Announcement Bugfixes, Updates & Improvements - April 2015

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by teddy.bear, Apr 1, 2015.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    In this thread we will keep you updated with the bugfixes, updates and improvements which will occur in April 2015.
    Your Farmerama Team
  2. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    The following bugfix and improvement have gone live today:
    • Bugfix: Chicken pet tools were displayed as Toolbox Items in the inventory, but this was a glitch. The chicken pet works correctly now, the tools will drop correctly.
    • Improvement: Icons in the inventory had different sizes. Now, they are all set to 60x60 px. We are aware it can be a bit too small, so they will be changed to 70x70 px tomorrow.
    Best regards,
    Your Farmerama Team
  3. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    The following bugfix and improvement will be synced today around 14:00 CEST:
    • Bugfix: Tooltips - Older trees and stables were showing wrong information, for example, Apple Tree said "Produces: Apple tree", instead of "Produces: Apple". This has been fixed now
    • Improvement: As announced yesterday, the icons have been changed to 70x70 px.
    Best regards,
    Your Farmerama Team
  4. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    The following bugfixes and updates have been synced today:

    • Workshops - requirements were confusing after changing all animal feed names. If you click on a workshop you can see you need for example cuckoo feed and 8x cuckoo - because all feeds are changed from, for example "cuckoo feed" to "cuckoo" - you see now "cuckoo, 8x cuckoo" which doesn't make sense. Fixed: The correct text will be shown now.
    • Mill Redesign - User's account produces two feed at same time - somehow you could produce more than one feed at one time, and then you couldn't enter the mill anymore, the game froze. Fixed: Just one production per mill should be active. And game shouldn’t freeze
      • Please note, this bug has been fixed around 1 hour ago, by finishing the production that was in progress. Due to this, you might have been logged out of the game.
    • Mill Redesign - The text in the detail area was "squeezed together" after unlocking Bahamarama, until unlocking the first statue. Fixed: The text is ok again
    • Icons - some icons looked smaller than the other ones. Fixed: Now, all icons have the same size.
    • Crafting - In Bakery, the "Sponge-cake dough" has a missing icon. Fixed: The icon is correct now.
    • Deco items - Tooltip from "Blue flowerbed" and "Large blue flowerbed"displayed XP. Fixed: The tooltip does not display wrong info anymore.
    • Daily Login Bonus - There have been reports about Fuzzles giving Windmill sails. Fixed: Fuzzles does no longer give Windmill sails as daily login bonus.
    Best regards,
    Your Farmerama Team
  5. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    The following improvements and bugfixes have been synced today:

    • The landing page has now a shorter registration form
    • Breeding animal "Crazy Chicken": had a wrong icon in the Barn and market. The icon is correct now
    • Peacock and Bee Feed in the Mill: were visible for players who did not reach the required levels for these animals. Now, they are no longer displayed before reaching levels 48 (bee) / 54 (peacock)
    • The Herbarium quest reward: all diamond steps gave only 1 toolbox instead of 2. The quest will now give the correct reward
    • Cuckoo feed: Was still displayed with hourglass symbol despite being permanent; The icon is now gone
    • Mill favourite event product: If an event product was set as favourite, it could not be removed after the event ended. The event products will be removed now even if set as favourites.
    • Mill Redesign: Chosen slots changed the order after activating the Valentine's day cloud row. The order is no longer messed up.
    • Mill Redesign: User's account produces two feed at same time. You see the clocks in the mill next to both feed and the logs show as well that both productions are running. Only one production per mill is now active.
    • Pirate's Cove: Ginkgo tree with discount was more expensive than in the shop. The price has been corrected.
    • Inventory: Beech and Brazil nut upgrades were displayed in wrong category. They are now in the correct category.
    • Meteor shower sticker: had no origin and category. The sticker now has these details displayed.
    • Further Mill fixes: Apart from all the bugfixes above, we also synced a bugfix for the mill calculation. This should fix the problems with wrong total time, wrong time in different slots, mess with slot order and other calculation related issues, as well as the issues which are associated with the Valentines Cloud Row Buff. However, we would like to inform you that running production could be still affected of these issues as long as 2nd slot hasn't been started, since the time will be calculated with start/end of one slot. That means you could still notice some issues until the running production are completed and another production started.
    Best regards,
    Your Farmerama Team
  6. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    We just had a sync that unfortunately had to do a forced log out for all the players, so if you have been kicked out of the farm, this is why.

    The sync brought a few bugfixes:
    • Mill problems when activating cloud row - weird displaying of total time: The mill changed to a weird duration display after activating a cloud row buff (10% faster mill). Correct time should be calculated and shown now.
    • Mill Redesign: Mill production time is not correct (too short) There was a wrong calculation of the times while using the Valentine’s Cloud Row Buff. Example: The total time for 1x power feed should be time related, so should change every second. Every additional powerfeed amount should raise the duration by the reduced base time (rune, row, mill subscription --> 04:03:00). So 2x powerfed = 08:06:00, not 12:19:05. But maybe it is an aftereffect of the not changing 1x superfeed total time
    • Localisation fixes: Some event tooltips were not translated
    Best regards,
    Your Farmerama Team