Feedback Producer Newsletter: February 2015

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by teddy.bear, Mar 5, 2015.

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  1. boogiewoogie

    boogiewoogie Forum Greenhorn

    I am not going to worry about things that are promised in the future, they have been promised and will happen eventually. My problem is why penalize long term players for playing? We worked for our stars, even though they were much more important in the beginning of opening up the tree, we have spent on pets as well as have a cloud row for our stars. I have severe focd and until it is mentioned I really don't even look at the prizes for a quest, mostly check out the requirements. But, the stars have always been there, sometimes I didn't like the prizes and still completed the quest with the reason that I needed the stars at the time and it was the only way to earn them. I am not judging anyone else's opinion or ideas, just my two cents. There should be a new type of quest or trade-in or even new ruins for us to spend our stars on. What's going to happen when everyone starts stockpiling the gb's? Will we stop getting them also? Anyway, I don't want to rant, the major reason I wait a day to post, now I am starting to worry about all the things that have been promised.....What happened to fixing the timers and making the cloud row work correctly?.....Oh, and then the extra slot for us to be able to use both cac and pj???? Oh well, hope everyone has a blessed day, sorry to rant, just part of my opinion......

    ***edit***sorry, posted under the wrong farm, I am also lenorereed1.
  2. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I was among those disappointed by the loss of stars, so i am quite happy they are back. However, the biggest point about the newsletter is that you did a good job of communicating. It can be frustrating when the communication is not well received, but its far better to have everyone know what is happening and to allow some room for discussion than to just do things and leave people to figure stuff out on their own.

    The newsletter was presented well and in a timely fashion. Per the details, other than stars. I, too, am a bit jaded by the reports of change, particularly the coral reef feature. You are sort of between a rock and a hard place on big additions like that. If you don't tell people, then either people get fed up thinking nothing will ever change or make up wild rumors. If you tell people, then expectations can be set too high through the rumor mill.

    I have been here long enough that I can see there really is a need for more things to keep higher level players, but that, too is a conundrum. Offer too much in which low level players cannot participate and you frustrate them. Also, as more and more events stack up, long term players start to far outstrip newer players in ways that the newer players just cannot catch up to. There are many cloud rows and recipes no longer available, just as an example, as well as pets and other items. I think this is probably most noticeable in the big yearly event, where I am given to understand the same people have won last year and this year. It becomes very difficult to impossible for anyone newer to get as many "goodies" as they have. Is that bad? Hard to say.

    This is not really the place to discuss one other issue, but I am not sure what the proper area would be, either. (close to this as anything) Its important that Farmerama stay "true to itself", true to what it is as a game. Farmerama is not and never will be one of the most exciting games to play or offer the most adventure, etc. There are plenty of games out there that meet those demands. Farmerama is more of a long-term game, its a game where people invest time, whether they go to the forums and engage in the discussions or "just" play, its about seeing long term progress and change, not instant gratification. This move toward heavy purchase is changing the game significantly, and I think the many make-it-easy payment options are part of a bad trend. You may make money in the short run, but wind up driving people away.. never to return. Payment offers instant gratification, but then what? It is hard or almost impossible to keep innovating enough to keep up with the truly dynamic adventure games out there. So, you wind up not really satisfying the group who want a quick fix, but also driving away the more long-term folks. Do you want a quick, burn and bust bit of income or do you want a lower, but very steady and reliable source? Do you want to satisfy a few "eager beavers" who are willing to plop down some cash to finish quickly and/or who have no issue spending hours at a time every week to play or do you want to keep with the players who are willing to spend time, sometimes money, but both in moderation? Which group is really going to give you the long term best options?

    One thing I like about farmerama is that it is different. Even though there are other farm-type games out there, nothing really matches this one. That is important. i did not come here because I wanted a time management or heavy strategy game. I do sometimes play those, but this is where I come to relax, to have a more easy time.. or it used to be, anyway.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2015
  3. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Thank you for the update :)

    I also want to say thanks for the OA on stars and manure. It is good to be told what is going on (even if it is not what we would like to hear), it takes away a lot of the frustration.
  4. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Greetings lovely Farmers,

    Thank you all for your feedback :) . ​

    Best regards,

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