More Gifts During Events

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by Chevrefeuille, Mar 24, 2015.

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  1. Chevrefeuille

    Chevrefeuille Forum Commissioner

    During events, it would be great if the gift limit was lifted or the daily allowance increased to give farmers more chance to get those oh so precious drops. :)
  2. pepsishot

    pepsishot Forum Expert

    I'm with you on this. I would like to gift every neighbor every day during events if not everyday which would be great.
  3. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Count me in....I would like to see our daily gifts increase but definitely for events.
  4. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Would be great :) Maybe rather than lifting the gift limit in general during events (which I think is unrealistic) how about lifting it for event drop gifts :)
  5. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    I like this idea too, would be nice to help more people out.
  6. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    Good idea. It is not nice trying to decide who should get the event drop gift each day - I always feel so guilty when I have to leave someone out.
  7. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    Wonderful idea. I would love to be able to send out more daily gifts, especially during events.
  8. tlcmom

    tlcmom Forum Expert

    I would love to be able to send more gifts during events too.
  9. igotfrogs

    igotfrogs Forum Overlooker

    I would love this as well BUT i will admit I've been getting some very lovely gifts from some of you in the coming of this event and i thank you guys always for them! .... i would also LOVE if when we get towards the end of the event if we have extra drops .... to be able to gift those away to help someone that maybe struggling ..... Struggling to NEVER EVER fun when doing a event gawd knows i know that one lol
  10. redly

    redly Forum Apprentice

    That sounds great. I feel the same way as farmerumf. I do feel guilty that I can not send all my neighbours and maybe buddy list freinds a daily gift.
  11. Chevrefeuille

    Chevrefeuille Forum Commissioner

    LOL! I started my second farm in order to send gifts during events. It was going to be a non-working farm, just doing the minimum to keep it going, not doing events. That second farm is called ... Chevrefeuille! :inlove:

    I didn't intend to have neighbours but now I have them, I feel bad when I can't send to all of them! I just hope they understand why I sometimes go off the radar gift-wise! :music:

    I toyed with the idea of a third anonymous, tree growing farm but I know I just couldn't resist ... :wuerg:
  12. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    That is exactly what happened to me! xDStarted BW as a non working gifting farm. Got some neighbors to open up the fields to do some quests to gain some stars to open the extra 2 gifts on the tree.......

    Third farm opened and tried to remain anonymous but....xD this a symptom of being addicted to farming? I must be in the wrong threadxDxDxD
  13. Chevrefeuille

    Chevrefeuille Forum Commissioner

    I seem to recall it was talking to you and BW that got me thinking about a second farm ... and again with the third! :D

    But I will not, no never, not me, no. No third farm for me! Two is more than enough ... isn't it? :wuerg:
  14. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    We'll see....I wonder if you will open another farm before the year is over. You have had a lot of fun with your second farm...just imagine how much more fun (not work!) it will be for another:p I really am kidding...I have been wondering how crazy I must have been to open a third. I am betting that you will open another....if I am right, I will send you a CAC, ZAB EM, MOS and CB to the farm of your choice;)
  15. farmerlily22

    farmerlily22 Forum Master

    The second farm sounds like a good idea, and maybe after I really get a grip on this one, and understand the game much better, I may do just that. For now, I have the slightest amount of gifts, being a newbie, so I could really appreciate if during event drops, our gift amount were expanded. (ex: of what I need to still learn~ ALL of those abbreviations for goodies that pnp wants to share...:p)
  16. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Seven gifts per day just do not go far when you have a full neighbor list and some buddies who are not neighbors:)
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2015
  17. daisy

    daisy Forum Apprentice

    I think that is a brilliant suggestion. Most players are battling to collect enough drop items to finish events
    penguinfarmer and IVANCICA30 like this.
  18. IVANCICA30

    IVANCICA30 Regular

    this is great idea :inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove: i think we need at least 10 gift we can give when event is on :D:D many players have problem collecting drops so more gift will realy help allxDxD:music::inlove::inlove:
    penguinfarmer likes this.
  19. penguinfarmer

    penguinfarmer Forum Apprentice

    This is a fantastic idea. We definitely need to increase the gift limit, especially during events.

    PS: I always feel very miserable when I don't have enough gift slots for my lovely 40 neighbours. This 8) idea will definitely stop me from being very frustrated.:D
    PPS: pnp I'm wondering who that third farm is?;)
    IVANCICA30 likes this.
  20. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Only a handful of people know the identity of that farm. I have not added any neighbors so both the green meadow and magical glade remain very limited in field size. Its sole purpose is to send out additional gifts so I can rotate through my neighbors more often, as well as be able to gift buddies or those in SOS.
    penguinfarmer and steph2014 like this.