Advent Calendar stays for free

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by jennifersiegel, Nov 30, 2014.

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  1. jennifersiegel

    jennifersiegel Padavan

    I would like to suggest, that the Advent Calendar stays free and nobody needs to pay a single BB to open a missed day.
  2. Farm_Of_Horrors

    Farm_Of_Horrors Forum Apprentice

  3. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    I third.
  4. Dienstag

    Dienstag Exceptional Talent

    Yes, it should.
  5. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I agree
  6. CaliChrome

    CaliChrome Forum Baron

    Does one get penalized in real life for missing a day on the Advent Calendar? (Never had one, myself.)
  7. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

  8. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    Absolutely agree.
  9. CJAT

    CJAT Forum Expert

    I would like to draw the developers' attention to this thread, Advent Calendar - is this the Christmas spirit? which is found in the "Related Game Chit Chat" section of the forum. I think it most accurately displays the reasons and feedback of the majority of farmers toward this year's proposed Advent Calendar. It essentially says that many of us farmers (myself included) are not happy with the currently proposed system, and would greatly appreciate a change more fitting to the Spirit of Christmas!

    Many farmers will be traveling to visit family this December, and some to places where there is not internet service. Since this is the season of generosity, it would be greatly appreciated if our producers and developers would enter into that spirit and make this aspect of the game more family friendly.

    Also, if you want a game that we as player will recommend to our friends and families, then you need to show us that you value our family and friends, and that you understand that there are times where we cannot place this game first! Allowing us to collect our Advent presents without penalty, when we take time to spend with our precious ones, shows that you understand us and helps us more greatly appreciate Farmerama for giving us that flexibility!

    Please make this aspect of the game once more a joy and time of great expectation for our farming community at large! Instead, as it currently is, it creates an atmosphere of fear of forgetting to collect when we log on, as well as feelings of disappointment that we may have to pay for our Advent "presents". What parent when placing an Advent calendar on the wall will not let their child have yesterday's candy because the child forgot all about it the day before due to the excitement of heading over to Aunt Suzee and Uncle Arrq's house?? Instead, what is being communicated is that our Christmas presents are not really presents as we may have to pay for them due to faulty internet or time spend with our loved ones.

    Hopeful to see a change, with blessings to you and yours this season, ~CJ
  10. wolfeyesone

    wolfeyesone Forum Veteran

    Well said CJAT,
    I agree
    For me, This is the 1st disappointment with the game in a long while....
    baw815 likes this.
  11. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    I don't think not having internet is the problem today. Nearly everyone has a Cell Phone and lots of people got data or many places offer
    free WiFi. But the problem is, Cell Phones don't support flash and Farmerama is behind in technology. A very large amount of Websites and game support Mobile. They've created apps that you download to be able to USE some of the site.
    These apps are created by the company itself and only to be used with them.

    So, what I'm getting at is, Farmerama is trying to make us use Computers when most of the times in the new generation you can't use a
    PC at all times. Don't they understand what Cell Phones even have web browsers?

    My post is to argue with the idea of having to pay BB's for something when the company is failing to keep with being modern.

    I also suggest they make it free.
    baw815 and TheCellKeeper1725 like this.
  12. snobunny333

    snobunny333 Junior Expert

    It was the spirit of giving that convinced me to start playing in the first place. Now, just shy of a year later, I'm wondering what's the point? I'm growing tired of BP trying to put its hand in my pocket (I have no money to give.) If I can't spend cash to keep BBs flowing then, what, I don't get to play with the other kids? Sorry guys, these frozen bunny paws will be gripping my tiny lot of BBs tightly. Punish me if you think you must. I can always stop much for the referrals.

    Advent Calendar - Leave it be...Keep it Free!!!
    birdiesaunt likes this.
  13. jennifersiegel

    jennifersiegel Padavan

    Yeah, exactly.
    Btw. I like the fact that Farmerama built a real life well (financed) somewhere. Can someone help me out as to where?
  14. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    I absolutely agree.

    I'm all for BP trying to make money - I totally understand, and they deserve to be paid for their hard work by people who are willing to spend the money - but Christmas is not the time to do it. This is absolutely not in the Christmas spirit, trying to make money from an event, and especially as they know (I assume) that Christmas is the time when most players are less available than desirable.

    I, myself, will likely not miss a day except for the 25th itself, and maybe the 24th. There are, however, as others have mentioned, many players who cannot log in every day, either due to internet issues or sheer lack of time. It's not fair that they should miss out.
    bygo_cris, farmerumf and birdiesaunt like this.