Mini Events during Cheesemasons?

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by fifitrixiebell, Mar 17, 2015.

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  1. fifitrixiebell

    fifitrixiebell Forum Veteran

    Anyone know/think we,ll have any mini events such as harvester helper offer or the like? We usually have something coinciding with the events don't we? I think I'm possibly being too impatient purely because I'm not only seeing to my farm but my partner's aswell as he's working long hours and I'm trying to keep it running for him and so that he doesn't miss out on the good bits of the events. Only thing is he hasn't any harvester helpers left on his farm so I've only got 2x2's out atm as planting and harvesting all those 1x1's seperately would drive me insane.
    IVANCICA30 and farmlily3 like this.
  2. saltypixel

    saltypixel Regular

    Probably will be something like that. And I'm hoping for BB day this weekend even though it wasn't that long ago since last time.
    IVANCICA30 and farmlily3 like this.
  3. fifitrixiebell

    fifitrixiebell Forum Veteran

    Thought we only had BB when a breeding event was on @saltypixel ? Or do you think they'll put one because of the breeding animals involved in the event? Have you decided to definately sit this one out?(hope I've remembered that for right person!)
    IVANCICA30 and farmlily3 like this.
  4. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    fifi - does your honey have any FSQ that you can donate to in order to get the machinery? The egg and milk quest are not too expensive to do.
    IVANCICA30 and farmlily3 like this.
  5. fifitrixiebell

    fifitrixiebell Forum Veteran

    Nope, he used them up in no time. The egg and milk quest seem so long ago now...we're both level 78 ;). The only one that was anywhere near was the cooking pots one but he wanted to sell them to make some money....(I have lots more CC than him..heehee :p)
    IVANCICA30, SillyGuy and farmlily3 like this.
  6. saltypixel

    saltypixel Regular

    @fifitrixiebell Yeah, you guessed it, it's because breeding animals are needed I figure there is a chance for BB day, since they seem more generous with them now and I know PF is one of their main sources of income (so probably a PF sale to follow suit).

    You also remembered it right about me saying I'd sit the event out. I'm sticking to it, mainly as a (probably in vain) protest against the lack of stars. Some of the prizes are very nice and I don't think it's a bad event in general, but yeah, not gonna bother with it. It worries me a little too that we seem to be getting more and more events which require lots of breeding animals to be donated. I hope this isn't a trend. I don't mind it once in a while, variety is always nice and not everything has to be easy, but I just don't want it to be the new standard.
    IVANCICA30, daisy, penguilnz and 6 others like this.
  7. dnin21cent

    dnin21cent Forum Baron

    BBD? harvest helper? I don't know if BP will offer or not.
    But,for high demand of event crop. I'm sure that I will see Mini event :
    suzy super grow/ super grow sales
  8. crzyjoyce

    crzyjoyce Forum Expert

    with a cuckoo event coming up I think they will (hopefully) do the pf and bbd to coincide with it.
    IVANCICA30 and farmlily3 like this.
  9. fifitrixiebell

    fifitrixiebell Forum Veteran

    @saltypixel , yeah I get where your coming from! Totally agree about the breeding takes so many PF and animals up and it does seem to be a very regular thing now. I think we could all do with a breather and have something to use our regular animals for or crops. We've only just really started with the chameleons and already they're trying to take them off us lol! I am doing this event but only the levels that give me the rewards I want. I can't help myself I'm afraid and I do enjoy the community spirit between the players even though sometimes the amount of RL time it all takes up can be a bit much! least you can sit back and put your feet up while we all stress over crops and drops ;)
    IVANCICA30 and farmlily3 like this.
  10. saltypixel

    saltypixel Regular

    @fifitrixiebell I get what you mean about the community spirit during events. Even when I was a forum lurker I enjoyed reading the event threads every now and then, it definitely added to the fun. So missing out on that is a shame for sure. :cry:

    I'm a lot more picky with events these days overall. Main reason for me taking breaks from the game has been "event fatigue" since FOCD wouldn't let me skip anything (What's this only do silvers devilry?! Nevah!! 8)). So will definitely enjoy putting my feet up now that I've finally learned how to relax a bit more. :D
  11. sewinglady

    sewinglady Exceptional Talent

    Must be nice...both in RL and in game. I once took lessons to learn Tai Chi as it is supposedly relaxing. Apparently that's the case for everyone but me.
  12. saltypixel

    saltypixel Regular

    As far as irl I wouldn't know as I meant in game only, and that alone took me years. ;)
    farmlily3 and IVANCICA30 like this.
  13. abubadi66

    abubadi66 Old Hand

    It seems Renzo's is the only mini event that comes during this cheese masons II, but three event that needs colored animals in 1 month, that's rare, or may be a mistake that never happened before, BBD was the first this month with the chameleons, it would be nice to come again but not good for our pockets, I already exceeded my limit with BBD and the seedling events.
    farmlily3 and IVANCICA30 like this.
  14. fifitrixiebell

    fifitrixiebell Forum Veteran

    Tbf even though I was hoping for a harvester helper day, it really hasn't ended up being such a problem as I'm just using comfort fields on my partners farm. Hopefully I should still be able to complete as much of the event as needed!
    I'm pleased Renzo's Fair is on for 2 days this time and I love the new rewards to choose from!! I just hope they'll keep them on for a good while to give me time to save my chips!
  15. kmellish

    kmellish Regular

    I want them all ... I need them all !!!!! BB Day, supergrow and turbo mulch to help all those new tree's ..... But will settle for Renzo's...T'isalways good funxDxDxD
  16. saltypixel

    saltypixel Regular

    I love Renzo's, but I'm absolutely horrible at the mini games still. :cry: Always start out hopeful and end up miserable with hardly any chips. :oops:
    penguilnz, farmlily3 and IVANCICA30 like this.
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