Feedback: Chili Weather - A Chili Day

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by teddy.bear, Oct 7, 2014.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    Please post your constructive comments, positive and negative, regarding the Chili Weather: A Chili Day event, in this Feedback thread.

    Please be sure to bring arguments for supporting your statements, simple comments saying you like it or hate it will not help the Team understand what goes great, and what needs to be looked into, when planning future events.

    The FAQ of the Event can be found here. If you have any questions, please use the General Issues section or the Technical Issues section for technical problems - this thread is for feedback only. Thank you for understanding.

    Don't forget: You are also more than welcomed to join us and give your Feedback, or ask your questions in Chat!

    We are looking forward to your feedback!​

    Your Farmerama Team
    penguilnz likes this.
  2. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    Well, that just stinks that the mill time was changed >:(>:( But it's only another 9 hrs milling time,right?
  3. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    Ninety hours in the Mill!! For the forty dragonfire sauces needed. And only 127 hours till the event ends...
    I had better get started.....-.-:oops:
  4. Michael1877

    Michael1877 Old Hand

    I don't quite understand the policy that's behind introductions of an event like this......Is this an event to challenge longtime players, and in the same run to leave scraps for the newbies? Or is it a trial run to see how far you can push the players into spending.....The previous Cuckoo event, the announced donkey breeding and as an appetizer the requested breeding animals for this event ; all this is a perfect lineup to either let go of playing the events all together or to throw a load of money in.
    All this leaves me disappointed.......
    RBall, howk01 and sudhir like this.
  5. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    I like this event and hope to finish enough to get the cloud row. -.-
    It would be nice to be told the 'difficulty level'. I think you did do it on a couple of recent events. It is obviously quite a difficult event and well nigh impossible to complete for many, including me, unless I breed some more animals.
    It would also have been good to have some Baha points or Golden Bananas given, so that those who can't complete and get the cloud row, at least have something Baha related to win. I don't think the ornaments on their own give Baha points unless they are on the cloud?
    I do love 8 hour crops - it gives me plenty of RL time too after the initial growing spurt. I only have to visit the farm three times a day.
  6. Graeboe

    Graeboe Forum Apprentice

    The constant requirement for excessive amounts of power feed is pretty annoying.
    Its starting to be less fun and more find another game to playish.
    howk01 likes this.
  7. howk01

    howk01 Padavan

    Again with the 8 hour crops - I really do hate those. They take so long to grow & then you need 20,000 of them if you want to finish the event - just plain boring! You did try to make it more interesting with the mill but it takes 90 hours to make the 40 Dragonfire Sauces which is almost 4 whole days.
    I am level 94 & did not have any of the breeding animals so I have no idea how a lower level player can hope to do this event without paying in BB's. Did buy (with cc's) most of the breeding animals as I was out of PF but again a lower level player probably will not be able to do that. Like others I would like to see golden bananas as a reward - maybe instead of stars. The cloud row giving BEP's was my only incentive to even try this event.
  8. Cobbtown

    Cobbtown Forum Greenhorn about going from totally stoked to crushing defeat in a hurry! This sounded so much fun till I realized that lower level players have absolutely NO CHANCE of completing this event. Sure, we can do the first tier (silver) but after that we are just sitting here planting habaneros till we get sick of the sight. I have 2 farms, one level 60 and this one level 50. Neither farm is able to grow GARLIC in order to make the sauce. We can't even buy it in the market.

    The silver levels do have a few nice prizes, but the other levels have the real goodies.

    Would somebody please tell me how in the world this event is fair? DEVs are shutting out a lot of lower level players from higher tier prizes by making one of the vital elements out of reach due to skill level, all the while throwing them a small bone with a few nice low level prizes. This type of major disappointment will keep more than a few lower levels from even attempting the next big event.

    Maybe for the next event......someone look to see if you are shutting out a lot of players due to skill levels.
    howk01 likes this.
  9. whytrose

    whytrose Forum Greenhorn

    Perhaps you should have "tiers" of events that can cater to both high level players and the mid to lower level players. This event sounded like so much fun UNTIL I saw the requirements for completing it. Sad, just SAD! You have basically thrown stuff at players below level 69 that they can get from ordinary quests. So, what I get from this is that we "lower" levels don't matter.

    While that may not have been the attitude you had when creating this event, it is the general message that comes through none the less.

    If you want to make things a challenge for high level players please implement a system like you have in rising cities that has tiers or levels grouped together so it's possible to complete it and give us things that we can appreciate it and want to work to get. I will grow the plants for the EP and the money they will bring me after the event is over. But no thanks to this event.

    my farm is level 65 and I have no hope of completing this. I have in the past been guilty of buying barnyard bills, but I refuse to buy them for completing events. I think it's wrong for you to even suggest someone do that.
  10. Graeboe

    Graeboe Forum Apprentice

    I feel that a nice change is to have different level ranges have different sets of event quests based on your level. So a level 60 can grow garlic, but a level 20 would have a less rewarding easier version.

    Its not like it takes days to do the super formulaic quest reward and inputs
  11. Teagle22

    Teagle22 Forum Inhabitant

    When having an event that requires us to produce "Mill" items, how about having both Mainland and BaHa able to produce the items in both mills. It would take some of the penalty away of having to stop producing your nomal mill items while you finish an event request.
    howk01 and Banjoman like this.
  12. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Had not thought about the lower level player impact until I read above.... I have garlic, and honestly did not pay that much attention to the ingredients. You could fix that piece of this by opening up the sale of garlic to lower ranked individuals, even if you required BB for it.

    I am essentially in favor of making events geared toward higher level players, particularly if they are repeatable. (so that, like the Farmer's quests, you can work toward completing them when you are ready). I am not sure this fits the bill. It requires a lot of breeding animals and power feed, but then.. people have been asking for ways to use all the extra pens they buy to fulfill the farmer quest (particularly Noah's Ark).

    You could do a better job of communicating the details of this quest. (communicating, in general.. I would have to say) Beginning players don't know enough about the game realize that this is not a "normal' event. Requiring them to go through hoops to find that out sees more likely to frustrate than encourage and challenge lower level players.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2014
  13. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Well, you caught us all by surprise with this one :D that's nice for a change :)
    The bahamarama cloud row is a great prize :inlove: well worth the effort.

    I hope we get more challenging evens with great prizes in the future, but please don't make it all dependent on power feed :(
    With a breeding event every month, the demand on power feed is already very high.
  14. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    Like - Baha cloud row, a worthy prize
    The graphics as always.
    Dislike - mill time (especially with no mill offer just before)
    Breeding - just before donkeys and takes up valuable space
    Inordinate amount of breeding animals - not funny, requires huge pf and lots of luck.
    8hr crop only - difficult for those that work and treasure their sleep.
    Lack of other Baha prizes. I agree that the odd golden banana would be nice, not necessarily instead of stars but just a few.
    belindamotion1, baw815 and julie1013 like this.
  15. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Baha Cloud row
    Prizes-- PF, Seedlings, Stables, CAC (6 instead of normal 1 or 2), SRJ

    Too many breeding animals - both the type (4 different ones) and the quantity (30-40).

    Too close to Baby boom for the cuckoos at the end of Sept and donkey breeding next week. Not enough time to recover PF stores

    Too long milling time - I don't mind milling for an event-- it makes the event a little different but 90 hours is too long. Both my mills run almost non-stop and for that production to be interrupted for almost 4 days is out of balance.

    Would like to see all harvester rewards be awarded as coupons rather than instantly

    Typically, EP givers provide more EP individually than in a cloud row. A cloud row offering BEP is very much desired and appreciated by all players. Perhaps, the individual givers could have given BEP instead of traditional EP but the cloud row as a reward for those able to finish the event could be worth more than the EP givers individually. This would create incentive for players to finish the event but still reward players with some BEP if they are able to get one or two of the givers. This would provide goodwill to the community and lessen the sting of not being able to get the cloud row.
  16. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    Well stated, pnp!

    Especially the harvester silver level which one needs to complete in order to progress through the tasks. The timing for me worked out that I could either finish the first harvester task and have it run mostly through the night or wait to complete anything until the next morning.
  17. Kaydd2

    Kaydd2 Junior Expert

    I am :inlove: the event for higher level players. I :inlove: the low level breeding animals, but the number required are too high (such a long time since breeding animals were required).
    IMHO many Mentors have made it too easy for new farmers to achieve events without having to work for the prizes (waiting for backlash :p).
    An 8 hour crop is great for work & sleep, but for the inbetween time, a reason to attend to RL (Thanks xD).
    The BEP cloud row: Oh the dilemma xD. The Chili Cook-Off is a good EP giver (finally) but I want to get that last tree on Bah :p.

    I enjoy milling event requirements, however the long time is harsh. I started milling after my first harvest of full fields, but I'm sure many will get caught out :(.

    Rather than secret stables / trees as a prize I would like to see the introduction of a PF tree. Remember HH back in 2011. What a fabulous gamechanger than many worked towards, without knowing the full benefit of what they were winning :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2014
    julie1013 likes this.
  18. Laurelei

    Laurelei Forum Great Master

    I agree with most of the comments here. An 8 hour crop is okay, but for events of this time length, less than 15k. If you are going to have more than that, you should open up that other diamond slot that we were promised for special events (so that we could double up on Carrot Apple and Pumpkin Jam) but never given.

    Too many breeding animals, particularly so close to cuckoos and yet another new breeding animal.
    howk01, abubadi66 and farmerumf like this.
  19. SuzieQ

    SuzieQ Forum Greenhorn

    how do we get the roosters??????
  20. belindamotion1

    belindamotion1 Active Author

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