rabbits, or cows. Breeding outside BBD would take a huge toll on my PF that I was saving for donkeys. This one will certainly take a lot of resources (PF, CC, time to grow, mill, breed). I don't mind challenging but this seems a little overwhelming at first glance. I need to think and then come back to revisit the FAQ to map out my strategy --
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2014
  4. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Event cropHabaneros20000
    Event dropVinegar660
    -Crop circles50
    Breeding animalsRoasters15
    -Brown cow30
    -Brown pig40
    Mill productDragonfire sauce40
    This includes the ingredients for the 40 dragonfire sauce.

    Bought brown pigs, and bred the rest, my PF supply is now down to 43 :(
    For those who haven't bred yet: Maybe there will be a BBD during the event, I have no idea, but it might happen.

    My LOL of the day: Read the requirements for the first few levels, then ran to the market to buy roosters. That's right roosters. Like the rare animal rooster. Not the breeding animal. I actually had enough roosters on stock, but bought around 20 for reselling before I realized my mistake xDxDxD

    It has been a though weekend, so I have decided next PF sale I will by a big package of PF, and for now just enjoy the event :D Now that I have the breeding animals, the rest will be no problem. 8 hour crops suit me wonderfully. And I am really loving the baha cloud row :inlove:

    Edited the list to make it more informative
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2014
    sglick, msmeow, CJAT and 6 others like this.
  5. Arrouquelas

    Arrouquelas Forum Inhabitant

    Thank you so much, Mir!
    I was about to calculate myself when you saved me!
    Jeez! So many breeding animals! I wasn't expecting it!
    As for the rooster/roaster, I was about to make the same mistake so don't worry! ;)
    But I didn't like the fact that in my market roasters went missing... :eek:
    And now cocoas, brown pigs and cows to breed as well???!!!! Oh my! This is going to be REALLY TOUGH!!!!
    Mooboy likes this.
  6. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Thanks Mir for doing the total requirements. I was calculating them when I saw your post! You're the best!

    Arq - all those breeding animals have gone missing from my market too. I guess those farmers who were online as soon as the FAQ was published were able to scoop them up!
    Mooboy likes this.
  7. Arrouquelas

    Arrouquelas Forum Inhabitant

    pnp - I see now what you mean. I'm going to pass on the brown cows. The reward is "only" 4 mistery seedlings and I think I don't need more XL trees or XXL catalpas. There's also the 48h helper functions... But personally, I don't need it.
    Unfortunately, the cocoas are really needed for one of the cloud items...
    As for the brown pigs, it isn't a problem with me. I have the rune and about 170 of them (Maybe I'll sell some!).
    Roasters I only need two... And I think we'll all be needing those extra 30 power feed. I really hope there'll be a BB event very soon...

    BTW, pnp: I love the phrase on your siggy!...
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2014
  8. howk01

    howk01 Padavan

    Just read the requirements & very disappointed. They really want a lot of items.
    Like others I think that there are few that I will skip as I am out of PF & just sold most of my lower breeding animals last Baby Boom.
    By the way it is not cocoa but Cocoas (the rabbits)
  9. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Thank you Arq. One of my daughter's special education teachers had it as her phrase and I have used it ever since (with permission of course). It really honors my daughter's attitude. No matter how bad a day she had before, no matter what challenges she will face today (and they are many every day), she always wakes up in a good mood and gives her very best each day. I found the quote when she was swimming with Special Olympics.
    Arielh, spotsbox, Aluntino and 2 others like this.
  10. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    I used all my Brown Pigs breeding for a Warthog, which I didn't get. Always get a skip when it is the next in line.
    No Roasters, Brown Cows or Cocoas. No Power Feed or BBs.
    None in Market.
    BUT I will attempt the challenge...

  11. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Here are the minimum requirements for the completed cloud row
    For requirements to complete the event see this post.

    Event cropHabaneros17930
    Event dropVinegar564
    CropsCrop circles50
    Breeding animalsCocoas30
    -Brown pig40
    Mill productDragonfire sauce32
    Includes ingredients for the dragonfire sauce.
  12. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Thanks Mir! That does help!
  13. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Thanks Mir85 Great Info Input on Event Requirements, Unfortunate for Me I am Hoarder of Many Things as I have More than enough Roosters, Brown Cows. Cocoa and Brown Pigs to help Requirements for this event ju st need to grow Habaneros and Mill Some Dragon Sauce for this Event

    I will be selling surplus Roosters, Brown Cows and Cocoa To Help Others, not to use their Short stock of PF to be able to complete this Event I am very certain they will go like lot cakes. I think it wont be a problem getting 40 Brown Pigs as many of you got cloud row open that enable you to build stocks of Brown Pigs....But you never know Brown Pigs might eventually get sold out as 40 of them pretty high number.

    Yes it is high requirements and but costly to some of you to be able to complete this event but 35 X Bahamrama Level will give you 6000 to 8000 Bahamrama EP Every 18 Hours. Which will help you level up the island a bit quicker. The Good News there is no need to complete the whole Chili Weather Event to get this cloud row as Mir85 Pointed out as above !!!

    If those of you lucky enough to be in my market look out for those needy Fiery Breeding Animals to help you complete the fiery cloud row, only 30 Cocoa and 40 Brown Pigs to do this or want to do the whole quest as some of you will cos it an FOCD thing like me Must Complete the whole Quest :p
  14. belindamotion

    belindamotion Junior Expert

    Brown pigs has..and still is...the only Breeding Animal on both Farm Markets...and I went flying to the Market about 15min after it was posted on the Forum...:eek:..if I can't buy them, then I'll have to bypass, but I'm hoping they will come on the Market as soon as everyone with extra BB's has finished their Breeding for the requirements, and hopefully then selling the rest on the Market...;)

    It's my Birthday tomorrow...wonder if BP will be sending me a nice Chilli Gift Basket...:p.. with all those Crops and Drops as I'm sure going to need all the help I can get as those requirements looks tight...:cry:
  15. CaliChrome

    CaliChrome Forum Baron

    Just for anyone else who might be confused, the cocoas are a colored rabbit NOT cocoa beans. (Maybe I'm the only one who was briefly confused by this. :p )
  16. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Hi Belinda :)

    Are you sure you can't breed the 30 cocoas needed? The brown cows and the roasters are not needed for the cloud row. I am sure the cloud row will be worth it if you can do it :)

    Another option is to get the cloud row and the two last items, hoping to get the Habanero salsa item from G&T sometime. I am sure it will be very sought after, so you would need something good to trade with.
  17. pepsishot

    pepsishot Forum Expert

    You're not alone. I also misread the rooster/roaster animal. Thankfully this thread pointed it out before I made a mistake.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2014
    CaliChrome likes this.
  18. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    It looks like I will be cherry picking on this contest for stars at least, as I do not have all the breeding animals listed and there are none in my market. The EP for Baha will be nice. Thanks Mir for putting up all the requirements :)
    msmeow likes this.
  19. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    This is my only chance to get the Mystery-Whatevers. Since I'm very unlucky when it comes to their results, I can only participate by getting them as rewards. No more buying to get XL Almonds, or Yellow Chicken Coop...

    julie1013 likes this.
  20. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    I also misread, didn't realize it was wascally wabbits we needed, not cocoa beans xD. Like you, pepsi, I'm grateful for those who let us know it was indeed wabbits. Which of course, I don't have enough of :p, and they are sold out on both my markets. I also need brown cows if I decide to finish all levels, but at least don't need them to get the cloud row, so have time to decide whether it's worth it to breed without BB. Hopefully, as Belindamotion said, others will finish those levels and sell any surplus, and I'll be able to grab some bunnies. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY Belinda!
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