Cloud Row - Display cooldown times

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by heidels, Dec 24, 2014.

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  1. heidels

    heidels Active Author

    With all of the new and varied cloud row cooldown times (96 hrs, 48, 36, 24, etc), it would be really lovely to have the cool down time displayed in the popup asking if you want to harvest the row, or on the cloud row button itself. I am finding that I have to go look up the cooldown time to figure out if I want to harvest a row today, or wait until tomorrow or the next day in order to get the full benefit in conjunction with the start of an event.
    I know the hours remaining on already activated rows display (sometimes :sleepy:) when hovering over the row "button," but it doesn't include minutes, and at least on this farm when the row is ready there is no way to tell how long it will be out of commission after I activate it again. Short of finding and bookmarking each event FAQ that awarded the cloud row :wuerg:, I am not sure how else I would tell.

    The cooldown and time remaining could be added to the cloud button somehow, so it could be seen at a glance without having to hover to see either. Managing this could hopefully be worked into the new
    CR harvester, which I really hope has the ability to de-select certain rows from the auto-harvest feature. Thus, not accidenitally activating a moonlight mania or supergrow row a day before it is needed and will be available again! :eek::eek::eek:

    Thank you in advance for your consideration in this matter! :)
  2. CaliChrome

    CaliChrome Forum Baron

    If you take out one of the deco items from the row, it can't be accidentally harvested. I have my haunted house in my park earning me CCs until I need it for MM.
    Arielh, heidels, steph2014 and 2 others like this.
  3. heidels

    heidels Active Author

    CaliChrome, that is a great idea it! Thank you for suggesting it! :D

    I am afraid for myself it requires too much work and hopefully something that could just be made easier in the game. I sometimes want the other benefits the row has too, for those with dual or multiple benefits, like the EP or BEP the row might also give. Mostly it is the figuring it out every single time I try to harvest cloud rows, what I need to do...I see myself getting to the clouds, realizing I need to place the EP giver, going to the park or shipwreck, deleting the giver, back to the rows, place the giver, harvest the CR. Then, I move on a few page clicks and discover I must repeat it all over again because my tiny brain did not remember I had more to do until it was upon me. :cry: :cry::cry: With all the other things to keep track of like pets and buffs, I am sadly, far, far to lazy about the cloud rows in the first place to implement it for my own farm. :oops::music: But I think it's an excellent suggestion for those that don't mind doing it!
    fifitrixiebell and -Mir85- like this.
  4. Michael1877

    Michael1877 Old Hand

    There a few things that need improvement on the Magical Bean Stalk.......and there are a few threads regarding this...the idea of adding the cool down time is great, even better would be a tooltip as popup with complete info about the cloud row.....this would also take out the need to select the cloud row to see the reward and then cancel out of activating....
  5. Suggestion implemented, closing thread.
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