Artisan and Breeding rune

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by BlazingBlades, Nov 8, 2014.

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  1. BlazingBlades

    BlazingBlades Advanced

    Yep! I've made it to Artisan Village - yay!
    And I'm up the Wisdom Tree to the breeding rune.:music:

    My question to you experts is...

    If you had to do it all over again...
    1. What craft would you learn first? Baker, Confectioner, or Florist
    2. What animal would you breed first? Or do you get them all over time?

    Looking for the expert's opinion! 8)
  2. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    Confectioner first, florist second and baker third. Here's my reasoning:

    Confectioner has the two most important buffs in the game, at least for events, Pumpkin jam and Carrot Apple Chutney (PJ and CAC for short). You get PJ, have to buy it in the shop at first level in the confectioner.
    Florist secondly because of the ability to eat buffs that level that artisan quickly, when you reach level 3 in 2 you get the third for free.

    I have only bought one animal, blazing steer, you need it for the magic stalk.

    bygo_cris, Banjoman and BlazingBlades like this.
  3. dnin21cent

    dnin21cent Forum Baron

    Confectioner, by no mean, remember, PJ can be make frist to help you+1 ,
    when you got to LV 4, you could buy the CAC receipt which means, you don't
    need to buy them from market, you could even sell them for making CC.
    For breeding, It depend on,
    1)do you unlock the bat/crow breeding on MM, if not, don't chose them
    2)star you got, if you want to save the star for future rune, chose the one need least star
    as the next quick breeder & Babyboom rune will help you great on BBD

    baw812, I think Blaz. means the breeding rune on rightside branchs.
    BlazingBlades likes this.
  4. BlazingBlades

    BlazingBlades Advanced

    Thanks to both of you. With BlackCaviar's great help and instruction, I got a Bat Roost! So, the Vampire Bat may be the one I go for then. It is low stars, Dnin.

    Thanks again for your input!
  5. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    Get the Flaming Steer for your beanstalk.

    Confectionary first. Second, hmmm.

    Next MM, work on the bat breeding as you will need 3 Hungry bats for the beanstalk. (Have you priced them in your market?)
    BlazingBlades likes this.
  6. BlazingBlades

    BlazingBlades Advanced

    They are around 60,000. Sheesh!

    By my spreadsheet, it will take 101 hours to complete that quest. With buffs that should be a shorter time.

    Guess I have my next quest to plan out now! :D
    Sweet_Cassiopeia likes this.
  7. -poppyseed-

    -poppyseed- Forum Connoisseur

    Blazie, you can get a flaming steer with stars from the tree of wisdom. Look for the rune with pink hearts-- about the 6th or 7th from the bottom.
    BlazingBlades likes this.
  8. BlazingBlades

    BlazingBlades Advanced

    That's my next purchase then. Just need about 18 more stars. :)

    Opened my first artisan shop - the confectionery. Can't wait to share my goods!
    bygo_cris, -poppyseed- and baw815 like this.
  9. CJAT

    CJAT Forum Expert

    Hi Blazie! (Nice to meet you!) :)

    Congrats on opening your Confectionary!! Like baw mentioned above, you will have to buy the Pumpkin Jam recipe first before you can make your own Pumpkin Jam. If you have enough BBs, I would highly recommend buying the recipe now, as it is currently half price. Or at least will be half-price for the next 20 hours while the Half-Price Shop Sale is going on! (It's a pretty rare event that only happens a couple times a year).

    I can't remember if the Pumpkin Jam recipe half-price it is 50 BBs or 100 BBs. I think it is the first and the second is the cost for the CAC recipe (lvl 4 confectionary). I looked, but I could not find the information in the forum FAQ section. Since you opened the confectionary, you should now be able to find the Pumpkin Jam recipe in the Crafting Trade section of the City Supply store (red roof building).

    If you are short on BBs, now would be a good time to redeem any cinema points, or see if you couldn't quickly finish up any Farmer Society quests awarding BBs.

    Good luck to you and happy farming! ~CJ
  10. BlazingBlades

    BlazingBlades Advanced

    Ahhh... thanks for the reminder, CJ! Must go shopping - favorite pastime. :D

    And so nice meeting you! Your tips were amazing for working on the Comic Event. Thanks so much for the time and effort! ;)
    BlackCaviar likes this.
  11. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    Congratulations on opening your confectionary, BlazingBlades! Remember that you will now be going through apples like water. In your regular shopping trips, keep an eye out in the market for a good deal on them. While you are waiting on those pumpkins to grow, make lots of the base jelly. Of course, growing pumpkins will need to wait until you finish the comic event. If when you do, you plan to grow pumpkins en masse, invest in a pumpkin pastry to give you more EP while you are growing them. Market price in my market ATM is about 1700 CCs.
    BlazingBlades likes this.
  12. CJAT

    CJAT Forum Expert

    Great hints BlackCaviar!
    @Blazie ~ You are so welcome! :)
    Speaking of shopping... it is time for me to go shopping in real life lol! So much to do, so little time lol! :pxD And I so love shopping when things are on sale lol!

    Also, don't forget that there are runes on the Tree of Wisdom that will boost how many points you get for making confectionary products/trading in your max of 5 confectionary products daily. This will help you to level the Confectionary faster. (So many choices lol!) Plus when you reach level 3, be sure to make as many of the base traditional chutney as you can! You will need then when you reach level 4 to make your CAC!
  13. BlazingBlades

    BlazingBlades Advanced

    I think I like your market best. My market is offering the Pumpkin Pastry at 4,445CC o_O

    I'll keep checking.

    @CJ - happy shopping, you lucky thing! And thanks for the tips on the runes. Blessings! ;)
    heidels likes this.
  14. BlazingBlades

    BlazingBlades Advanced

    So... I just cannot find the recipe for the PJ. I've searched the Supply Store and the Super Supply Shop Sale. Nada.

    Do I purchase it at the Farmer's Market?
  15. BlazingBlades

    BlazingBlades Advanced

    Never mind... I think I have to level up before it's available. Cooking like crazy today! ;)
  16. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    It should be in the Supply Store. You may need to log out and back in before it will show you. It should be in Crafting Supplies along with sugar. It is a level one recipe so just getting your confectionary open should do it.

    Can you see the Crafting Trade category in the shop? (Far right).
    BlazingBlades likes this.
  17. BlazingBlades

    BlazingBlades Advanced

    Yep - let me check again...

    There it is! I logged out and in again and was able to purchase it for 50BB's!

    Thanks, Cavy!
    The Exclamation Point Queen - Blazie!!!

  18. Harrythecat

    Harrythecat Forum Greenhorn

    How interesting!! - i've got Florist, Spa and Alchemist but don't know how to get the confectioner or bakery!! - how on earth do I get them without using my personal money??!! can you buy confectionery with BB's??
  19. chookie

    chookie Exceptional Talent

    The only way to get the confectionery without using RLmoney is to earn enough chips at Renzos to open it.
  20. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    Harry, If you have Florist and Bakery each at Level 3, you get Confectionery for free.
    Spa and Alchemist do not count.
    bygo_cris likes this.
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