Feedback Bahamarama Content Update

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by teddy.bear, Mar 18, 2015.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

  2. saturnia22

    saturnia22 Forum Great Master

    Whoa! 500 BB? (gulp!) Great to have an option, but the new trees are...going to take me 50 years to get! that's around $25-30 RL money per. or level 500 to Just let me start breathing properly while I take this in.

    Okay, I'm fine..I went and had a look at it in the temple. the regular unlocked ones are in the 40's that's okay.
    With the XXL's maybe I can win an upgrade.
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 21, 2015
    bygo_cris likes this.
  3. yagki2000

    yagki2000 Forum Apprentice

    With so many trees, our Island will soon become a jungle xD We need more room for all these trees ;) which are lovely by the way 8)

    The new quest is an absolute waste of time >:( and resources -.- 11 circus pandas :eek: I will build 5 pink chopstick factories before I ever donate them to that quest :p Why would we want all those orange chopstick factories :oops: useless without the base :(
  4. abubadi66

    abubadi66 Old Hand

    The trees are beautiful but the price to unlock them is very high either with GB or BB, I think it would be better if one of the trees would be cheap to suit the lower level players and one medium, so the players wouldn't mind the third to be expensive.
    For the quest, it is the most difficult so far, the rewards are very good but the requirements are extremely high and needs a very long time, that When I am able to do the quest the reward would not be that useful at that time, I think if BP want to encourage the players to do the quest they should consider introducing something to help doing this quest, for example we have pumpkin jam and carrot apple chutney that gives +1, +2 buffs for the crops, why not do something like this for the animal stalls, and may be BP should start giving some colored animas as gifts or quest rewards in the events to help to reduce the big burdens this quest throws over the players shoulders.
    wolfeyesone, JJenks and kmellish like this.
  5. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Quest and rewards seem fine. A lot of people have wanted higher level quests, and this is one. It will be a while before I am able to even attempt it, since I have not yet opened even the chamber that has cactus, never mind that statue. I have decided I need to open up the harbor before I do anything else, but then I will start working on other things.

    I will probably wait to get the trees for similar reasons. since the harbor is still a long ways off for me, I am not really looking too closely at the new trees yet.

    One thing... I have seen a prior suggestion, but I would like to see a chance for lower players to earn these new trees even if they don't have the chamber open. (even if they cannot sell the items) I realize this is controversial, but if offered only in the most recent secret seedling event, then stopped, I think it would be OK.
  6. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Trees are too expensive to open either with GB or BB. They cost more than the trees in the final chamber. The BB cost would be acceptable if it were unlocking an XXL upgrade but not for a regular tree that needs to be purchased with CC. The Wonder tree bundle with the guaranteed new rare tree cost less than these additions of normal tropical trees and the bundle gave a mixture of rare and upgrades trees. I don't think the value of the exchange is fair.

    The Sand Castle quest asks for too many breeding animals. The normal breeding quests which many players are still working on only asks for a fraction of the animals the Sand Castle quest does. There is not enough time to work on quests that require breeding stock because the majority of our Baby boom events are accompanied with breeding events. We need 1) Baby boom events not tied to any breeding event to allow players to pursue individual farming goals 2) breeding that does not require 2 PF 3) less events requiring breeding animals 4) events that award breeding animals 5) better skips for higher level breeding animals.
  7. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Greetings lovely Farmers,

    Thank you all for your feedback :) . ​

    Best regards,

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