Carnival Tropicale

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by abubadi66, Feb 20, 2015.

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  1. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Now got Enough Fruit hats to Unlock Costume Critic and Elephetti and now place them into by Shipwreck, as I am making Good Progress to build up my shipwreck with Bahm EP Givers another two of them is a great help. I got way too many stars so this not bother me. Now Back to rare Critter farming and Rare Fruits Farming lol ;)

    Now only need 83 Fruit Hats to complete this Event Hopefully it will be done by Tonight.
    tlcmom, dgirl_200, igotfrogs and 4 others like this.
  2. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I am battling my FOCD >:( Without stars there is really no point in doing step 1 gold & diamond, but my FOCD is telling me that I should finish the event :cry: some stupid thing about finishing all events in 2015 :mad: trying not to listen -.-
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2015
  3. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I probably should have clarified, I am not really worried about finishing the event myself, more concerned that the drop rate seems to be decreasing for events. Also, I wonder if people who don't have longer term crops will finish, but that is basically par for the course. That is, everyone starts out not being able to finish, then suddenly we reach the point where we can. That is true for ALL events, (and the quests for that matter).
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 25, 2015
  4. Sheriziya

    Sheriziya Forum Master

    I'm debating whether to complete all steps. I think I'll try to complete the steps with the stables and the EP givers first and then see what I've got left to complete and to harvest.....
  5. bwraven

    bwraven Someday Author

    I feel for you Mir. I was thinking of skipping the event entirely because of the stars. I decided to go ahead with it since I can use the power feed and the BEP givers a very good (even excellent for players who are not on a 24h schedule like me). The thing is, if I do it I go all in. Luckily the requirements are really low on this one.

    Good luck at reigning in the compulsion, I rarely try these days :oops:.
  6. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    I need 2500 more crops and 130 hats to finish. I used 1 or 2 PJ's in very beginning to help get enough seeds for 623 (1x1) but I figure there is plenty of time to grow these without using lots of PJ. I am averaging about 20 drops per harvest and yes that may seem low BUT if you double the time , it's basically the same as an 8 hr event crop and I usually can average 35 per harvest. So I don't think the drop rate is too far off. As of this posting it has only been running for almost 48 hrs so I am pleased :D:D Good luck to everyone. p.s. Not really sure why they are called "peacock" flowerso_O They remind me of pansies;)xD
  7. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    It's not needed, but I'll also complete step1 because of the Suzy-spray. I consider it essential for keeping up both jumbo and extremely rare trees efficiently running.

    As for drops, I'm seeing they're normal to high(ish) in all my farms. In fact, in this farm, Aluntino, that started the event with just 42 drops, as of now only needs 79 drops to reach the 600 total. This farm has every possible drop boosting available and I've done nothing special at all. In fact, this is the first time I see that I'll achieve the required total of event's drops in little over 1/3 of the allocated time for the event. In the other extreme, the farm I'm running that has no boosting method whatsover is now at over 250 drops.

    Additionally, for those still worrying about drops, you can decide to skip, as Mir implies, the Gold and the Diamond tasks of step1. You'd save the need for 45 hats. Or, to calm anxiety, just leave these tasks for the end.

    Extremely, if you're still worried after having decided to save those 45 hats, you can also skip G and D tasks of step2, saving another 70 hats. I wouldn't: they have precious machinery as prizes; but, if you are truly worried on sound grounds, then extreme measures are needed.
  8. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    I like farming now....growing junks.....

    I really like to wear those fruit hats xD

    For once I feel like ah real Fruit!

    Going to grow those junks crops until .... who knows when xD Thousand and thousand more to grow.

    The system gives me five at a time so I donate those. xD
    tlcmom, dgirl_200, igotfrogs and 6 others like this.
  9. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    When Aluntino teams up with my FOCD, how can i resist :wuerg:
  10. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    My FOCD here on pnp also out of habit just donated to those levels. Did not think...Grrr...

    On BW, I grew all the event crops (also out of habit) but haven't donated yet. I may decide to save my animals and let the exchange system work out the EP/CC for leftovers.

    I need to do a better job of really looking at individual levels of the event and associated rewards because I have accomplished the goal that we all seem to have when we start this game: make our own CAC and finish events. 'Finishing' events often times does mean completing all levels in order to get the PF, EP givers and cloud rows and that is why I have gotten into the habit of just grow and donate but now will try to remember that 'finishing' an event can really be redefined for my own personal farming goals.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2015
  11. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst


    My advice is to always spot the key prizes and, when possible -like in this event-, just do first all the silver tasks of each key step (sometimes the last one is not really attractive) that enables to progress farther in each of them, if needed and/or advisable for one's own goals. It's what I always do myself. Only after having enabled all steps I go for the rest.

    As a matter of fact, as an example, for this event I still haven't completed the G and D tasks of step4, even though I have everything, just out of that habit.

    I first enabled all steps, and the went for Costume Critc. After that I went for Elephetti. (Please remember these are the best B-EP givers ever available in game, with the added beauty they can also be used as EP-givers -awesome ones, by the way, also among the best- when/if needed). Only after that I went for machinery (well, this is only because I always have machinery hired in A.) and now it's the time for step1.
  12. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I do try to look for key prizes but as RL is a little distracting right now, I just have been working this event out of habit. Once the
    FAQ came out and the product requirement was clarified, I was able to relax for BW (thought we may have to give raccoon masks). I am glad this event has been more laid back so I can focus on RL.
  13. KenL56

    KenL56 Someday Author

    Thank you everyone... Woody great advice. I'll start moving those trophies around. Had no clue we could do that. yes, I'll start planting long growing high EP crops. Again, Thank You everyone...
  14. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    I was tired yesterday so only managed 3 rounds of event crops yesterday. Long crop last night, still waiting for it. I will need 2+ rounds today to finish. As is my preference I'm not donating anything until I have everything.

    Part of the difference... us long timers remember 6-7 day events that required close to 20k 4h crops. UGH! Seems like we even needed more than that sometimes. 8.5k is nothing compared to those events.

    I don't pay much attention to how many drops I have left over because... it's dependent on how many drops were required, how drops were actually donated, and... I get lazy after I complete an event and intentionally miss harvests by many hours. What I consider important is my daily average. Primarily because "All drops are random". My daily average is pretty consistently the same for every event when I put the same amount of effort in.

    For anyone that wants to test the EP v time argument... Grow the event crop at least three rounds and calculate the average drops for the crop only. Then do the same for gooseberries. If one consistently gets more event drops from the event crop than event drops from the gooseberries then EP WINS. Gooseberries v event crop because they are both 4h crops. Since the EP for the event crop is twice that of gooseberries you should average roughly twice as many drops with the event crop than gooseberries.

    The point I was trying to make...
    6 drops / 4h = 1.5 drops per hour ADD water 6 drops / 4h crop (with water 3:11) = 1.89 drop/h
    30 drops / 19h = 1.57 drops per hour ADD water 30 drops / 19h crop (with water and refinements 13h) = 2.3 drops /h (sorry I misspoke on the 20h crop thing)
    The drop rate average is the same regardless of the crop grown. The BIG difference is whether one uses amendments like water, manure, SG and/or refinements. I never use manure on 4h crops. I might use manure on 12+ crops. The faster you turn over your crops, the faster you get drops. We don't have refinements for event crops. If you're really worried about event drops, and have already done everything listed in the linked thread below, then pick one of your longest crops or favorite crops and work on the time refinements in the Greenhouse.

    My strategy...
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2015
  15. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst


    It's not high EP crops what you need. It's the longest growth-time ones, even better in 1x1s. This is because these crops ensure that you get the fields busy most of the time that best fits your own RL schedule (actually, I proved to myself that you get about the same amount of drops by constantly sowing shorter growth-time crops in succession, but practically on the dot). PS: Read Suzee's entry above: she is saying the exact same thing, with numbers.

    Also trees will help, but they're less efficient than crops as far as drops are concerned.

    Pens are always the worst bet.

    There's a thread SuzeeRabbit started some time ago where all these tips for performing better for events have been conveyed. I suggest you to look for it (I couldn't find it now) and bookmark it. Anyway, it should suffice to read it once. PS: Suzee has just posted it. It's in the preceding entry, at its very end.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2015
  16. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    I agree pens are the worst. I used to think tress weren't very good. But... for low level players, being as they are 12-20h, they are good "overnight". Once one has an 8h or so crop I would go for those in 1x1s or 1x2s, depending on whether one has the harvester. We tend to forget the 1x2s...
    penguilnz, farmer_broke and dgirl_200 like this.
  17. fifitrixiebell

    fifitrixiebell Forum Veteran

    @KenL56 , I didn't know until the last event that we could move the trophies around but once I did it made such a difference! It's a bit tedious but there's always the LL rune to aim for to help with that (and it's ONLY 300 stars...only?? lol!) It was only through asking for advice from the other players that I found's always worth asking because someone will always be there to help you out!
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 25, 2015
  18. IVANCICA30

    IVANCICA30 Regular

    i did finish task 4 :D diamond task 1 is not worth doing :( will only finish diamond slots where prize is good:inlove: so now to plant high Ep crops so i get that drops
    penguilnz and farmer_broke like this.
  19. abubadi66

    abubadi66 Old Hand

    Finally I am done, I have finished the event with 2670 event crop more in my barn, I had reorganized the fields since the afternoon, and I was waiting for the drop, it took little more than usual, and I was waiting only for 1 fruit hat to finish, luckily, I harvested 2 stall on the island and they gave me the fruit hat I was waiting for, so donated the hats and my balance now is zero, this event took from me 53 hours and still there is 89 on the timer, just want to see how many more hats I am getting at the end of the event, without doing anything for the drop items, now back to FSQs, down under wonder have 2 steps to go, but the last step with the kiwi birds and 1 stall, that 1 needs more than 2 months to finish, now I managed to have 22 birds so far, and good luck all.
  20. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    I just finished growing all the crops I needed but still need 115 hats which I should be able to get. This was an easy event for me. :D:D And I actually had plenty of products in my barn(for once I didn't have to scramble) Just need to do level 5 and level 2, task #3. I don't really need the harvester helper at the moment and as I have appts tomorrow afternoon I figured I would just hold off on that reward.
    abubadi66, I have a kiwi pen but alas I am level 80 so I will have to buy my feed:(. Wasn't going to but I couldn't stand it and bought some. They really don't do much in that pen do they?:sleepy: Looks like they just mostly stare at each otherxDxD
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