Halloween 2014 Strategies.

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by -Niknar-, Oct 25, 2014.

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  1. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I have decided to give it a go on my 2nd farm. The first 2 days I just grew chickens and sold manure. I do like the sweet house and also wish for 2. I am getting a late start (yesterday) but hope I can still get it done. Is it possible? I hope I have not waited too long....

    A red forge! Congrats!
    Puski96, heidels, steph2014 and 3 others like this.
  2. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    JJenks - peee yew:wuerg:.....what is that smell???? Congrats on the red forge!!! :D

    I just finished this morning....I can't believe it took me this long...but I've been very busy....and maybe didn't harvest as regularly as I should have.:p
    good luck pnp....and all the rest still pressing on to finish!!!;)
    Puski96, heidels, BlackCaviar and 2 others like this.
  3. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    Comment on Haunted Sweets, for those who may still be wondering what to do with (and of) it but still wonder how to optimize its use:

    It's true that, if you put it in any field, including parks, you can get 2800 CCs/day at least.


    * if you put it in a park, the EPs you won't earn are both those 5000 EPs/day from the cloud row plus those of any other item(s) you might have placed there but you haven't; remember it takes 1 2x2-plot: huge;

    * if you put it in a non-barren land -all but parks-, again, it will take that 2x2-plot which will then be lost for producing other things whereas 35 2x2-plots planted with oats, just watered -no buffs-, would yield in 36 minutes as many oats as to enable you to get as many CCs in my market as those HS would yield in 20 hours (35 2x2-plots with oats, watered, have a time equivalent of 21 hs, if "stacked" in a single 2x2-plot; that is: HS can yield as many CCs if placed in a non-barren land as if you were planting that plot with oats in succession, watered, for 35 times = 21 hours); however, you can use that same plot more efficiently: for instance, using it to produce 1 koi fish in an orange pen, that takes more or less the same time if watered, but yields 1 koi fish, or 4K CCs (3K CCs net benefit) if sold in mkt; several other examples can be easily found.

    So, my suggestion is to get both HS and the cloud row and use it there. And, stretching the concept a bit further, to use it in a generic cloud row if you happen to fail to get the event's one.
    Puski96, Arielh, JJenks and 2 others like this.
  4. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    Thanks for all the input on "cloud row" or "not to cloud row" on the Haunted Sweets. I spend CCs almost like water and am patient for EPs so it is a real dilemma for me. I have room in the park so it is there at least until I earn the row.

    :cry: I want it both ways!
    Puski96 likes this.
  5. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    Only 13 more Ectoplasms to go... Oh wait a minute, I'm not playing this Quest!

    Just a reminder to get your Farming Contest and Country Fair to their highest possible percentage and get your Living Legend Rune to get your drops for Contests/Quests like these !!!
  6. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    Yeah I also got that Living Legend Rune and can see the instant difference :)

    Waiting till I can harvest my tree's and I am 100% done :)
    Just need like 80 drops which is a piece of cake.
    Puski96, SuzeeRabbit and Brookeham like this.
  7. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    I'm still working toward the workshop master rune. Then I will need all the stars for LL rune. It will be awhile. :(
    Puski96, steph2014 and CaliChrome like this.
  8. sunshineaz

    sunshineaz Forum Great Master

    I finally got the drops and finished my quest. Not sure why the drops were so slow since I have my trophies at 28 and have the LL rune. I put in leeks last night and did get some good drops.
  9. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    Finally got my last few ecto's I needed and completed the quest!! Could have finished last night but had to wait on those ecto's. Happy Halloween everyone! :D:D:D
    Puski96, Banjoman, heidels and 4 others like this.
  10. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Finished the event :D Cloud row is activated and wonder stables put out for the night :)

    Got the seedlings a couple of days ago, pistachio and xl dragon fruit :sleepy:
    steph2014, Puski96, Arielh and 6 others like this.
  11. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    I finished on my little farm, I couldn't figure out why I had more crops, then it hit me. Still need one more harvest on this farm. I have more pets on this farm, and I don't have shipwreck, so I leave them mostly on Baha for the EP. *headslap* xD :p xD

    Puski96, Arielh, Banjoman and 3 others like this.
  12. dnin21cent

    dnin21cent Forum Baron

    just woke up & harvest my glowshrooms. Got cloud row, working for final step.
    3826 glowshrooms, 1554 creepy creepers. It will be all done.
    Wonder why I finished this event much slow. compare with previous.
    Take a look round my farm. Oh, I haven't remove much of my land for this event.
    planting plot is only 2/3.... I'm relieved.
    Puski96, Arielh and Sweet_Cassiopeia like this.
  13. Dienstag

    Dienstag Exceptional Talent

    got a poinciana and pomegranate. Have them already but they are special. So I am okay with it. The stables still need some time.

    Now I have a dove, fox and eagle. Really nothing to complain about. Opposite, I am happy.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2014
  14. lovelyfarm1

    lovelyfarm1 Active Author

    Finished the event last night. Thank you so much to all who have sent me drops. I really appreciate them all. That's very kind of you all. :)

    Congrats to all who have finished and Good Luck to those who is still trying to complete the event. :);)

    Puski96, Arielh and BlackCaviar like this.
  15. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    Just making an update.

    Won't be on for the weekends and the event has been completed for me.
    I got my stables placed out and now hope I get something cool that I'll never use. :D

    I like tree's -.-

    I hope everyone gets a better drop rate while I'm gone.

    Good luck!
    Puski96 and Arielh like this.
  16. heidels

    heidels Active Author

    I finished last night with the last of the crops - had to wait on a few drops this afternoon. I donated everything at once. Pens are out for the evening and trees are almost ready. I have no high expectations for either per usual, -.-, but I do hope to be pleasantly surprised!

    On a brighter note, I did just put everything in it's happy cloud row place, very pleased about the EP!:D That Freddy Bear is just too stinking cute. :inlove:

    Good luck to everyone still working!

    JJenks, you have given me new hope for my stables! :music:

    Edit 2: Seedlings XL Mango and Starfruit tree. Stables Hamster, Orange Duck, Crow Hoard.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2014
  17. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    I am done on all my farms now, something forgettable on my this farm for Baha seedlings. Forgot to put out stables, will do tonight after crops are ready. :p I swear, I'd forget my head if it wasn't attached. :wuerg: ;) Still need to harvest everything on my little farm. :p

    Edit: Mir and PnP, I did it, I did it, I figured it out to the exact crop. I had 0 then got 5 with the replenishment. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!! ;) :inlove:

    Last edited: Nov 1, 2014
  18. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Congrats baw! I am so proud of you!

    I forgot to put out my seedlings so once the lemongrass is done, I will have to put them out.
    My stables gave me cat, eagle and hedgehog.

    My seedlings on BillyWhiskers wee XL cocoa and XL guava. Working on level 6. Next harvest of both event crops will finish 6 and then on to 7. Going to be tight!
  19. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I got fox, dove and eagle :)
    Puski96, steph2014, baw815 and 3 others like this.
  20. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Ι have exactly 300 stars and I am thinking about unlock the living legend rune. I saw some of you said that the drops are better. Do you think I should invest my stars there?

    In the event I am on level 5 and I think I will be able to get to 7 but I don't have enough estoplasm...
    Puski96 likes this.
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