Feedback: Mini Events

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by teddy.bear, Aug 24, 2014.

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  1. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    I noticed on the Barnyard Bill Limited offer in the News, there is a Countdown Clock! It includes minutes and seconds as well as hours. I hope this feature can be used elsewhere in the game (possibly for start time to an event?). It is a least a useful addition to any sale going on.
    FarmEleven likes this.
  2. schafhirte2

    schafhirte2 Forum Greenhorn

    On the weekend there´ll be a Baha Wonder Trees Mini Event.
    I´ve seen, that it´s not possible to get the new trees like Buddha's Hand tree, XL and XXL Pomegranate and Carob tree.
    I´m sad and sorry, but I don´t will buy the older trees, I´ve some of these trees and miss the newer ones.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2014
    daysie1 and snowman4 like this.
  3. FarmEleven

    FarmEleven Forum Greenhorn

    The Farmwheel event is bothering me. I could only afford five spins. I got NOTHING out of the ordinary.

    Somehow that is extremely disappointing when you see one of the new flowers in every spin round.

    Chance considerably increased? well, great. :(

    My guess is, that this only works counted over a hundred spins or so...
    julie1013, Arielh and farmerumf like this.
  4. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    As always, moonlight mania is fun... a tad surrealistic to have Christmas and halloween combined, but fun.
    farmlily3 and bygo_cris like this.
  5. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    My personal favourites include Mystery Seedlings and Mystery Stables (though I only ever buy 1 per event as I cannot pay RL money on BB), G&T, Baby Boom (recent favourite - when it coincides with cuckoo breeding) and Renzo - definitely Renzo.

    I've actually only ever participated in MM once, and I didn't really get all that much of a thrill from it. I don't really see much value to it (although having said that, I've never bothered to look in Jack's Shop). The whole image of it really bothers me - I hate hate hate the dark screen. I prefer to spend my time slowly (but steadily) restocking my barn.

    A note on Barnyard Bills - I lost every last one trying to finish an event back in early November. Since then I've played the Cinema as much as possible every day and am back up to 66. Yes, it is slow going, but the cinema does work - there are now far fewer, if any, movies that have no points as reward (or perhaps I've just been lucky). I don't spend any RL money on this game so don't purchase BBs myself, but having been a player for 4 years and a few months now, I can safely say you do not need to spend any RL money whatsoever to play this game. What you do need instead is patience. It will take you a lot longer to achieve things that other players achieve. You will have to work harder because you have to go about it the manual way - for instance, I only just opened my confectionery this past Renzo's Fair. However, never let it be said that you can't play this game to its full potential (and enjoy it, mind you) unless you pay RL money. You absolutely don't have to. You just have to make smarter choices. I love Mystery Seedling events as much as any person, but since I can't just whip out my money and stock up on BBs, I recognise that there has to be a limit - so I purchase one seedling each event. RL money lets you achieve things faster and easier, that's for sure, but this game says it's free because it is. Your RL money is never necessary. It simply gives you upgrades. But those upgrades are not needed, they are merely extra bonuses, so it surprises me that people seem to think we need things to not cost RL money. We don't need it - at all. You aren't being blocked from playing this game because of it. Perhaps you are being blocked from achieving things as fast as possible, but that's where patience comes in. Just work hard and you'll achieve these things eventually. There are no events where you need to spend RL money to finish the event. It will be harder work, certainly, and you'll possibly need every last minute to do it, but it is not impossible. Honestly, I think BP has every right to charge us the money that they do for things. They offer us a completely free game.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2014
    -Mir85- likes this.
  6. jennifersiegel

    jennifersiegel Padavan

    Oh I would love that:inlove:
    An In-Game countdown for the start of the event before and then switch the countdown to remaining time for the quest after starting.

    I would love countdown clocks for Happy Tree days as well, timing is important in this game and with players all around the world, the timetables must be very different in a lot of cases. Announcing Mini Events at least two/three days in advance might be good. I would have more time to prepare and get more out of the event. I could enjoy Mini-Events so much more just by receiving a little warning and I would have the time to actually get my spreadsheets out and work out the best timing according to my schedule.

    -removed off topic-
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 8, 2014
    farmlily3 likes this.
  7. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello everyone,

    Please keep in mind this is the feedback thread for the mini events. All off topic comments have been removed.
    Thank you for your understanding,
  8. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Love the latest tree events. I got , an apricot, lemon and Medlar, plus a star fruit and carob, (even a parrot feather tree) in Baha... among other items. I may try again for a Buddha's hand, but I am happy with what I did get.

    THANK YOU!!!
    bygo_cris likes this.
  9. saturnia22

    saturnia22 Forum Great Master

    After spending 300 BB's on 60 trees I got TWO Blackthorn and ONE Tamarind and I'm not a happy camper for that. On the third round of trees I got the two Blackthorn so I know the odds were poor to awful, random? you betcha! its all in the code. 25% of the trees I got were bog standard and I could have used CC's to buy them. Can't wait for barter and give to unload these. I'll trade 10 XXL Catalpa for 1 tree I can use...Lesson learned.
    bygo_cris and abubadi66 like this.
  10. Laurelei

    Laurelei Forum Great Master

    Where's January Moonlight Mania?? I don't see it on the monthly announcements....
    piskica and Arielh like this.
  11. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    I noticed that too, Laurelei...:(
  12. abubadi66

    abubadi66 Old Hand

    since moonlight mania is considered a mini event, I think they stopped announcing it on the calendar any more, they are announcing main events only, but they do announce it on mini events updates, so we need to keep watching the mini events of January in hope to see it there, today is 10 on the lunar calendar, full moon is within 4 days, so may be it will come soon between 4th and 7th of January ( the current mice event and the next breeding event, there is 3 days gap in between) so I hope, because this time I will be able to finish 2 permanent MM farmer society quests and get 2 MM cloud rows.
  13. rauclaudia

    rauclaudia Forum Apprentice

    Why is it that the moonlight mania is announced so very late ?????
    I now have other things on my field and can't start for an other few hours .
    You should remember that we need bones trees to make dog food !!!
    greenchelonia likes this.
  14. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello raulclaudia,

    With all due respect, I would like to point out that the MM date was announced on Monday, 3 days before the mini event, and the hour confirmed yesterday, so this should be plenty of time to allow you to prepare for it.

    The Moonlight Mania date will continue to be announced in the preview calendar, but this time, the date was not set before the holidays, so we did not have an approximate date for it.
    Best regards,
    bygo_cris and abubadi66 like this.
  15. rauclaudia

    rauclaudia Forum Apprentice

    I am deeply "sorry" and apologize one hundred times !!!!!!!!!
    I know exactly why i dislike that new forum i never find my way through it.
    In future i will take events how they come and if i miss one , so be it .
    Again i apologize and that was for sure my last entry in that "forum"
    bygo_cris likes this.
  16. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I am happy to see moonlight mania again. That said, running 2 events together can be an issue......
  17. abubadi66

    abubadi66 Old Hand

    Very nice! Moon light mania ends, baby boom day starts, that's very good, and since I am done with the breading quests for the baby sitter event, this coming baby boom will be without any pressure so the players can do breeding to restock there colored animals and prepare for the future events or FSQ breeding quest that still there waiting there time.
    bygo_cris likes this.
  18. greenchelonia

    greenchelonia Advanced

    I completely missed Moonlight Mania this time. Didn't see it in the news feeds or anything :( I need to check the forum more often. That part is totally my fault. However, it should have been at the top of the news feed, if it wasn't. I still think it should be longer. Just six more hours would be helpful for North and South America players. It seems that the calendar is not updated as early as it used to be when it was just a post. Maybe I'm wrong, but it only seems to go out about a week now instead of a month in advance. Would like to see that change, if it isn't a temporary thing. I do see that Teddy said this might be a temporary thing due to the holiday season. It would be nice if there was some way to give us a pop up in game 24 hours before MM starts. Since that is what I would consider one of the most important mini events. Just a thought.
  19. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    When is Happy Tree Day Mini Event we use to get this often but not had this for quiet a while now
    bygo_cris likes this.
  20. slr280

    slr280 Forum Greenhorn

    I would like the secret stables to be only for the rare stables. $15 BB is a lot to get another Duck Shelter II: Orange. I want to get the stables I don't have, not use my BB's for something I don't need. I liked the comment about graduated pricing for the items - pay more but be guaranteed to get something you don't already have... :)

    User: slr280 ID: 8873302
    Farm 92
    Baha 172
    farmerumf, mackboy and solo1978 like this.
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