Feedback What would you like to see in upcoming events?

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by teddy.bear, Jan 13, 2015.

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What would you like to see in upcoming events?

  1. Less event plants

  2. More timed steps

  3. A variety of tasks and new mechanisms

  4. Country themed events

  5. Longer duration of events

  6. Improved rewards

  7. I'm totally satisfied with the current events

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    This week we would like to know what do you expect from the upcoming events.

    Please choose one of the poll answers, and if you wish to provide further constructive feedback, please do not hesitate to do so.

    The Poll will be closed on Friday, the 16th of January, at 18:00 CET.
    Best regards,
    Your Farmerama Team
  2. wolfeyesone

    wolfeyesone Forum Veteran

    I voted for improved awards.

    It's not that I think BP is giving out terrible rewards, in fact imho the rewards have been very generous recently. Thank you.

    While I love the BEP & EP rewards and the fact the amounts awarded have increased, YAY ! In addition to that, I would also like to see (more) new giver items that do not need to be placed on a cloud.
    It would be nice to have another item that I will absolutely treasure. ;)

    While I understand new pets gain revenue for the company,
    It would also be nice to be able to win a new pet, which gives out something unique
    ( EX- one miscellaneous farm product Q 24/48/36 hrs) and perhaps bring back some of the older no longer available pets (EX-Rainbow dash) as a revenue generator.
    All and all, great work with the new updates and improvements already instituted thus far.
  3. yagki2000

    yagki2000 Forum Apprentice

    Voted for country themed events ;) Miss those and the country themed flowerbeds :inlove: Still hoping to have an Aussie "Down Under" event :p
  4. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    Improved Rewards.
    Event crops usually give the worst EP/hr return. Moreso on Bahamarama, therefore growing them when you are after EPs is counterproductive. They should match Roses on EP/hr ta provide an incentive.
    Additionally make the acquisition of cloud rows in events optional so that those who fail to complete do no end up with empty cloud rows...

    PS: Give us more control over what we have won. For example I toiled hard enough to get Mystery Seeds and Stables that returned useless trees and unwanted animal pens. Never the ones I want. I suggest you let me choose what Tree or Stable I want rather than tricking me into get more of the useless stuff under the pretext of 'randomness'...
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2015
  5. BoHoKaren

    BoHoKaren Commander of the Forum

    And less requirement for breeding animals please....
    farmlily3, heidels, SillyGuy and 8 others like this.
  6. AuntMoe

    AuntMoe Junior Expert

    Most of the time the rewards are decent and match the amount of effort one has to extend in order to finish the event. Lately the events have gotten more involved with specific animals, lots of breeding and the loss of the mill for the duration of the event. I think the rewards need to increased as well. Powerfeed isn't free and it is time consuming to make enough to cover all of the breeding we have been doing lately (Poor anacondas need feeding too). I do like the efforts being made to change things up so its not the same old stuff all the time. As a long time player I have noticed the positive changes that have occurred around here lately and am excited to see whats to come (Coral reef is first on that list). Keep up the good work.;)
  7. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    I'd like to see a variety of different themes, tasks and new mechanisms. I like to have events that make you have to think and strategize but, don't get carried away such as 3 days to mill a product. We have many crops that we are hoarding back we could use some of them in events. It does seem that lately it has been heavy on breeding animals and that's fine just spread it out some. The rewards could be changed up some too. The cloud rows are nice but becoming a regular item and we have so many already. If you give out the secret stables/trees have them be the most recent ones. All in all the changes in the events have good they just need a little tweaking.
    spotsbox, SillyGuy, penguilnz and 6 others like this.
  8. sumacke

    sumacke Junior Expert

    I agree less animals for breeding, Its so mutinous I have given up several times. Also on the trade event if its in our inventory we should be able to do what we want with it. Present I have 108 feather collecting station and 55 yellow ones. And there's many more. I want to get rid of a lot of them.
    penguilnz and JJjohns like this.
  9. tpabird

    tpabird Active Author

    I voted for more rewards. I would like a pick your reward so that the reward is actually something useful and not just something that gets added to inventory because I already have too many of these. When mystery seedlings and stables are offered we are spending too much effort on getting the mystery. growing ot then finding that we already have too many of these. It could be a select your reward from a list of 2 -5 items.
  10. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    Although I wanted to vote for almost everything, I voted for less event plants.

    Back when I joined in 2010 and in the maybe 2 years that followed that, a lot of our events involved collecting special items - whether they were drop items or hidden around the city. Yes, sometimes they were supplemented with event crops, but growing that crop wasn't an almost overwhelmingly large task and it didn't play as much importance in the event as it would do today. I really like that style of event because it allows the players to get involved in the event and in their community irrespective of their level or experience, but it doesn't require excessive tactics, it doesn't require you to plan around your real life (which, as this is just a game, I don't think we should have to do to see success) and it allows you to participate without having to drop everything that you're doing on your farm. Many of the events that I've participated in recently involved me having to rip out my trees, stop growing my crops, move around my trophies, etc etc etc. I don't mind a challenge, but for me that style of playing is old. I love this game and this wouldn't stop me from playing, but the sheer amount of RL time that has to be dedicated to the event in order for you to be successful would certainly put me off participating in future events, particularly as the busy nature of RL reaches it's peak. I've already resigned myself to the fact that I can't participate in events this year because their design simply isn't compatible with my increasingly busy and stressful RL schedule.

    Having said that, I'd like to explain why I would have chosen other options too:

    A variety of tasks and new mechanisms: this goes hand in hand with the option I voted for. To me, having event after event follow the same style and structure but with different crops or drop items is tedious. I've only been back in the game since October following a 9 month long hiatus and already found that in the few events I've played since, have been able to predict very accurately the degree to which I could expect to succeed, and the degree to which I would have to work to achieve that success - purely because every event followed a very similar structure and was predictable after a while. Whilst that style of event is good in moderation, for every event to follow the same core structure is very taxing, particularly when events occur in such quick succession.

    Country themed events: I love the idea of reintroducing multiculturalism into the game. Again, back in the good ol' days, we had a lot more international focus with our events, and I think it made for a lovely atmosphere. Obviously, my first preference is a nice Australian event, but I've loved country-themed events in the past and would like to see more - they were definitely something that stuck out in my mind about the early days of Farmerama.

    Longer duration of events: I think even a few hours would be great. The mad rush to finish events might make for a challenge, but it also makes events far less enjoyable. I want to be able to have fun whilst playing these events and on the rare occasion that I have managed to complete an event, I can't say it was the most fun I've had playing it. I don't think Farmerama has quite achieved the right balance between fun and challenging. Players do have real life to contend with and whilst events may be created leaving x number of extra hours after the full crop growth time (and even then it assumes the use of buffs that not all players have access to) it does not seem to take into consideration time zones, real life, or sometimes even injuries that prevent people from being able to swiftly harvest all those 1x1 plots. More excess time is needed at the end of an event to make them fun.

    Improved rewards: I agree with what has been said above - the issue is not the quality of the rewards, which have been great. I want more EP or CC givers that I can place in my park, that won't go on a cloud row. Don't get me wrong - I love themed cloud rows and want them to continue. But maybe in addition to the cloud rows and their required items, a regular EP giver could also be offered as a prize.

    Hope this was useful
  11. 1msech2006

    1msech2006 Forum Inhabitant

    I agree with yaqki. More country themed events. I enjoyed collecting the flower beds of flags for other countries. Also learning something new about other peoples and their customs/holidays is very interesting to me. New recipes for the trades could be rewards. Magic stalk country themed rows to win....hope others have similar likes for country themed events. Legends from other countries could be a story line for an event. I would enjoy an event based on the legends of ancient Greek Gods or an event based on America's Johnny Appleseed. for examples. How about offering BB trees as extra special event gifts too?????
  12. steph2014

    steph2014 Forum Pro

    I voted for improved rewards. The current rewards aren't bad, but I do wish we had more control over what we won. Letting us pick the tree or stable of our choice (as Bhodho suggested) would be really nice. Similarly, it would be great if, instead of a new cloud row and the corresponding new EP-givers/cloud row items, we were able to pick a previous cloud row item that we weren't able to achieve the first time around. A lot of players (myself included) have grayed-out cloud rows, with little or no hope of ever filling them. If we could have some events that let us pick previous cloud row items as rewards, I think a lot of players would be very grateful!
    penguilnz, spotsbox, SillyGuy and 8 others like this.
  13. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    A sure thing such as an exact tree or stable instead of a "Mystery" that turns out to be less than exceptional. Save the mystery for mini events. Rewarding someone with a party spin that turns out to give 4 Turbo mulch isn't a reward.
  14. farmingfreebird

    farmingfreebird Exceptional Talent

    Less use of Power Feed or more ways to get it for free. Faster mill? It just evaporates the fastest, in any event that uses it. It's the one thing that bugs me almost every event...short of powerfeed.
  15. kinvara1

    kinvara1 Forum Apprentice

    I would like more options to aquire cloud items from events it was not possible to finish, I have so many clouds that are just missing one item.
    More EP for event crops would be good.
    Better rewards with a pinkie pie included more often.
    More warning if animals are needed for events enabling us to build up a stock over a few day prior to the event
    More chance to obtain missed pets or items in some way would also be good.
  16. Cassie101

    Cassie101 Emperor of the Forum

    I voted for better rewards.
    Perhaps some of the recipes that were given out years ago and are no longer available would help new players.
  17. ImTypo

    ImTypo Someday Author

    I have a few things I think would improve things dramatically and hopefully help us long time players be able to still deal with real life issues without stress of loosing out on our most favorite game!!

    1.)When giving mystery seedlings or mystery stables I suggest instead of being the regular randomness that gives out terrible prizes(apple tree/egg farm) and therefor makes getting the prize feel terrible after working so hard..

    Instead make a specific event mystery stable(keep the regular mystery stables for mini events) that gives out the most recent stables only such as the last 4(roosters,wolves,etc) or as a few others said give us the option to choose between the last four that were given.

    2.)No more using powerfeed without replacing it in massive doses as prizes..

    OR during events make the mill produce powerfeed MUCH faster!!
    Since you cant buy it in the market it is a rare item and using it all up and then giving us a second event that requires breeding isn't fair to those that have no money to use and makes the game feel like it is set up to force us to pay real life money and defeats the fun and enjoyment :(

    3.) My last suggestion is to help us that are unable to finish the events that have extreme drop or plant requirements due to work or other real life issues..

    Make an option for those that need an extra day to complete the event to use something they have to "purchase" that extra day such as asking for 100,000 in crops or animals to be placed in and in return we are given a ticket for 24hrs extended event or something similar..

    This will help us so much when we are unable to start immediately or such as me I sometimes have to go to the hospital mid event and miss a day or so and when I come back there is no point in even trying as I know I wont finish since the requirements are so high and if you miss one day you are at a loss no matter how hard you try due to the crazy time restraints you put on most events :(

    I do want to add that I am very grateful for you all taking the time to actually listen to us and try and fix any issues that come always this is by far my most favorite game THANK YOU!! :D
  18. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    First a BIG thank you for initiating this process!

    My initial thought was that none of the above really match what I want from events, but I did wind up asking for more time. I joined this as a casual game. Although I like the idea of strategy, having to spend more than a few minutes a day, even to complete events, really takes away from time I need to do other things. I can see an occasional push, preferably NOT around the main holiday seasons (in the US thats basically November-December, though down south, January gets busy with Mardis Gras) on that note, various regions have specific busy times, but its impossible to match all of them. That said, you could sort of avoid the "biggies"... Christmas, Passover, Ramadan. By "avoid", I mean go easy during and a week or so before/after. Those might be a good times for themed events that is easy to complete.

    Per the "new mechanisms" bit.. this is tricky. Granted, I have not been here all that long, but I see some variety already and have not necessarily been impressed by some of the apparently new mechanisms. (needing event items to mill, for example) Variety is good, but of course the key is to make it good variety. Most of us understand that some new attempts will not go as well as others, that is part of trying new things. However, by pacing out new changes, it makes things easier. Another point I have made before is that this is not a fundamentally "exciting" and "moving" game. It is more of a "long term challenge" and "accomplishment" game. Don't try to become "exciting"!!! There are plenty of those types of games out there. This may seem sort of counter-intuitive, but the idea of growing things and building a farm is inherently different from, say , battling and adventure questing. Trying to be all things to all people, or to ride a popular wave just because it is a popular wave means competing with those formats. Instead, focus on the strengths of THIS game. Graphics are great, ideas are creative, but the pace is more long term.

    Mix up the rewards. I like harvest coupons. I saw complaints about the 1-hour coupons earlier, but I actually like those, a lot. They help me do the game faster, but don't impact markets.

    Have duel quests... one for higher level players and another geared toward lower level players. Its not necessary to limit access, unless the very first step requires items not available to the lower level player. Just offer them both and note right in the announcements/banners AND in the introduction of the event that "this event is geared toward lower level players" and "this event is geared toward players above level...., though players above level X can complete some steps"
  19. I voted for fewer event plants; event plants are time consuming and mean that you have to turn over quite a bit of your land to specific plants - often they are tied to a particular field or two. These are generally not of use for anything else (even if they do subsequently go into the inventory). I did want to vote for one of the others - such as a variety of tasks and new mechanisms, however fewer events plants took priority.

    The recent event was the first one I'd looked forward to doing for at least two years or more; and the first one I've done for at least 18 months . The events (even the supposedly special ones) were becoming so similar, I couldn't be bothered with them. The prizes also were a change, even though clouds have become almost passe in their regularity. There was a huge boost to the market for the required animals and products; something similar for lower level players would probably help them increase their finances, which often isn't the case for those of us who have been playing almost since the inception of Farmerama.

    The secret stables and trees were a delightful change during the Christmas advent calendar and more of those would help. I have to add here, that getting those encouraged me to spend BBs on more stables and trees - which I probably wouldn't have done otherwise.

    Perhaps an event with some animals and produce that currently languish in our inventories - such as peacocks, kangaroos or sloths. Maple sap, Mirabelle plums or Magnolias.

    I agree with Squigglegiggle (who's been around nearly as long as I), that more items that one has to find or collect; I remember the excitement when the aliens first landed. How much fun we had when the Nublions first came to visit. Or, the first and second birthday events - we really wanted to play and they were such fun. The easter eggs, which we had to collect in the city - I would log on several times a day, not to miss anything.

    Events in the beginning were 'an event', now that's a misnomer; 'sales' for me aren't 'events' per se. Perhaps the developers should now split the sales and events into two separate things.

    For some time I only logged in once a week or less - though, I have now decided I like my little farm and play more often. The forums used to be so much more interesting, entertaining and lively. Now, they are a shadow of their former glory - which is a pity.

    One final thing, can we please have the Barter and Gift event more often, and allow us to 'gift' or barter anything. without restrictions; even what we've bought with BBs or real money. There are many decorations stables, pens and trees in my inventory (literally 100s), which I would happily donate to others - some you can't get any longer - but, too many of them are on the no-no list. No-one explains why this is, since it often seems an arbitrary and nonsensical decision.

    That's my pennyworth, Farmerama still holds my affection, even if at times it gets a bit frayed round the edges.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2015
  20. escalonilla

    escalonilla Forum Commissioner

    Less event plants.
    I dont spend any RM and my BB stock is shrinking very rapidly (c4a offers are missing).
    When I don't have any more BB to buy the harvester and the seeder, I'll stop doing events like this one, where 15000 event plants are required.
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