MM & Jack's Back permanent quest

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by -Mir85-, Oct 23, 2014.

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  1. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    Well, we're on the same boat, Mir, provided it's understood as a given that what's "right" is always relative to one's own truth/needs/objectives, at least as far as this game is concerned; it's also true in life, in general, with the essential exception of right/wrong related to good/evil, an area where no many shades of grey are admitted. That's why I always underline that what's right for me not necessarily is so for others, leading to the non-existence of universally valid right/wrongs. And that's also why I prefer to speak in terms of better/worse (in one word, efficiency), also subject to one's own truth/needs/objectives, rather than right/wrong. It transfers the centre of gravity from the matter to the individual, who can be as whimsical as s/he pleases, and that's absolutely OK.
    Arielh, -Mir85- and msmeow like this.
  2. msmeow

    msmeow Junior Expert

    Aluntino said, "It transfers the centre of gravity from the matter to the individual, who can be as whimsical as s/he pleases, and that's absolutely OK."

    Thanks for that last part, since I love reading the strategies all have so kindly offered. But, I can only occasionally implement due to my more Madcap whimsical tendencies. :music:

    The Magical Stalk thing seems to be better suited to the lovely logical and efficient. I don't even understand if it is worth it to me to open on the tree, since as a new player, I seem not to be able to acquire the "lower level stalk/items"which appear to give extra bonus thingies etc.
    Correct me if I am wrong about that perception.
    Magical Stalk/Cloud items are a little to high maintenance for my enjoyment at the moment. Although I am happy to put anything I can in my very bare little park! As a "level 43 player" on Baha it is all still very mysterious and a bit spooky;) Perhaps we need a "special FAQ" on the these matters?

    Good luck to all of you on your goals and dreams in game and in RL especially.

  3. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I think we agree completely Aluntino :D I should perhaps have been clearer, but when I talk about right, I mean getting the facts and numbers right. What you then decide based on those facts and numbers has nothing to do with right or wrong :) You may even choose not to bother with the numbers :eek: if that's what you want :)

    CJ, unfortunately the cloud row doesn't affect the Halloween event crops :( I asked in general issues.

    Thank you :inlove:
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2014
  4. dnin21cent

    dnin21cent Forum Baron

    fall asleep & left my MF with full field monster pumpkins till morning :eek:
    Whole night loss ! :cry:

    Still working towards my cerberus, however just find something would like to share or you
    may discover it already ;)

    The MM timer , Whenever you click on it, It will immed bring you bring to yr MF, with MM
    activiate , It's very useful when you are on island side, you don't need to click few times
    on farm map to go back main farm, sometimes I just click too fast to let me run between
    island & pier before I could finally leave the islandxD
  5. -poppyseed-

    -poppyseed- Forum Connoisseur

    Thanks DN, I hadn't noticed that trick. You just saved me sooo many clicks!:inlove:
    -Mir85- likes this.
  6. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    That Cool Tip Dnin21cent saved me many clicks too.....I am still ahead of Schedule to Get The Spook Row, as only need to get Three Ep Givers from Jack Shop as I already got Spooky Spider and Skull Candle in my Barn, just Taken it out of my self Made Halloween Cloud Row.8)

    I Agree with Aluntino it not make sense to Activate the Cloud Row, all the time as CERBEROS, is the Only Spooky EP Giver than Gives Bahm EP....The Best Spooky Giver so Far By Big Point Hopefully we will be getting more of them :music:

    I am trying to work out if I can Squeeze in to be able to make another CERBEROS to be left in Ship Wreck permanent. Use the other one for cloud row only when MM Event had Started, The Dracula Bunny, Skull Candle, Cauldren Cat and Spooky Spider can stay in the cloud as they are not much use elsewhere !!!

    I have been Meaning to finish of Clean for Spell Quest, that have to wait now the remaining rewards are not that appealling to me, as I have already unlocked the Most Rewarding ones. The Next MM I Aim to get other worthy rewards, which I wont be able to do, Just unlock the cloud row with Minimal Spooky Crops Method Skipping all of the Gold and Diamonds Levels except for the Last Level.;)
    heidels likes this.
  7. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    I've been working on the "Clean for a Spell" quest rather half halfheartedly, because of RL. A few months ago I decided to just stock up on MM crops JIC I needed them this month. Glad I did that. I have most of "Clean Spell" quest done. I saw the cloud row a couple of times and wondered about it. I'm sure I knew about it when it was first introduced. But can't tell you how surprised I was to see it mentioned here! LOL! I don't have any of the givers for that cloud so will need to get them too. *sigh* Abandoning that focus for now.

    So I'm switching over to Jack's Back. ( I do like his back better than his front... lol ) Been super busy this week and now sick from exhaustion. Makes thinking straight more difficult than usual. I was laying in bed the night before thinking I need to do the usual seed start routine. Got up and RL was rearing it's ugly head. *sigh* So I too Thank You for the reminder about 2x2s, I'd forgotten. I used Suzie's magic dust and water. Waste of water since I knew I wouldn't be home for another 8h. So I missed most of the first 10-12h of event. So tired when I got home couldn't make sense of the FAQ or this thread so I just planted the new crops. I was sure I was going to need them. Been pretty much doing that the whole time.

    I really want that cloud row because... of the 10% for one thing. Plus...
    Between events I usually only log in once a day...
    14h = 450 = one day of farming for me. I have very few pets.
    1500 / 2 = 750 per day for me. Or more likely 1500 / 3 = 500 per day for me since even if I only have less than an hour for next reset, I logout and get on with RL.

    Started doing it first then... I realized I can't do anything with an empty cloud row. So I'm going for the givers first. Not sure I'll manage a single one this time but... c'est la vie! Then I have to worry about putting them in a Park and risk forgetting I have them or where they are OR leaving them in inventory. (First world problems... )
  8. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    A thought for those who may be wondering if they should use their new spooky crops now or not (after Cerberus, I mean):

    If someone is in desperate search for/need of scrap metals and has been able to produce enough of the needed crops, one option to consider is trying to get the cloud or, at least, reaching and completing L6G task (level 6 gold) in Jack's Back quest: this level has 1 XXL toolbox as a reward and L6D has 2 of them.

    I bet these toolboxes are to be more valuable now, when there's a specific tool shortage in place, than at any other moment MM may land, when those rare tools will no longer be badly needed.

    Since I'll be unable to do everything, after getting Cerberus, I'll aim at getting that L6G task done (I already have all silvers completed). After more than one full week since donkey breeding intro, I've received no, absolutely none, scrap metals from drops or gifted toolboxes (and only 1 in each of my 2 lower level farms). So, it's the right moment for me to get that XXL toolbox....
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2014
    -Mir85- likes this.
  9. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    I won't be able to get the Cerberus this time due to a family bereavement which means I'll be offline for a number of days. Will miss few days of the next event also...

  10. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    I'm so sorry Bhodho. You and your family will be in my thoughts.
    Bhodho, Banjoman and BlackCaviar like this.
  11. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I'm sorry Bhodho. Thoughts and prayers for you and your family during this difficult time.
    Bhodho, Banjoman and Puski96 like this.
  12. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    Condolences, Bhodho.
    Bhodho likes this.
  13. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    So sorry for you Bhodho.
    Bhodho and Puski96 like this.
  14. CJAT

    CJAT Forum Expert

    @Bhodho~ so sorry to hear about your loss! I will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers! {{hugs}}

    @Suzee ~ golly girl! I hope things slow down for you a bit now! Is there another thread where you have been talking about what has been going on with you recently? On the old forum I would know to drop by your Cancer Awareness thread ~ but I don't think there is a new one of that here... :eek: (yet??)

    I understand about being tired and busy... there have been times where I have been so tired at night that I haven't even farmed. I just left whatever was in my fields and have taken care of it in the morning! We care for you! Remember to get the rest you need... your health is more important than the farm... {{hugs}}

    Aluntino ~ This post of yours was really hard for me to sort through ~ I had to read it a couple of times to really understand what you were saying! :) I have a lot of respect for you and it took me a while to understand what you were getting at. I agree there is a responsibility that we all have in response of choosing to do good versus evil. (bright blue text) And I like how you then switched to farm strategy... how each person chooses a strategy that works best for them... and that there is no right or wrong way to farm (dark blue text). I will happily admit that I really like the freedom of being whimsical when I play ~ it is so nice to have the freedom to be utterly and completely non-logical in some farming decisions! (Like having all my pretty cloud rows as I don't want to put the effort/math into deciding to grey or not!)
    Well, at the rate I am going, I will definitely have Cerebus... not sure of anything else. (I am okay with the idea that the cloud row will have to wait).

    Has anyone figured out the best EP givers needed for the cloud row so if I have time, I can strategically plant crops for the other cloud givers and gather some EP while I wait for next month's MM...
    Banjoman likes this.
  15. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst


    I thought I was clear enough but, evidently, I wasn't. I think now you've already understood it.

    Just to be clear: what I meant is that, though right/wrong is relative in both this game and, more generally, in almost all areas of life (relative to what one wants to do, achieve, etc.), there is one area where right/wrong is not relative at all: whatever is evil is always wrong and vice versa, even if there are good things that, in excess, become evil; in this last case, the evil resides in the excess, even if the good thing remains so by itself.

    And people play this game for the most ample variety of reasons, every single reason coming along with its own set of right/wrongs... They can't be defined by anyone else.
    Banjoman likes this.
  16. crzyjoyce

    crzyjoyce Forum Expert

    Not looking like i will get any of them this time... oh well. I have a question, has anyone else noticed in market certain players are listing several pages of poo in lots of 600 during every event where poo could help ? ( personally I think it is ridiculous to do this kind of thing, it helps no one.) looks like i will from now on keep meadow going with animals so as not to have to deal with this inconsiderate garbage in market.
  17. CJAT

    CJAT Forum Expert

    Hi sweet joyce!

    Did you notice we have been given more spooky crop growing time??? :D

    As for manure.. We had a good discussion going on that very topic... Stop sale of more than 300 units of manure in market. It's a very interesting conversation that shows both sides of the coin".

    In the meanwhile, perhaps you can grow chickens and parrots on your other fields to gain your own supply, or even take advantage of the high prices of manure and sell it? (It is selling for 136 ea on my market)

    I am so happy to have extra time... I was going to have to use super-grow just to get Cerebus (actually did use super-grow lol!) :music:

    @Aluntino ~ I totally understand what you are saying! Especially about the concept of excesses. I've heard something similar, but more focussed on balance.

    I struggle to find the right words, but in life, there are choices we make. How there is a "sweet spot" in the middle of not being too excessive one way or too excessive another way. Maybe I can explain this further another time, but I need to get off the forum so I can get ready for my day... (Which provides a perfect example lol!)

    For me, staying on right now and continuing to type would be a great example of me getting me stuck in the "excesses" of too much forum time, and as a result not getting enough church-prep time. Which for me, would be not be a wise choice...
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2014
    Banjoman and -Mir85- like this.
  18. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    I'm glad they've extended the MM thing -I was even almost sure they would, given today is a Sunday-. I was right on track to get both Cerberus and L6SG (with the XXL toolbox) by the original deadline. But I could have saved some 13 SGs and 25 Suzy's sprays if they had told us yesterday.... This idea they have about the nice surprises....

    Well, now, then, I'll have it all done today, the complete thing. I'm pretty close to.
  19. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    Well now, this makes the morning coffee taste better!
    I think I will be able to complete (or be that much closer) the Clean for a Spell Quest and get a Cloud Row that way.
    Cerberus is just going to have to wait until the next MM.
    JJenks likes this.
  20. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I have Cerberus! He will help my island while I continue to work on the cloud row and other EP givers. It won't happen this MM even with the extension but it will help get a little closer. I don't normally have trouble with event drops anymore so I will grow spooky crops on the main field all the way up until the end. The other fields will have to be good enough for event drops for tomorrow's first morning harvest.
    baw815, Aluntino, JJenks and 2 others like this.
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