Feedback Cheesemasons II

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by teddy.bear, Mar 18, 2015.

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  1. Ameliorana

    Ameliorana Forum Apprentice

    I just wanted to add that I too like the 4 and 6 hour crops! And the flowers are both very pretty. :)
    d5aisy and IVANCICA30 like this.
  2. CaliChrome

    CaliChrome Forum Baron

    I'm with TCRooster.

    Like the way the quest was set up as far as the event flowers/drops are concerned.

    Not crazy about the request for more breeding animals added to the rare animals in this event.

    Really think that the rewards should still have included stars. (Can I trade in all my event stickers for stars?)
    saturnia22, SillyGuy, d5aisy and 3 others like this.
  3. Fryrea

    Fryrea Forum Greenhorn

    Being a low level player on a fixed income I am wondering if participation in the Quest and Events is only for high income and high level players. I would like to participate but No Stars and needing breeding animals all the time is shutting me out of the game. I really need the stars and bananas and I do not need or want the stickers. Will I ever be able to finish an Event?
  4. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    I do love the look of the event plants:inlove:....especially the moon flower:music: (oh, I so wish we could keep it!!!) and the 2 grow times!!!
    I did silver levels only to get the cloud row....the rest was waaaay too much to ask..... for the rewards. :(
    I'd rather keep my 9 coach chameleons than turn them over for.....10 drip tanks, 17300 cc's and 15,600 BEP!!!!o_O It didn't seem a very worthwhile prize.:wuerg:
    SillyGuy, d5aisy, TCRooster and 3 others like this.
  5. fifitrixiebell

    fifitrixiebell Forum Veteran

    I thought this event was pretty good. A good mix of different items required although I agree with others about the breeding animals. I only did certain parts of this event as I don't have the breeding pandas and I wasn't bothered about winning scissors or oak seedlings. I didn't even bother with Level 6 as I don't think Id've had the time to get all 7500 morning glorys and I wasn't that bothered about the cloud row anyway and I already have one Bio-Glue Lab so it's not a big deal. It's good that BP put the difficulty rating on so everyone was aware it was a hard event. If they continue to put Easy-Hard ratings on events at least it gives an indication to everyone what you should expect from it. Everyone is at different stages and wants different things but you work your way up through the game and can't have everything straight away..that's the whole point otherwise you have nothing to aim for!
    Oh and I think the stars should've been included as well!!
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2015
    Mooboy, d5aisy, muscaricat and 5 others like this.
  6. abubadi66

    abubadi66 Old Hand

    I waited to finish the event before I give my feed back so it would be based on my experience and not on speculations, so now I am done and no pressures anymore from event crops, drop items or breeding animals requirement, I feel like I did this event as a since of duty, and just to say I am still here, and of course out of habit, finishing events became a habit without considering the cost and the outcome because I keep telling my self this a game and I play for fun, though I like the event crops, they were very nice, and the steps of the quest were introduced in a new logical and creative manner, it was a hard challenge which I don't mind, the demands were very high and most of the rewards are not useful, a lot of event crops, drop items and breeding animals were required, and all that tools stuff that you give, who needs that after playing for more than three years, I have tons of these save the drip tanks but I already have 2 bio glue labs and I don't mind waiting more to get these, that leaves the snorkel shop, the cloud row which was fine, but the EP rewards were not great, so if there is going to be more events like this one, please consider to polish it up and add some spicing to be more attractive.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2015
  7. dahl62

    dahl62 Forum Greenhorn

    i think thats it's a okay event and I don't need stars,but bananas o_O
    SillyGuy and d5aisy like this.
  8. saturnia22

    saturnia22 Forum Great Master

    I NEED GLOW CONES! 22hours left and I need 303 not to finish the event but use up what I've grown for this. I won't be donating Pandas or Chameleons, but the other easy stuff. 23000 event crops and I got 519 glow cones. Growing the biggest ep crops possible for my level hoping to get extra GC's Terrible drop rate...and no stars....
    I'm updating: 9 hours to go and I'm still very very short. Considering these are the worst drop rates I can remember, the very least they could do was gift all the players scrambling up to the end with a fitting present;
    A Terror Bouquet!
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2015
    d5aisy likes this.
  9. fifitrixiebell

    fifitrixiebell Forum Veteran

    @saturnia22 you could post in the SOS Cheesemason II Event Drop Items/Glow Cones thread. It is the best place to ask for help for this event! Good luck!:)
    steph2014 likes this.
  10. pferdepferdefarm

    pferdepferdefarm Active Author

    Would have liked the cheap harvester offer that usually accompanies these events. Did grow some crops but wish I had left this alone.
    saturnia22 likes this.
  11. saturnia22

    saturnia22 Forum Great Master

    Thank you!!!!!!!
    fifitrixiebell likes this.
  12. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    At first it seems very slow, then you reach a point where you have more and more animals, where crops get easier, etc.

    There are specific strategy threads that can give you better advice than I, but overall, I would say to stock up on just about everything to a point, then sell and make a profit, buy what you need with CCs. Use the movie theater to earn BBs.. its slow, but you can get some. And, just set your goals for what you can achieve, rather than worrying about what you cannot. In this game, you are not in competition with anyone. Just go at your own pace.
    JJenks, CaliChrome and fifitrixiebell like this.
  13. chookie

    chookie Exceptional Talent

    I like the beautiful flowers and that the stages are set out so you can get the cloud row without donating breeding animals. I am not a fan of no stars as I felt no incentive to go beyond silver levels and I hate the stupid quantities of crops - not possible with a busy schedule, so no cloud row for me. I prefer 4 and 8 hr crops as 6 hr is difficult to grow overnight without wasting time.
    muscaricat and Peanut1492 like this.
  14. d5aisy

    d5aisy Forum Inhabitant

    I quite like having gold and diamond quest steps giving us old wonder trees and stables. This is perfect for the new player like me, who had no opportunity to get these things when they came out. It should also benefit the player who wants to spend cc's rather then bb's since these steps can be bought in market and rewarded with old creatures/wonder trees they might not have yet.

    I would like it more if the mouse/blossom type of steps gave the stables/trees so people of lower level could benefit.

    Please let lower level people have some nice payoffs. It's impossible for someone of low level to complete this quest so please take that into account when gifting rewards for the first couple of steps. People of lower level will spend days growing these crops, they probably don't have the money or even ability [one needs to be level 40] to buy CAC so they won't get very far. So the rewards should be very helpful for the first couple of steps for them. sizzors is not a good choice.

    I really like that the silver steps, which are theoretically completable for all levels, gave the wonderful donkey bep giver. He is adorable!!!!
    11 hours to go. I have grown all the flowers. AND I STILL need 200 glow cones to finish step six.
    I am very very unhappy with the drop rate. I don't think its fair at all to require so many flowers and have such a low drop rate. I have played every day. I have used CAC every day just to finish growing all the flowers and to be that far behind in drop rate is not a balanced or fair event.
    I understand the quest was labeled hard. In my opinion that means CAC. But to use CAC, to play everyday and to be this short of event drops is NO FUN AT ALL.

    And again please offer stars at least for the levels that are open to all players. So silver steps at least would have stars. :)

    As the event closes I grew more then enough flowers for step 6 and am about 150 glowcones short. I gave up many hours ago because there was no way I could make it.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2015
    saturnia22 and Peanut1492 like this.
  15. helak1970

    helak1970 Forum Apprentice

    Like all the last event, I just hate de drops items, I cant always start the event in the midddle of the week and if you don't start at the beginnig of a event, you always come short on the drops items. I started the event thursday night (the 19th) and I finishe the crops this morning, and I'm short of at least 200 drops items.

    This should not happen, the drops should be calculates to match the number of plant needed in the event. This is not every people who can stay log on 2 or 3 times per day during all the events.

    And for the best part, there is no star for completing a level.

    The rate of drop item was not so hard 3 years ago.

    Thank you very much!
  16. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    Even though my trophies in the LL rune add up to 23% and I used carnations at every opportunity, I only finished just now. I've delayed going to bed just for this as I couldn't be sure I'd get the drops and wake up early enough to finish. Had everything else early this morning. Really disappointed with the rewards. I would have traded all the trees for one guaranteed tree. Add in no stars and I'm wondering why I worked so hard.
  17. djh99

    djh99 Regular

    I only managed to do silver up to level 5 because the drop rate was so low. I've never had a problem with drops as bad as this before, I know (and do) all the tricks to get good drops. But I also was not inspired by this event - no stars, no rare materials I wanted except the drip things,unknown trees and animals (didn't get any I wanted). I had just got used to being able to finish events completely, if I worked for them and now all these breeding animals (and no BBD) are included. I either have to up my game or go back to doing bits of events for the rewards I really want. I'm left feeling rather glum!
  18. bygo_cris

    bygo_cris Count Count

    I needed 44 moonflowers to finish :cry::cry::cry::cry:
    CaliChrome and d5aisy like this.
  19. omadon

    omadon Junior Expert

    Hm, so I'm not the only one to have trouble with drop rate, eh?
  20. sewinglady

    sewinglady Exceptional Talent

    As something of a game "newbie" (I've only been playing since March 6)...this event was my first. It seemed quite daunting at first, and I knew that I would not be able to complete it, but I set a personal goal and in the end, I met that goal.

    I do wish there had been stars awarded as I am pretty low on my tree of wisdom, so the stars would have boosted those of us who still need them. The flowers did look so pretty and colorful at harvest time, and I even liked the pattern in the 'dirt' when we planted them...very nice touch. I did appreciate that there were generous EP and BEP rewards as meeting those quest goals really boosted both levels for me.

    Thanks for a fun long weekend of growing "pretties"...
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