Add to the Tree of Wisdom

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by greenchelonia, Nov 26, 2014.

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  1. greenchelonia

    greenchelonia Advanced

    I would like to see more runes added to the Tree of Wisdom.

    I would definitely like to see the rune that speeds up the mill expand into a multi-level prize similar to the water and manure runes.

    Just a thought
  2. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Very good idea!
    We would have more options where to give our stars!
    penguilnz, farmlily3 and abubadi66 like this.
  3. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Adding to the existing tree might be problematic, but another, similar type creation with higher level prizes would be great!
  4. muscaricat

    muscaricat Forum Pro

    I always thought that more runes would be added over time as there is still a lot of space on the branches. I agree that it is time for a new rune - how about a rune to give the ability to harvest the cloud rows automatically ?? :D
  5. jennifersiegel

    jennifersiegel Padavan

    I like that. Higher level players get something new to do with their stars.
    We could come up with quite a few suggestions.
    How about a function, that let's you place your Pets in the Decorations Park? And the bonus would work on all fields?
    penguilnz, farmlily3 and abubadi66 like this.
  6. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    We could have a rune that gives us 5 extra items each time an event comes around.
    Eg. 5 extra drop items, 5 extra Renzo tickets, 5 extra GnT exchange licenses...
  7. jennifersiegel

    jennifersiegel Padavan

    Do you know why it is problematic?
    penguilnz likes this.
  8. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Well, I am guessing, so I suppose I should probably have said that I see where it might be problematic.
    My thoughts were that the tree represents a lot of existing code, with a lot of tie-ins to other farmerama computer programming. Adding to an existing system like that is often more difficult than just starting something else. You change one thing, then you find 20 other things that have to be changed, too.

    Even if that is not true, though, the question is whether its really a good idea to just add to the tree, meaning everyone basically has access at the same time, versus establishing something more specifically to higher level players. Adding too much for lower level players might just bog the game down (for them, not so much the systems). Its nice to know there are things "out there", without necessarily facing them immediately. Having "steps" in the game builds up challenges, allows people to master stuff before getting more "goodies". Even though people might say they want everything all at once, in reality it is often overwhelming. That's not being patronizing, just reality. And, dangling things "out there", keeping more challenges is part of how game builders will keep people's long term interest.

    Anyway, that is my opinion, it is what I meant, but my points are certainly debatable.
    farmlily3 and abubadi66 like this.
  9. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    Things have been added to the tree before, so that wouldn't be an issue programming-wise. However, I agree that if this is a rune designed for higher level players, it possibly shouldn't be available to lower level players. Perhaps there could be a new branch to the tree which only unlocks once you reach a certain level? The runes for higher level players could be placed on this branch.
    penguilnz and abubadi66 like this.
  10. jennifersiegel

    jennifersiegel Padavan

    Thank you for your input, I got some theories as well:

    The tree would have been a good place to introduce new challenges for higher level people, they are the ones with extra stars anyhow.
    Lower levels are still working on the existing tree. Introducing new runes leveling out or stacking on top would mean that you would have to follow the order (like in the temple on BH).
    The rune I was suggesting was a way to make pets work on all fields even if placed in the deco park; a little like the Legendary Farmer Trophy. I don't have any myself, I am just interested if people would be interested in something like this in the first place (btw. how are the sales of pets?). The new rune could be placed further up the tree for example. A rune concerning the Mill could be stacked on the existing rune for the faster Mill and there could possibly be different stages (like for the watertank).

    A completely new feature seems like a bigger project though. It would have to take stars at least, because this is one of the reasons we are thinking about this in the first place. Give people something to finally use up their stars for.
    abubadi66 likes this.
  11. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    I don't think entirely new features are a possibility on Farmerama, because I know for several years now people have been asking for an extra field to plant things on and I would like to hope that if new features were considered (in terms of entirely new areas) they would be putting in what players have been asking for for several years.
  12. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Jennifer, pets work on all fields :) The reason you have to place them in different fields is that they are limited to one per field. This way, owls can never give you more than +60%EP (1 owl in each field). Otherwise it would just become ridiculous.

    I don't think we have any way of knowing how pet sales are. But if you care about EP/BEP and you do spend some BB/RM, the owls are definitely worth it.

    squiggle, new features are definitely possible, they are building a reef right now! As for the more space issue, this has been addressed by the new producer in his newsletter :)
    abubadi66 likes this.
  13. jennifersiegel

    jennifersiegel Padavan

    I would like to be able to have more neighbors and being able to give more presents.

    Maybe an option to speed up the growing time of crops more (stack on top).

    A rune that speeds up the growing time of trees? 20% would be great.
    I would love that, I could comfortably fit two harvests into Happy Tree Day if I use Turbos as well. And the timetable would become a little more flexible to people in different time zones.
    Actually that might be a good idea as a recipe for the florist, he uses manure already (level two.. florist; so that players can actually use it).
    Just opened the florist as my last trade and I feel with the players that unknowingly chose the florist as their first trade...

    Are the flowers on the tree new btw.?

    EDIT: Thank you for the better explanation of the vacation mode on the tree.
    So are you guys working on the tree?
    And are you working on the mill? My BH and Farm Mills are not working...
    May I hope for an improvement to the actual game play?
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2014
    abubadi66 likes this.