Feedback Farmerama Comic #8: Always Right

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by teddy.bear, Mar 25, 2015.

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  1. gretchncliff923

    gretchncliff923 Junior Expert

    I am at level 89,but still feel like i struggle to all these events lately,I want to thank everyone who helped me by sending things i needed,but i still couldn't get the last level and that was the one with the neat stables and workshops and the PF, and i learned that i need to use 1x1 plots to make the event successful if i have CAC,ZAB,PJ,CB and PPP at my disposal,one bad thing was the mystery stable rewards ,i got repeat stables again,i wish they would fix that. I am going to stay in the game and make the best of it,i just hope BP improves a little better than they have in the past. Again thank you to all my neighbors and friends who helped me by sending mugs,Happy Farming. :)
    daisy, crzyjoyce and garden-angel like this.
  2. cpeterson

    cpeterson Forum Inhabitant


    Here is my overall feedback:

    -most of the prizes were reasonable:) (but a yellow stall? Really? Yellow pens of anything are almost as worthless as the base stable, especially if we know an orange, red, or pink is available:oops:)
    -event crops were cute:)
    -only event crops & products were required. No emptying of the barn!:D:D:D

    -waaaaayyyy too many crops required. I'm a level 85 and the only reason I finished the whole thing was by forgoing sleep and all RL other than work requirements. I did end up using one CAC. For any farmer below 40, this event is impossible to complete in its entirety, and it is tough even for mid-level players. :(:(:(

    -events are coming much too close together. PLEASE, BP, give us breathing room between events!!! We don't need four full events every month, three would be plenty.:sleepy: I am barely managing to keep up with the standard farming, and having to rip out everything two days after setting it up is turning into wasted time & energy. Events are supposed to be fun, not work!:cry::(:cry:

  3. Sheriziya

    Sheriziya Forum Master

    Now that the event is over, I can look back on it and properly give my feedback. In the end I managed to complete level 4 of the event. I was about 200 mugs short to complete level 5. I had more than enough CW and CP so that wasn't the problem. And I had all four Moustacheries. All I needed was 200 more mugs..... Oh well, for an event I thought I wouldn't participate in because of a short holiday break, I think I managed to get a nice result after all :)


    - No normal crops needed to grow (only to make the Cuckoo feed), which is good, cause now I still have a nice stock of at least several crops.
    - Only Cuckoos needed for which you got the stables as a reward, which is a good thing too. I wasn't here when the Legacy cuckoos were made, so I didn't have 1000's of cuckoos in my barn. But nevertheless, with the four stables I managed to get all the fake moustaches I needed.
    - Partial rewards for step 1 in case you couldn't complete step 1 With this incredible amount of EP needed, it's a good thing to get partial reward where possible.
    - Nice event crops
    - Nice rewards

    - Comfortfields with Suzy's Super Growth results in getting less experience then it should (a bug which has apparantly been reported before, but still hasn't been solved). I needed about 5k extra in experience to get to 65k EP.
    - Way too many event crops needed! 13k twice including once with a crop that takes 8 hours? I was lucky enough to have enough CAC and Suzy's Super Growth to get enough crops, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten those numbers. I've at least halved my supply of SSG's, though and with the Easter event coming tomorrow I have a feeling I won't be able to complete that. :(
    - Again something that's pretty hard for low-leveled players to participate in, let alone get good rewards from. Luckily I am now level 73 and help very good help from friends, neighbors and forummembers, but it still was pretty hard. For low-leveled players it's very hard to get the necessary things to help you out, outside of help from very generous friends, neighbors and forum members. And with this event you needed all the buffs you could get and still you had to hope for the best.
    - The amount of event drops needed to complete (part of) the event in combination with the droprate. Those of us who don't have that high trophies yet, are doomed. The SOS thread helps in a great way, don't get me wrong. But it's just not enough. I couldn't complete this event because I needed about 200 more drops while my trophies are 12% and 8 %. Can you either up the droprate or lower the requirements?
    - Balance between game and RL commitments/family/friends/etc is way off...... I feel like I have to spend 24/7 in Farmerama to be able to participate in the events and get a few nice rewards, even though I won't complete all the steps. I'm sorry, but I have a live, a household to do, a job which has me working 6 hours a day and somewhere along the line I need to eat and sleep too.......
    - Like other's have already said: PLEASE GIVE US MORE TIME BETWEEN EVENTS!!!!! The rate things are now going, I don't think it's even fun anymore (at least not as fun as it should be) to participate in the events. We, maybe, have a day or two to catch our breath until the next event hits us again. Doing FSQ's? Forge it! Build up your stocks again? Forget it! There's simply no time to do this. I've only been in this game for about half a year now, but it's not a good when a rather new player already is tired of the bucketload of events without getting proper time to build up a farm. It indeed is not Farmerama anymore but Eventarama as crzyjoyce already said.
    - This event felt more like work than a fun event. I come here to "escape from real life", sorta speak. Back to back events and events with such high requirements don't add to the joy of escaping from RL, instead it has a negative influence on that feeling.

    My wishes for future events:
    • I wish all future events will have rewards for partially completing a level/step.
    • I wish all future events will have requirements which are level based. That way lower-leveled players will also be better able to participate
    • I wish future events will have about a week (or more) between them so that we'll be able to work on our farm again
    Well, this is it. I hope BP will actually listen to the concerns related to events. As for the rest..... We'll see what happens :)
    Dienstag and CaliChrome like this.
  4. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Thank you all for your feedback, it has been forwarded to the Game Team.

    Best regards,

    ~ closing thread ~
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