New Function for Farm Droid

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by Michael1877, Nov 14, 2014.

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  1. Michael1877

    Michael1877 Old Hand

    As a regular Farm Machinery user I would like to have, at least during the Cuckoo Breeding event, a function on the Farm Droid that is letting me fill multiple breeding pens with 4 the same kind of animals. For example, I have 40 cows and this function should let me fill 10 breeding pens with 4 cows each.......
    Elva7, heidels, wolfeyesone and 7 others like this.
  2. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Very good idea!
    It would save us from a lot of clicking...
    sudhir, Michael1877 and farmerumf like this.
  3. sudhir

    sudhir Someday Author

    Good suggestion............ Will Make our life easy and return our focus on enjoying the event rather than spending our time on clickings
    Arielh, Michael1877 and Gery like this.
  4. wolfeyesone

    wolfeyesone Forum Veteran

    I agree
  5. Jools

    Jools Forum Pro

    any improvement to reduce clicking on breeding is Soooo long overdue-.-
    it could be a function of the builder too:p
    heidels, farmerumf and -Mir85- like this.