Feedback: Chili Weather - A Chili Day

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by teddy.bear, Oct 7, 2014.

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  1. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I applaud the effort here. Its hard to balance meeting demands of higher level players and not frustrating the lower level players. Obviously, no one event is going to please everyone.

    I think the heavy emphasis on powerfeed is misplaced. I realize it is designed to "encourage" people to buy it outright, but I think you need to ask if you are better off getting a few large payments from a few players or smaller amounts from a wider base. Anyway, that discussion probably belongs in the more general feedback thread, so I will leave it there.
    vlady, belindamotion1, baw815 and 2 others like this.
  2. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I applaud and appreciate the Game Team recognizing that login issues have interrupted the progress of the event and therefore, have extended it a full day. Thank you...
    vlady, heidels, julie1013 and 2 others like this.
  3. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    vlady likes this.
  4. Cassie101

    Cassie101 Emperor of the Forum

    I am so disappointed in this quest. The first Baharama Cloud - I was really pleased to see that but the amounts of breeding animals you have to put in is ridiculous. This is the worst quest I have seen.:(:(:(
    vlady likes this.
  5. omadon

    omadon Junior Expert

    Finally a quest that peaked my interest, and worth of the effort. :inlove:

    - Of course, Baha EP cloud row, tied up to the level - higher the level, more the gain
    - on 2nd stage we get machinery, on 3rd Carrot Apple Chutney - nice help to get more crop with less waste of time

    - only breeding animals required, in event which is placed between 2 breeding quest (Cuckoo before, and Donkey after)
    although all of them are "brown" it still require to: have them in advance, pay a lot of money, or spend resources
    vlady and -Mir85- like this.
  6. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    A very challenging Quest that provided me a lot of fun strategizing.
    The Cloud Row, 6 CACs, 4 'Wonder' Stables were very desirable for Rewards.

    With all the Breeding Animals required in the Diamond slot it would have been adventageous to have had either a BBD or a Power Feed mini-sale this week and next. The Voice said in "Field of Dreams"... If you build it, they will come. Farmers would have bought PF both weeks I am sure.
    vlady, julie1013, baw815 and 3 others like this.
  7. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    I really liked this event!!!!:D It had a little bit of everything....existing crops, breeding animals, event crops, drops, and a mill product. The rewards were worth the effort and resources. The best prize of course, was the cloud row with BEP!!!

    We were given a day's notice of I bred necessary brown colored animals and grew garlic a day before.....then realized I didn't need to do all the steps to get the cloud row. Thanks to Mir for pointing this out!
    The huge additional benefit......I got to sell brown cows at ridiculously high prices and make tons of cc's!!!!:p

    The only aspect of this event that I wasn't thrilled with, was the 8 hour crops....not a big fan of those.
    All in all, best event in a very long time!!! Thanks BP!;)
    vlady, tigerlily518, omadon and 2 others like this.
  8. heidels

    heidels Active Author

    The Good: Over all, a challenging event that was fun to strategize and worth the effort. Thank you for listening to your players and including a BEP-related item as a reward! Keep those coming, please! :inlove::inlove::inlove: Without that as a prize, I would have sat this event out. The "wonder" this or that isn't as appealing as they used to be at higher levels. It was the BEP Cloud Row that got me excited to participate. The compensation for login issues was apt, the 8 hour crop works well for me in RL. Well done!

    This could have been an annoyingly power feed-heavy event if one chose to breed all the necessary animals. Higher level players mostly have the option of buying them on the market or breeding them, except those that regularly keep those lower level breeding animals on hand. I would imagine this is a minority, looking at the market. I agree with Brookeham, the fact that these requirements were high and surprising created a market dynamic which ultimately added to my enjoyment of event (I wasn't sure at first :oops:). I did have fun mostly buying what I needed for the quest and then using the current market stir-up to make back all the coins I spent in the first place purchasing the breeding stock I was low on (all of them except the pigs, naturally). I think in this regard it was a fun added challenge that required a bit of market dealing, which adds to the variety. This aspect is good.

    I like milling a required quest item; in this case, another mill subscription sale should have been offered after the event was announced. More on this below.

    The Not-So-Good: If one chose to breed all necessary breeding animals (or had no choice due to CC levels), then having this event between Cuckoo breeding and Donkey breeding event coming in 2 weeks I think is not the best decision on BP's part. There may be a smaller number of players that will do all of these events, but I think for the vast majority they will choose - one or two at max. I don't think it's likely to result in a huge surge of PF purchasing (if it does - color me wrong and I guess we will find out with future event schedules). The PF rewards in the quest were insufficient for this aspect.

    I think you are still trying to balance your need to make money on this game, which is of course expected and needed for the game to continue, and what would appear to players as a blatant money grab...which I don't think anyone really appreciates. I expect to support the game with RL money sometimes. It is part of my entertainment, and that is a budget item. Being asked to do it with in increasingly frequent amounts and intervals does get annoying and I dislike it on principal. I think players will continue to become fatigued with this type of approach. The number of breeding animals requested without any kind of PF sale or BBD, was out of hand. If no PF sale or BBD was offered along with this event, it would have been more reasonable to ask for less animals.

    If you were to require a very long milling time, why would you not offer a mill subscription sale? Hoping that players will buy now because they have to or in the future "just in case?" at a regular enough interval? Such a sale made under a degree of duress is surely to leave a sour taste, is it not? o_O There must be some aspect I am not considering, because it doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

    Overall, I really enjoyed this event. I think it is a perfect type to mix in periodically to keep the higher level players engaged and entertained, and challenged. Well done!
    LadyDell, vlady, crzyjoyce and 5 others like this.
  9. Skook73

    Skook73 Forum Apprentice

    Any event that requires breeding animals should also host a baby boom!
    I also think that the rewards should have been in Baha points rather than regular EP.

    Thanks for listening! 8)
    vlady and farmerumf like this.
  10. belindamotion

    belindamotion Junior Expert

    What can I add..:p...I loved the Event just as much as the majority of posts above...:)..Lovely to have a BEP Prize Event, although I too did not appreciate the "breeding" scheduled outside of BBM...not when we have an reoccurring Cuckoo Event and the odd new Breeding animal thrown at us every now and then..:oops:..If this is going to be a "trend" with future BEP Prize Events then I shall have to sit them out if they are going to take place outside of BBM...:oops: I will however consider it, if, the amount asked be something like 10 each per different animal.. @+- 40,000 a pop a higher Level player can still make CC's on the Market and a lower Level player like me won't go into instant combustion when faced with the amount of PF needed if CC's are low...:p:oops:..I would love to see more BEP Prize related Events but please don't beat the Cloud Row to about Prizes that reduces Island Crops...a "Tiki Timer" that reduces Island Flower or Island Grains..? There is more than one way to peel a banana..:music: We definitely need more Island orientated Events as it's obvious that BP is not going to give us any GB in any shape or form...:(
    vlady, JJenks and farmerumf like this.
  11. Dienstag

    Dienstag Exceptional Talent

    This event is sure a surprise.
    I think like a lot of farmers it is interesting. I like the variety of this event and that we really have to think, what and how we are doing it. The Baha cloud row made me finally open up the cloud at all.
    This is the 2nd event with breeding animals since I play. Thanks for putting them in the diamond section and not in silver, like the 1st one. But the requierements are to high (breeding animals and event crop, since it is 8 hours). The milling also takes to long. It would have been nice to put BBD in the middle of this event. The breeding is to close to coocko and donkeys. Maybe you can lower the production time of powerfeed???? That would be really great and make everybody happy.
    Thanks for extending the event.
    8 hour helpers are okay, we just have to plan them carefully. Meaning being able to harvest, seed, water and be on time to harvest again. But coupons are still better.

    Lower levels just can't do every thing. Every high level started low and wasn't able to complete events, due to much requierments or crops/animals they haven't reached yet. I was one of them. At some point you are able. So, just keep working on it. Highschool isn't finished from K to 12 in 2 years. Be patient.
    vlady likes this.
  12. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    I really enjoyed this event!! Had all my crops Friday night, bred what chickens and cocoas I needed, panicked a little at the beginning of event and bought 20 br pigs not realizing they would go down in price. Since I am the farmer who likes to fill the quest all at once, I waited until my sauce was all done this morning and completed all but one task. Got my first round of BEP points! Can I get a WHOO-HOO xDxD I am not completing the br cow level bc I have had too much disappointment with the seedlings so decided to save my precious PF for the Donkeys ;):p
    vlady and -Mir85- like this.
  13. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I am posting again, rather than just editing my prior comment because I have revised my opinion based partly on the above comments, plus my experience. I think this event really grows on one. I went after the party ticket and the secret seedlings, but was disappointed by their returns. I was more excited about the power feed on than the party tickets. Then I hit wonder stables and got what I think is a decent return.. a rooster and dove unit. (stork, too, but already had one, so not so excited about that).

    I am still working toward the magic stalk row. I cannot see the benefit, but am taking the word of all the many higher level posters that it is a good deal.

    That said, the really BIG bonus for this event was selling the breeding animals. I am quite happy with my returns in that regard!
    julie1013 and vlady like this.
  14. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    I Enjoyed This Event Very Much as The FAQ for This Event went in my Favour as I am a Hoarder with very health Barn plus Millions of Hard Earned CC. IF you spend more time in the markets to hoard things that eventually can make you lots of CC in my case it did.

    For Newbies BigPoint Tends to Bring Breeding Animals into Event Quest this time of year, Also Events is more aimed at higher level Farmers this time of year too. This had been very Challenging Event, Something Different to other events with the amount of Breeding Animals Required is Certainly Push up Prices of Chickens, Rabbits and Cows in my Market, Made lots of cc growing and selling surplus stock of cows. Which is a Bonus. Also sold a lot of Surplus Breeding Animals too Again Another Bonus.

    I am please that we got Better rewards such as 6 x CAC and 6 x SWJ plus 4 x Wonder Boxes, 4 x Party Spins (Won a Loading Flower xD) Plus A Another Cloud Row to Give Bahm EP which is very useful to Me. It been a while an Event to Give Us rewards that is really Rewarding.

    This Event also effected the prices of CAC and SWJ in the markets, For Those use these buffs often they can find bargain buys in the market to but used save using Sugar to make these Crafts too. Or Can Be Sold for Profit when the prices starts to climb aswell So That helps too.

    Unfortunately This event had forced many farmers to use Power Feeds to get the remaining Breeding Animals that is needed to be able to unlock the Cloud Row and the 3 EP Giving Items too That they did not have stock of do to the fact When Breeding the Needy Roasters and Brown Breeding Animals many 2nd level Breeding animals that wasnt required for this Event Was Sold Cheaply in the Markets so I snap up My Bargain Buys of them for My Breeding Quests

    Not had much Luck with Wonder Boxes But Overall very please and Enjoyed this Event very MuchxD
    vlady and julie1013 like this.
  15. Mar_Bear

    Mar_Bear Regular

    I liked this event as i like the mixed events and the story was cute and right in line with the weather we have been having and having to have level 1 breeding animals was different.I also like the setup of the FS quest. What I didnt like is the amount required of the level 1 breeding animals was a bit extreme especial for the prizes that were involved. 4 Baha seedling for 30 brown cows (plus the other requirements) that were selling for at minimum of 35000 in my market. That is if you were fast enough to get them for that. Seems a little steep to me as that is over a million CC's. You dont even have a chance to get a tree that you really need as if you dont have the statue open you cant get the tree and most are not going to open the statue and not get the tree. Then there is the fact that we just had the cuckoo breeding event and at the end of this event will have yet another breeding event the donkey. So not only does the CC's go all the power feed too to get the other 3 level 1 breeding animals for the event. True you dont have to complete the whole event but who wants half a cloud row?? As far as it wasnt fair to the lower level players, I disagree. It is true that this event was geared at the higher level players but the first quest (silver) of each level was designed for the lower level players so that they would not feel left out. Which i think was great. Matter of fact the silver quest totals are: 4370 habaneros and 195 vinegar to get 21570 CC's and 53700 EP. Pretty good if you are a low level player. Lower level players are just that and should not have "free accesses" to things just so that they could do the whole event. Once in a while to give them something extra is fine because they need that boost to keep them going but not every event every time. That's what you get for playing a long time, working hard and becoming a higher level player. That's why you keep playing and striving for the next level. What good does it do to become a high level player if you dont have any perks. If you try to equal it out and make it easy for everyone there will be no more challenges and everyone will get bored with the game and stop playing. Nobody wants that.
    PS As a suggestion you could have an event geared toward low level players and put it in between 2 events that are aimed at the higher level players. This is so that maybe they can have a break to replenish stock or even attend to RL. That may make a lot of people happy as both higher level and lower levels get events then that are tailored to them that are both challenging and rewarding and then there is a time for a break for the medium and higher level players if they want it.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2014
    farmerumf and Brookeham like this.
  16. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I didn't like all these breeding animals that we had to give. They cost me millions.
    It was more difficult than the other events because of these breeding animals.
    When I was reading the Producer's newsletter and they were saying that more difficult events will come for more advanced players, I think this chili event is the begging of difficult events.
  17. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Thank you all for your feedback !

    ~ closing thread ~
    penguilnz likes this.
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