Orange donkey stalls worth it?

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by -Mir85-, Oct 15, 2014.

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  1. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Are the orange donkey stalls and workshops worth it?

    Below is a table showing how long the different stalls and upgrades take (with water and runes):

    EPOutput -Time
    851Donkey stable12:00
    2401Cookware forge25:55
    With the orange ones I would very rarely be able to harvest them twice a day.
    • For the workshop I would then rather go for the yellow (harvest once a day) or the red (harvest 1,5 times a day).
    • For the donkey stable I still think the orange is better than the yellow, since it gives 2 animals and some days I will be able to harvest it twice. But the red is even better.
    I am considering two options: Skipping the short time quest and work towards getting the two red upgrades, or do the event and try to get some better upgrades later.

    I would really like to hear your opinions (but please note that I do want some upgrades ;)).

    I must admit that the red workshop upgrade is my favorite :inlove: I think I want it no matter what :p
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2014
  2. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I don't think orange donkey stall is worth all these PF. It gives 2 donkeys but personally I won't do this event.

    I read the FAQ and there isn't a pink donkey stable. Usually is there, isn't it? or there are pink rewards only in cuckoos events?:oops:
  3. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    No the pink stables are only in the cuckoo events. The new breeding animal quests have usually been like this, BUT there used to be two orange stall upgrades. They removed one of them last time with the bees :( I am quite annoyed by that -.-
    spotsbox, Arielh and baw815 like this.
  4. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Mir - your chart shows the pink workshop takes only 1:55. Certainly, I like the reds for the reasons you cite above. If you use buffs, you can reduce the time further than the rune + water. I had a hard time getting the pandas to make a red stable/workshop and my CC balance is not sufficient to buy them at inflated prices as they are when first introduced. If my PF holds out enough to get an orange, I will be happy with that. If I am lucky enough with the skips to be able to make a red pen/workshop, come visit me at the zoo because I will have gone cuckoo! xD
    spotsbox, illy1996, baw815 and 3 others like this.
  5. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Thanks pnp, I have corrected the table :D (Although 1:55 would be great :pxD)

    I have to consider get a system for using these buffs. Now I use valentines pot when I have extra stables out. Church bouquet sometimes when I remember. I have to make some calculations first and I have been putting it off for some time :wuerg: (actually I like making calculations, anyone noticed that? :p)

    Although prices are often inflated at first, you can sometimes make a bargain as well. I did build a red panda stall during that event. Bought a couple of sushi pandas, not at bargain prices though :music:xDxD

    I will definitely visit you :D But maybe not in the zoo, wouldn't the clouds be more appropriate (maybe close to the baha cloud row?) ;):p:):)
    illy1996 likes this.
  6. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst


    In what I call my "animal days", I typically combine the 5% reduction enabled by the Easter cloud row with 1 cheeseball (-5%) and 1 Valentine's Pot (-10%); it's the cheapest combination -I generally leave trees everywhere but, especially, in Baha where I also leave some squares for crops at night (those that otherwise would be inefficiently used up by short time pens); hence, I complete the set with 1 PAC to further enhance results from the Island-. On a donkey ClassicII pen the net resulting "growth" time is, then, 05:12 (10:12 with nothing, 119 EPs). ClassicIIs are my favourite for these longer "growth" time animals.

    I think you already know my opinion: I wouldn't invest in red pens until the market tells if it's convenient or not. But I neither ask nor expect anyone to see things as I do.
    illy1996 likes this.
  7. CaliChrome

    CaliChrome Forum Baron

    Okay, I got bored so I did some tallying. (I could be wrong on some, feel free to correct.)

    If you are going after the Orange Stable and do not want to spend 290 BBs to purchase it, doing the short time intro quest just the minimum has the following:

    396 Donkeys total 252 PF
    75400 EP total 35100 CC total 10 PF total 20 Donkey 10 Donkey feed
    2 Pink Jelly 1 XL Toolbox 2 Helper Coupon 3 hr Orange Donkey Stable

    This does not include the time involved or the costs of any products or craft trade items used to speed up breeding.
    illy1996 likes this.
  8. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    Well since you put it that way, Mir...

    Now you've got me rethinking my plan. That chart is really helpful for looking at the numbers. The orange pens are not really going to help me much with my playing style.

    Like a good little drone I'll probably do the quest anyway. :D :D :D
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2014
    illy1996, -Mir85- and baw815 like this.
  9. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    On the other hand if someone wants just an Orange Donkey Pen from this Quest.
    They will need 7 Wild, 7 Pack and 4 Poitu's.

    As per Mir's suggestion that if one wants the Orange Workshop:
    Add 3 Opera Donkeys to the minimum needed.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2014
    illy1996 likes this.
  10. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    How to Have Ahead Start Towards Specter of The Opera

    • Unlock Donkey Breeding Pack Rune (Requires 60 Stars)
    • Gives You 20 Donkeys (Used Towards Breeding Quests, Or Sold Back to the Markets for CC)
    • Gives You 20 Phermones (Can be used to Speed Up Breeding Time or Sold back to the Market for CC)
    • Gives You 10 Power Feeds (To be Used Towards Donkey Breeding)

    • Unlock Donkey King Rune (Gives you 1 Donkey Kind for 55 Stars)
    • I recommend to sell this Back to the Market for 400,000 to 500,000 CC Asap, before Prices Starts to Fall
    • Use The Proceeds Selling The Donkey King to Buy any Opera Donkeys, Poitou Donkeys or Pack Donkeys
    • Buying These Breeding Donkeys Save you all those Donkeys and Power Feeds Requirements That it Takes to Acquire Them

    • If you have Lots of CC at your Disposal, Try to Acquire
    • 7 Wild Donkeys
    • 7 Pack Burros
    • 4 Poitou Donkeys
    • 3 Opera Donkeys
    • Once They Become Available From Donkey Breeding Markets, But you Need to Be Quick as Possible
    For Those Who Want the Donkey Stable II: Orange it is not worth Buying it from the stores for 290BB.

    • You can Buy Large Bundle of Power Feeds in Power Feeds Sale for 249BB you get 375 Power Feeds
    • Do The Donkey Breeding During Baby Boom Event Which Will Start either 17th/18th October
    • Ensure you have Baby Boom Rune Unlocked
    • Feel Lucky and Get Lovely Skips The Luckier you get with skips The More Power Feeds you saved that you would have spent on Donkey Breeding
    • All These Power Feeds you Saved can goes towards the Donkey Breeding Quest
    • During Baby Boom you will be getting lots of surplus donkeys 40 Donkeys are Needed to Do Level 1 and Level 3 of Donkey Breeding Quest
    • Any Others Surplus Donkeys can be used for further Donkey Breeding, Required to Make Donkey Production Pens, To Complete Bahm Farm House Orders or Sell back to the Market for Needy CC
    • Complete Specter of the Opera Quest
    • Level 1 - Silver = 3 Wild Donkeys
    • Level 2 - Silver = 4 Wild Donkeys
    • Level 3 - Silver = 3 Pack Burros
    • Level 4 - Silver = 4 Pack Burros
    • Level 5 - Silver = 2 Poitou Donkeys
    • Level 5 - Gold = 2 Poitou Donkeys

    For Those Who Want Cookware Forge II: Orange

    • To Be Able to use this Production Pen, you need to get a Basic Cookware Forge Donkey Production Pen First !!!
    • These New Donkey Cookware Forge Requires a New Tool Drop Item (Scrap Metal) Each Production Pen Requires
    • 5 Scrap Metal Drop Items, 25 Hammers,550 Woods,800 Nails and 1 Hand Woven Basket
    • Completing Specter of The Opera Level 6 Diamond you have saved these Tools so you have ahead start to make a Basic Cookware Forge Donkey Production Pen so you are able to use this upgrade
      • Complete Specter of the Opera Quest
      • Level 1 - Silver = 3 Wild Donkeys
      • Level 2 - Silver = 4 Wild Donkeys
      • Level 3 - Silver = 3 Pack Burros
      • Level 4 - Silver = 4 Pack Burros
      • Level 5 - Silver = 2 Poitou Donkeys
      • Level 5 - Gold = 2 Poitou Donkeys
      • Level 6 - Silver = 1 Opera Donkey
      • Level 6 - Gold = 1 Opera Donkey
      • Level 6 - Diamond = 1 Opera Donkey

    Completing Specter of The Opera Rewards

    • Level 1 (Silver.Gold & Diamond) Refunds you with 30 Power Feeds and 75 Phermones
    • Level 3 (Silver, Gold & Diamond) Refunds you with 30 Power Feeds and 3 XL Toolboxes as you might get some Scrap Metal helps you towards Making Donkey Base Production Pen
    • So in Total you get Back 60 Power Feeds which Helps you Further Donkey Breeding with this Quest to get other needy things
    • Or These 60 Power Feeds goes Towards Your Donkey Breeding Quest
    I have always Done a Combination of Doing Prior New Breeding Quest is to;

    • Unlock The New Breeding Pack using Stars
    • Unlock The New Level 5 Breeding Animal using Stars
    • Stock Up at least 1000 Base Animals Ready for Breeding
    • Start on New Breeding Animals using Breeding Motels When Baby Boom Event is Running !!!
    • Before and During Baby Boom Event Try and Buy as Many Cheap New Breeding Animals as you can from the markets to Help Towards Completing Both Breeding Quests
    • With This Combination I Do save Myself a lot of Power Feeds, But you have to bear in mind how lucky you get with the skips
    • CC Making Tip Buy New Breeding Donkeys Animals as cheap as you can hold onto them until the last day of Specter of the Opera then sell them for Profit ( Only Opera Donkeys,Poitou Donkeys and Pack Burros )
    spotsbox, illy1996, Brookeham and 3 others like this.
  11. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Aluntino, I do know your opinion, and you are of course right :D but for me a lot of the fun in the game is to get those upgrades :p maybe I will become more reasonable with time xD I have changed my playing style a lot since I started ;) But I will not change it more until I want to :)

    The calculations I want to do for buffs is for the stalls and workshops I keep out permanently, to see if I can get more harvests in.

    CaliChrome, during baby boom day (will not breed otherwise) the power feed cost will be much lower :) I can usually do the whole short time quest with 200 power feed :)

    Suzee :D Fortunately I don't suffer from FOCD :p (yet:oops:)

    Banjo, not sure I would do the quest for the orange stall upgrade and not for the workshop upgrade, then I might just as well build it myself with 4 poitou's :)

    Mooboy, thank you :) I will consider your post later, I don't have time to read it in detail now. But I must say I was happy to learn that you are Ajjg (why didn't you introduce yourself?) :D When the new forum came I missed the triple A's (always to the rescue ;)) Ajjg, Aluntino and Arq :) Aluntino {waves to him up there} and Arq showed up after a while and now I know you are here too :D
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2014
  12. CaliChrome

    CaliChrome Forum Baron

    Yes, Mir, I understand that a Baby Boom will make it easier. I just wanted to put up the reason why one should wait until a Baby Boom in which to attempt this event. (Unless one is the founder of a major software company and has billions of real life money to spend. :p)
    illy1996 likes this.
  13. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    If someone wants only the orange donkey stable in the workshop it can be made with some tools and 4 Poitou
    illy1996 likes this.
  14. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    As I was laying in bed trying to sleep...

    I realized another reason for doing the quest and getting the upgrades is more EP per harvest. AND lack of scrap metal for building upgrades. I think I used up most of my toolboxes during the panda event.
    -poppyseed- and illy1996 like this.
  15. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Suzee, I might have misread your post earlier :oops: I am glad you found the table useful and found reasons to do the event, I hope you will have fun with it :D

    CaliChrome, then we agree :D I am glad :)

    Mooboy, lots of good advice! Thank you :D Unfortunately I don't have extra stars to spend on breeding animals. I am searching the market for breeding donkeys. I have managed to get a few, but there are very few offers, and one has to be very quick to get them.

    I have at least decided not to build any workshop upgrades yet. I will use my scrap metal for basic forges first, but at some point I do want the red upgrade :inlove: I have not decided what to do with the stall upgrades nor with the quest. I think it will depend on how many cheap colored donkeys I can get from the market, and what the skips are like when BBD starts.

    Good luck too all, whatever you choose to do :)
    CaliChrome and BlackCaviar like this.
  16. CaliChrome

    CaliChrome Forum Baron

    Yes, Mir, No BBD, no event for me. Maybe not even with a BBD. o_O
  17. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    BBD has been announced to start Fri.
  18. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    Thanks SuzeeRabbit.
  19. dnin21cent

    dnin21cent Forum Baron

    since I had two dondey Classic II pen, orange pen look not strong attractive to me.
    for orange workshop, I do love to have one. But...get them from donkey Opera quest
    look a bit trouble since I'm low on PF.
    So, I open 4or 5 XXL toolbox to get 5 scrap metal & build my 1st donkey workshop.
    I still got some quest's toolbox reward remain. They will be hold for future.
    You know, BP will keep introduce new tools for new workshop.
    Arielh likes this.
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