Milling Upgrade..

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by belindamotion, Oct 9, 2014.

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  1. belindamotion

    belindamotion Junior Expert

    I, like everyone else would PLEASE want to see changes made to Milling Requirements... I would like to see the following Topics receiving some attention..:oops:

    Let us do PowerFeed in both Mills AND/or have the time reduced..I know that sounds like "no challenge" or "handed on a silver platter"...but was okay in the beginning of Farmerama where there was most likely 1 Breeding Event a Month(BBM), but now it's like a Breeding Event/Quest shoved in our faces just about every week...and still no changes to accommodate us, either in time reduction or using the Island Mill for PF, to catch up...we have been begging for a PF about introducing those with the Gigantica Express..? I'll even accept these silly Cloud Rows as a Prize if it gives 5 PF...:inlove:..sorry to those who loves the Cloud Rows as Prizes...:oops:
  2. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I would support you belinda, but I really don't think there is any point :( With the Jumbo trees, especially the super grow jumbo, BP must have lost quite some sales. It seems like they are determined to make up for this with power feed sales. Rewards for the bee breeding event was worse than for the previous ones. No power feed rewards for the two previous events. For this event there is, but far less than what is required to do the event. Introducing the cuckoos to keep demand up every month, not just when there is a new breeding animal.
    abubadi66 likes this.
  3. belindamotion

    belindamotion Junior Expert

    yes...:(..I was thinking along the same lines...:oops:..but it feels like BP views their sales as "having to make a killing"..:oops:( I'm aware my statement is not based on facts but it's how I perceive it ):oops:..don't they know that "a little can go a long way"?
    TERRIE and msmeow like this.
  4. muscaricat

    muscaricat Forum Pro

    I agree that we should be able to mill PF in both mills. As said above, the requirement for PF is huge now with obvious benefits to BP. :oops:This is making that aspect of the game very difficult for those players who do not want to or cannot afford to pay for PF. How about a rune on the tree that would give a 50% reduction in milling time for PF as well as being able to use both mills ? ;)
  5. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    I agree - some sort of reduction in time and being able to mill on Baha. Please.
    msmeow likes this.
  6. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I agree totally with you belinda!
    Breeding animals are now requirements for a lot of events and we haven't enough PF to breed all these animals so it will helped to be able to make PF in both mils
    abubadi66, farmlily3 and msmeow like this.
  7. poor_didums

    poor_didums Forum Apprentice

    or like they do on another farming game i play you can queue up the feed to be milled so that as soon as one lot of feed finishes the next one starts depending on your level as to how many can be queued at the same time and does not need to be the same can be all different
    JanB50, abubadi66, TERRIE and 6 others like this.
  8. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    Being able to 'queue' feeds would be good.
  9. heidels

    heidels Active Author

    Very valid points concerning amount of PF required these days and making allowances/compromises for that. I also think the feed queue is a wonderful idea!
  10. msmeow

    msmeow Junior Expert

    "I agree totally with you belinda!
    Breeding animals are now requirements for a lot of events and we haven't enough PF to breed all these animals so it will helpful to be able to make PF in both mills":D
    "...or you can queue up the feed to be milled so that as soon as one lot of feed finishes the next one starts depending on your level as to how many can be queued at the same time and does not need to be the same can be all different."8)
    Thank you for being brave to make these suggestions for Developers to consider. :inlove:
  11. jennifersiegel

    jennifersiegel Padavan

    Yes. I think that making the Mill faster on the tree is a great idea. Just stacking up the bonuses should be possible. Maybe 5% in 4 different stages that would add up to an extra 30% faster altogether (possible to mill roughly 3 PF instead of 2 PF in 18 hours), maybe each step costing 10 stars more then the previous stage.

    EDIT: Or even just introducing two stages of 10% for more stars each step and keep upgrading it over time might be a nice idea. Adding a faster Mill is important now that people want to do so much breeding.

    Maybe a branch with a rune to open up a queue?

    And considering that breeders might be lacking right now. I would suggest that no other breeding animal is introduced for a little while, because people feel them "shoved in their faces" (quote from above). And I personally think that the players still need time to work on a lot of the old breeding quests. I didn't finish a single one of them yet. And I probably will not play the soup friends quest til the end either.

    Giving me a chance to actually play some of the quests that the dev team has offered to the community lately is just fair. Or at least don't make the gap between PF buyers and PF millers even bigger right now by introducing yet another new breeding animal this shortly after the last one. Give it some time and players will be excited again to get a new breeder. Slowly, don't introduce all the animals at once.

    Same applies for new trees and animals, every month a new one is from my point of view unnecessary and probably puts an extra new challenge to the tech. Every few months, maybe... and instead just give players the chance to still get the nearly new trees, and let them be excited again later... maybe just offering some of the stalls that players actually can not get with the stablemaster anymore on the wheel of fortune instead... same for trees... new players would want to pay into the magical trek at some point... and I seem to recall that that quest actually had BB's as rewards and was asking for quite high amounts, but BB's seemed a good reward to me back then (of course a lot has changed since then).
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2014
    abubadi66 and TERRIE like this.
  12. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    For me, a better upgrade would be to be able to mill more than 1 type of feed at a time. That's more time effective, in my opinion. I do get a little bored sometimes waiting for my feed to mill, but given that a significant portion of my time is spent sleeping, eating, and going to school, it doesn't bother me (although I do recognise that not everyone has the same schedule as me so may feel differently). However, it does mean that I can only ever mill one type of feed at a time. I would prefer a rune that allows you to open extra mill slots, similar to how there are several steps for increasing the manure/water capacity.
    abubadi66 and jennifersiegel like this.
  13. jennifersiegel

    jennifersiegel Padavan

    I think a queue would be great.

    And I would think that people that actually are buying the Double Speed Mill would appreciate that in particular. It would be valuable to people that have a speedy mill to be able to mill different foods while they are at work or sleep. I would be personally interested in that possibility especially when I am travelling and want to set up a very long running time. It takes a huge amount of crops to set up a 1000 feed of a single kind. Instead I could Mill 200 of this and 200 of that food. I would like that.

    I might be very happy to see a new function for milling on BH. It depends on the implementation... so much to consider...
    Something worth milling like SF on the big farm, maybe BB's?
    Arielh likes this.
  14. abubadi66

    abubadi66 Old Hand

    The queue idea is great, but I wish also that the mill on the green meadows to be different and not the same 1 on the main field, so we can do other type of feed, I hope BP consider to develop the prosses of milling so it gives EP, that would be a good thing.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2014
  15. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I, too, would like to get more PF, more quickly (or to have the option available to earn at any rate). I think it might make an excellent award for a high level Farmer Quest or for a new tree rune.

    However, as M says, they seem to be moving away from things that let people truly play for free and into letting people play free, but only to a point. Its sad for us, but BP IS a business, even if they have a lot of volunteers, they do have to pay for certain things.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2014
  16. jennifersiegel

    jennifersiegel Padavan

    The players should get a better chance to fulfill the breeding quests, there is so many now and there might even be more. I personally hope not quite so soon.

    A faster Mill would make me very happy. I am a high level player and I am far behind. Me too I like to finish quests at some point...
    Everybody playing a free game, should be able to achieve the permanent goals without spending any money; and that in this lifetime...

    How long would the milling time be again to just finish the first cuckoo quest? I seem to recall forever. And in this case there is no way to actually just buy the breeders with CC's if no PF is available or used otherwise either. If we got to mill it ourselves, give us a faster mill...

    I just read that someone else really is rather producing feed instead of PF because it relates to a nice amount of CC's in his In-Game Market. I think he mentioned that he actually just buys PF and uses the Mill rather to earn some CC's.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2014
    abubadi66 likes this.
  17. JanB50

    JanB50 Forum Apprentice

    I love the queue idea and the mill increases on the tree. If you count the upcoming breeding event, I think it's been 9 months since we had a baby boom without a breeding quest. I don't know how people are supposed to work on the original quests without a boatload of real money. I don't breed unless it's a baby boom since it takes so much power feed.
    abubadi66 and puppiesnponies like this.
  18. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    People who buy PF or who have paid subscriptions don't necessarily worry about constantly milling PF, but that is individual and debatable.

    I agree with the need, but BP seems to want the pressure to get more people to buy PF right now. I suspect it will come down to whether they feel they are losing more people who pay by pushing the breeding or through offering more PF free.

    Also, many of these things are more difficult earlier on, but then later are easy. That side is an issue as well. If the game loses its challenge, then people lose interest. It is a balancing act, and not an easy one.

    I think posting here helps, but it doesn't pay to be frustrated if the requests are not met, that is all I am saying.
    Sweet_Cassiopeia and -Mir85- like this.
  19. msmeow

    msmeow Junior Expert

    Offerings of tasty treats of your choice@woody because I intend no harm.
    I may be misunderstanding you, but no one is asking for anything free regarding PF, it costs farmers time and crops, and believe me if I really, really want something, I will pay for PF when it is on sale.
    Not trying to be controversial, but not sure how this would make the game lose its challenge as you suggest?
    Of course it is a balancing act and so far BP is not doing too badly.
    I for one am never expecting anything, but I also figure it does no harm to ask;)
    Happy Winter Farming!
    abubadi66 likes this.