Feedback Producer's Newsletter: January 2015

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by teddy.bear, Feb 5, 2015.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    We are looking forward to your feedback regarding this month's Producer newsletter.

    We hope you will love the preview pictures as much as we do :inlove: .
    Best regards,
    Your Farmerama Team
    penguilnz, IVANCICA30, omadon and 2 others like this.
  2. Grumpeloris

    Grumpeloris Forum Greenhorn

    WHoohooo! Cue-ing in the mill! So happy!:inlove:

    And more often Gift and Trade, .... Yessss!!!!:D
  3. abubadi66

    abubadi66 Old Hand

    really nice, I was waiting for the Producer newsletter, and it came with good news, the idea for a queue in the mill is bright, and the valentine event new mini game look good, but the coral reef, we are still waiting in the dark, all we hear that it is going on good but slow, ok let it have it's time but please reveal something about it, after all that waiting and promises we did not deserve any more insight, at least to be prepared for some of the requirements, finally I like to say thank you for past events and the ones that have to come.
  4. omadon

    omadon Junior Expert

    Whole "tone" of the newsletter reveal more and more attention to what players need and want. That is good. Keep it going BP!

    Coral Reef, obviously, will not be coming in matter of days/weeks, but maybe it is better that way. Please, polish it thoroughly before releasing.

    Milling schedule is great news. I just hope that numbers (time) in the screenshot are some randomly put figures. I mean, 2h for milling one food for hamster ... and with all those quantities ... come on guys, you are joking, right ... righ? :oops:

    Valentine mini-game looks cute. Looking forward to see what is it all about.
  5. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) I agree with what omadon has to say. But especially about the Mill.:eek:
    If that is true about the 2 HOURS to mill ONE feed for the hamster, or any other animal, then you simply are NOT listening to feedback in this instance. We depend on the mill to feed our stock, grow our farms, and produce income. With this kind of time requirements/delay, the whole progress of our farms/game is inhibited/delayed. The pleasure we take in this game is drastically reduced and decreased, because of increased frustration=stress. Unfortunately, this is a step backward; definitely the wrong direction.-.--.-

    ***Sad to say, the reason is made apparent in that tiny little BB box now parasitically attached to our milling process. Did you think we wouldn't notice? Or fall for that line about 'well, you don't HAVE to wait - you can always shorten it with PAYING MORE BB's'?? In our Mill??? Which we must depend on to feed our stock, finish events, etc., etc.?? I have no words to tell you how this lowers my opinion of this -once very fine-game. It absolutely screams 'greed'. >:(
    I am a money-paying player who is becoming fed up with the direction in which this game is heading. Why is a perfectly good and fun game being ruined by heading in the wrong direction?? You will soon be losing many more paying players when we get tired enough of this...which is rapidly approaching. I used to turn to this game for stress relief. Now it is BECOMING a stress.
    Please lower the milling time requirements.....and please, please, please do not ruin this game any further.....I ask you kindly, respectfully, to REMOVE that BB box from our Mill. Return this game to its former status as one of the greats.:inlove:
  6. Kaydd2

    Kaydd2 Junior Expert

    It is available in other places & we have the choice to ignore them

    -.- Remember the last feed debacle. That, I expect was a developer playing with the feeds, like the Nils_test. How soon, some forget :(
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2015
  7. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I have to admit that I am both cautiously optimistic and a little disappointed in the newsletters we receive each month. I am happy to learn that mill queuing is in our future, but I would be very distressed if mill times were increased above the time it takes now. That defeats the purpose of stacking our feed orders. We have other features in the game that asks for BB to finish faster (instant finish on secret seedling/stables) but you don't have to use them so the request for BB does not bother me too much right now unless it is as it appears and BP makes milling times insane.

    I am also happy to learn that Gift and Trade will be coming to our farms, and while it may be honest that a specific date cannot be provided, it is disappointing that it may be further delayed because of 'working on it.'

    The coral reef has been hinted at for months and yet we still do not have any concrete information about it. We were told to expect it early this year but now it appears (to me) it will be much longer with the new designs for the mill and that we will learn more about its functionality over the next few months.

    I don't like to be pessimistic and am sorry if it seems I am today but after the promise of 'we are working' on fixing other things in game (mentor program to be one) and then numerous delays with ultimate removal from the game, it always makes me wonder when delays are continuous if the project will ultimately prove to be more trouble than its worth and just be scrapped. That is why I try to enjoy the game as it is today and if the new features do arrive, I will enjoy them too, but I try not to be too hopeful because hope deferred is the same as being disappointed and frustrated.

    Edit: I am not tech savvy so I fully understand my following comments may just need some direction that someone more experienced can provide. It does appear that many things are 'in work/ in progress' but if they are large projects (coral reef) is it possible there are too many projects in work, hence all the delays? We still have regular events that are having new game mechanics and many of them have glitches possibly prompting time away from the future projects to work on repairing the glitches of today. Trying to focus on too many things at once means nothing gets done in a timely manner. I would be content if there was one big event a month while you finish developing and refining projects and allow time for personal farming goals. I understand it may not be a viable option for some players who have already achieved so much but I would be happy for a month or two to allow BP time to work out the final stages of project development and then have a firm launch date.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2015
  8. Sheriziya

    Sheriziya Forum Master

    Cueing in the mill seems very nice and ideal. I just hope that the milling time as well as the "recipes" are..... weird examples. Like others already said, why would we mill 1 feed for 2 hours? Sure, we can use BB's..... But those of us who can't afford to buy (a lot) of BB's will be in trouble. Also... the recipe: Hitsingles, cow's Milk, Koi fish and Goat Milk for a Hamster? If I'd given those things to my hamsters I'm pretty sure they would have died. I like the fact that the feed resembles things we could actually give our animals. Why suddenly change the recipes? Also.... If the feed would take this insane amount to mill and we need the feed to get the products (and not only the animals), than I think a LOT of players would be in trouble. That's topping on something that's already over the top, I think.

    Therefore I really keep my fingers crossed the mill example is indeed an example with random numbers and items, nothing about the time and the recipes actually resembling anything that would be implemented in the game.

    And the Birthday event will be brought back in a few months time? Wow...... not sure what to think of that. If you plan on bringing the system back, I sure as hell hope you're not introducing the insane times and recipes for the mills as suggested in the newsletter. That would wreck havoc I think.... But that's just my feeling.

    I'm looking forward to the mini event with Valentine's. That will be a nice change I think :) I wonder what the game will actually be like!

    Since I'm still a beginner at Bahamerama, I don't really mind the Coral Reef isn't being introduced yet. I've got more than enough to do still on Baha without the challenge of opening the Coral Reef.

    There are indeed quite some variations on the events, which is nice. However, it would also be nice if we'd actually have some time in between events, and I don't mean a day or two. I mean like a week, or maybe two. Maybe it's just me, but I still have the feeling I'm "rushing" from one event to the next. I'm still doing steps for the current event, but I'm also already preparing for the next event, because I'm "afraid" I won't have enough time otherwise to finish some/all of the steps in the next event. Since December, I think, I've hardly had the time to work on any of the Farmer's Society Quests, let alone their orders. Panda Comic#3 being introduced is nice..... I've still got number 1 to start. With all those events of the last two months back to back (at least that's what it's felt like) which were usually very tempting to participate in, I simply didn't have/could take the time to work on FSQ's, FSO's and the Comic.......
  9. Wooly

    Wooly Forum Greenhorn

    I really hope those milling times and recepies are not the real thing. I came back after a hiatus and was looking forward to get working on my farm again. I'm someone who occasionally do spend real money on the game, but I want value for what I'm investing. Already got the harvester helper subscription when it was on sale, but I had planned to buy some BBs for power feed during the baby boom this weekend which won't be happening now. In fact, I won't spend any more money at all until I can be sure this isn't as bad as it seems to be. And if it really is that terrible, well, then I'm done playing alltogether.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2015
  10. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    I am disappointed. Each time it looks like BP is listening to the players, there is a twist :oops: that makes the whole thing into something of Frankenstein's Monster. Yay :D, mill queue. Boo >:((I can only go from the pictures), mill monster -.- designed to eat our BBs.

    BP seems to excel at taking the good things out of the game (Magic trees, Cow Milk trees, recipes for the Artisan's crafts, etc.) and giving us less than "Fantastic" :wuerg: prizes in the Comic quests. (Honestly, didn't the first one prove the poor concept? Now there are 2 more?)

    I could say more but I'm afraid you won't listen as you haven't listened to the players yet. :eek: :cry:
  11. abubadi66

    abubadi66 Old Hand

    Guys, I believe the producers are humoring us with that photo, have a since of humor, I think they use it as a joke to explain the new milling system, hamster feed is already there and reasonable, this 150 hit single, 150 goat milk , 150 koi fish and 150 cow milk needs months to produce, so laugh at joke and let it pass, remember that farmarama is the crazy farm game as they put it on the portal to the game, and with out this since of humor, it would be serious and boring.
  12. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) Abubadi66, it would be nice if they were joking - perhaps they are about some things - but I have never known BP to joke about BB's when using that little sign. They have simply figured out another way to get us to buy more BB's, or suffer unpleasant consequences.
    I'm afraid that - if they do what it appears that they plan to do with our mill - it would in no uncertain terms take the heart out of this game with a snowballing effect. Who wants to pay enormous prices for feed that can already cost a small fortune? And how would newer players ever afford to do so?? Messing with the Mill in such a negative way is messing with the basic structure/balance of the game.

    I'd have to agree with Wooly above - if they actually are dumb enough to do this, then I'm not going to be dumb enough to go along with it and spend any more real money on this 'game' which is no longer feeling like much of a 'game'.
    Sorry,'ve gone too far this time.>:(-.-:(8)
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2015
  13. -Tigerlily-

    -Tigerlily- Forum Apprentice

    'Based on the feedback, we decided to redesign the mill '
    Now I am wondering who left that feedback to mill hamster food for 2 hrs and so on...Concerned about the new Mill design. Gave up on promises on Coral reef ages ago and for good:unlocked everything I wanted and am still collecting GBs.
  14. Jools

    Jools Forum Pro

    Come on everyone, are you really that daft? They are redesigning the mill, not the feed times / requirements. The picture is a mock-up.

    Look at the requirements for 1 hamster feed, 600 products - be serious! and if you notice all the other items say 12.755.

    We've complained for ages about being able to queue feed in the mill, and now they've given it to us all you can do is complain.
  15. Wooly

    Wooly Forum Greenhorn

    I've seen devs do the most stupid changes in other games, and nothing surprises me anymore. Are the screens real? Hopefully and probably not, but that doesn't mean there won't be more moderate changes along those lines. Jools, perhaps before calling people daft you might get yourself some more experience in the gaming world so you realize rose coloured glasses have no place there. I suggest you stick to leaving feedback on the actual subject instead of being rude to other players.
  16. Jools

    Jools Forum Pro

    Who's the one being rude? You know nothing about my gaming experience.
    Where was your feedback on the subject?
  17. Avienne_1

    Avienne_1 Active Author

    The queuing at the mill is a great feature . o O ( as long as no one messes around with the milling times :) ).
    The new mini-game for the Valentine's event looks interesting, looking forward to test it. Now for the G&T event, though a rework maybe good (depending on the improvements) it looks like it could be quite some time till this is done. Maybe we could have one of the "old" G&Ts while we wait, I don't think many players would mind as there hasn't been one for quite some time ;)
  18. mackboy

    mackboy Padavan

    Come on guys this is not the time or place to be arguing with each other please.
    Let's just wait and see what happens if the mill is redesigned with feed time, it looked like the picture was just an example of what it may look like.
  19. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    The mill window's new design shows 8 alternatives of feed instead of the now 12. This means more clicking and scrolling. There are tabs at the top so possibly we can sort by categories? I know we currently have the search function for level, amount and alphabetically. I do appreciate that we will be able to queue our feed orders and wait to see the more specific details. Perhaps an update next newsletter?
  20. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Mill - Production queue is helpful. Different tabs for regular animal feed and rare animal feed is great. There are so many animals now, that it is hard to keep track. If the mill is going to be integral to the coral reef, I really hope there will be a separate mill on the reef, because the two other mills are busy enough as it is!

    G&T - Really glad it will come around more often! A rework is also great - I hope this means a well designed search function ;) But if this is going to take a while, I would also appreciate a current version of the G&T event very soon. It has been half a year since the last one, and I have been waiting several months already.

    Thanks for the update :)
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