Comic #8 - Strategy

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by -Mir85-, Mar 24, 2015.

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  1. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    Carrot Bread, while increasing EP and using those otherwise useless silver slots, only lasts 4 hours each so 4 x 4 = 16 hours plus multiply by PPP effect for 20.8 hours total. (You might want to use 3 with PPP for 15.6 hours or use 4 without PPP during the day and either way activate one more the next morning before the 24 hours on the timer runs out.)
  2. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I actually find i get more event drops consistently from animal pens. Perhaps because pens and workshops are so much longer than my crops right now (carnation is my highest level crop).
    abubadi66 and Arielh like this.
  3. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst


    In my experience, though I don't care much because I always get the needed event's drops, regardless of that first harvest (I actually produce what I need to produce: hence, I never produce carnations, for example, because they can be cheaply bought by the truckloads), fields with rather long growth time crops in 1x1s -not necessarily so long: even those in the 12 hs range, base time, like lilies- yield more event's drops than fields covered with workshops. Always. Not even once that I can recall this has failed, in any of my 3 farms, the 3 of them with much different general conditions between them, by the way.
  4. Sheriziya

    Sheriziya Forum Master

    Has anyone ever been glad they got the flu which screwed their vacation plans? Well,.... all your raise your hands..... /* raises her hand tentatively */ Yep, me and my hubby both had a bad case of the flu last week and we're still not fully recovered from that. So.... our little weekend vacation has been put on hold. And thus now I can participate in this event. Hmmmmm.... Should I be glad? I guess only time will tell if the weather will be better when we actually go away on our little weekend trip :)

    So... the Comic event...... I hope I'll be able to plan it all so I can complete step 1 for 100 %. That would be fun. I just checked my tools and found I've got exactly enough tools to build 4 Moustacheries, so that's good :) I don't have any cuckoo's, but I've got enough crops to make loads of Cuckoo feed and with the time needed to raise the cuckoo's that won't be a problem.
    The amount of Event crops... now that's a whole other deal. I've got enough CAC and PJ to last throughout the event. Suzy's Supergrow would help though..... Hmmmmm...... I've got about 550 of those..... More would come in handy, I imagine. But I'll work with what I've got :)
    I'll keep my fingers crossed for the mugs. If things go like the last event I participated in, I should be okay with the drops. I think I even had some extra at the end of the event. It will be a challenge though, but it will be fun :)

    Oh well, for an event I had planned NOT to participate in, I'm counting my blessings and just complete what I can complete. It would be fun to be able to complete everything and get the new stables as well as the workshops. That would be awesome, but I'm not gonna stress. After all, I had planned to not even participate in this event :D

    Good luck everyone!
    JJenks, penguilnz, Brookeham and 6 others like this.
  5. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I'm back 8) couldn't stay away long, love strategizing :inlove:

    You could (almost) grow 4 x cube pumpkins and an overnight of cube watermelons in 24 hours, which would fit with the calculations. But I would recommend always using water, you get more drops and EP in the same time and it is not expensive. Personally I rarely use manure :)

    pnp, for you :)

    thanks for pointing out that cube pumpkins give more EP per hour, that is important to be aware of, I will add it to my initial post :)
    fifitrixiebell likes this.
  6. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    jealous that you actually get to go on vacation... [sigh] sorry about the flu, hope the event went well for you.
  7. igotfrogs

    igotfrogs Forum Overlooker

    *grumbles* just got my farm all set back up again! would LOVEEEE more time between events Have no time to grow other stuff .... with having FOCD i have to take part ..... BUT so lost on what i need to do in what order ..... so shouldn't read these threads just after i wake up * sits and pouts*
    Sheriziya, tlcmom, JJenks and 4 others like this.
  8. bwraven

    bwraven Someday Author

    Can any of you enlighten me on a specific thing !? If I use a buff (say CAC) and extend it with Pinkie, and later (before CAC expires) I add another buff (say ZAB), can I use another Pinkie to extend ZAB???
  9. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    Yes you can, Bwraven. Although if you can eat everything together you save yourself a pinkie pie.
    -Mir85- likes this.
  10. bwraven

    bwraven Someday Author

    I know but I'm using CAC and White Innocence right from the start to get the necessary crops to fill all fields, and do not stop until I have them all. The ep boosting buffs on the other hand will only be activated once the first full farm of watermelons are ready to harvest and I want to extend all as long as possible.
    Thanks for putting my mind to rest TC.
    tlcmom and -Mir85- like this.
  11. igotfrogs

    igotfrogs Forum Overlooker

    ok Mir if i understand this right ........ we grow like 700ish each of both the plant seeds 1st ..... using CAC to give the extra seeds needed ..... Then once we have around that number then right before a morning harvest we put on ZAB and CB ..... then try and get 65000 *shudders* thats the number required on the only other event i did i failed at *cries* .....
    -Mir85- likes this.
  12. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    You can, bwraven. It'll only affect the buffs you activated after you activated the first PP.

    In fact, I learned yesterday -by chance: I had no idea about this-, PP affects the stacked set of any buff not yet PP-powered even if the first ones of that stack have already expired (yesterday, I applied PP when a CB had 03:26 left; I had added that CB to another one that was running; when I activated PP, the first CB had already expired, but its effect was computed as if the two of them were running: it added 02:24 to the one still active, extending the CB effect left to 05:50; I couldn't believe it but there it was....; I don't know if it will work the same way with more than 2, but it's worth the test, unless someone confirms before I do test that it will work).
    tlcmom, JJenks and -Mir85- like this.
  13. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    That's right Froggie :) And if you can afford it xD you can also put an Easter marmalade or spring wreath :)

    Do you have any pets? Do you have the flower cloud row? Those will also help :)

    PS. You are a much more experienced froggie now, I am sure this will go better, so please don't :cry: at least not yet :p
  14. bwraven

    bwraven Someday Author

    @Aluntino HA !! That's good to know. Although I see only a limited use of this 'feature'. Ideally one would plan in advance the use of buffs and if you're going to use PP you might as well use it at the very beginning to maximize the extension.
  15. igotfrogs

    igotfrogs Forum Overlooker

    Yeah i brought a heap of stuff on the market just after the details of this came out only thing i might be short on is CAC ..... i have 6 ZAB
    3EM 6 CB ... only one CAC though lol used it all last event ..... i have 6 PPP's .... i dunno if it will be enough though

    Oh i have the flower cloud row .... and a pet Dragon and Owl .and christmas Squirrel and Cupig (but i dont think he will do anything in this case).....
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2015
    -Mir85- and BlackCaviar like this.
  16. abubadi66

    abubadi66 Old Hand

    The last event ended with more than 350 drop items in my stock, so I guess it is not a big problem, apart from the first step this event is not very hard, it should be doable by most players, the exception is the new players and the players who does not have a long time crops like Lilies and up, and who did not unlocked the runes, this is the first event I see that does not have requirements other than event crops, event drop items, cuckoos, feed and the moustache product, with 4 workshops the 26 product required is doable in less than 48 hours, the event crops the cube water melon needs 3 harvests using 2x2 plots, CAC and water should take around 19h 3m, and can be cut to around 4 hours total with manure and super grow, with the rune and CR, and white innocence, then by using 776 1x1 plots it is around six harvests to achieve 13000 cube water melons in 38 hours 18 m, the cube pumpkins need half the time, while considering the first 24 hours for the timed quest is included and the crops produced is not wasted so the event should take 4 to 5 days depending on the rate of Mugs (drop item) and planting long time crops over night to help getting the 950 mugs needed.
  17. fifitrixiebell

    fifitrixiebell Forum Veteran

    How will we know how much EP we have gathered so far? Will it be shown on a bar on our farms or on a bar in the requirements part of the task in the city? If I only want the tools and helper coupons, I only need to get 13,000 EP, is this correct? (It's what it says in the box on the event FAQ's). And once I've got to that amount will I be able to go straight to level 2 or will I have to wait til the 24hr period is up?
  18. Rags4

    Rags4 Forum Apprentice

    You can actually get more than one drop from a 2x2 square. A few weeks ago, I harvested one long-grow animal pen on the Magical Glade (I think it might have been a donkey pen, but I'm not positive) and was surprised to get two different tools as drop items. That was the only thing ready to harvest at the time, so i'm sure they both came from the same 2x2 square.
  19. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    I think you will have to wait the entire 24 hrs., fifi. I brought this up last time when it was close to the end of the event and those that knew they would not have enough to fully complete the step wanted to move on. There was no way to "stop" the timer. I suggested adding this but I don't see that it might have been implemented.
  20. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Froggie, the EP buffs are more than enough, since you only need them for 24 hours :) But it is a lot of crops to grow with only one CAC :oops:

    Fifi, the gathered EP will be shown both on bar on the farm (like a normal timed quest) and on the comic page. The answer to the next question is unfortunately no. The table has to be read another way: If you get 13000 EP you will get one coupon, with 26000 you will get 2, and so on. So to get all the coupons you will need to get the full amount of EP. Same for the tools, on tool per 130 EP you gather xD
    tlcmom and puppiesnponies like this.
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