Feedback Mill Changes (Part II), Producer Newsletter and Compensation

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by teddy.bear, Apr 9, 2015.

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  1. mackboy

    mackboy Padavan

    Well said Steph word of mouth is the best form adverting and when people find out how companies treat their customers it gets around so others do not try and trust that company. Therefore income is drastically reduced but it looks BP are finding that out the hard way. I was thinking of buying some Bb's tomorrow for wonder trees but I am not now I will see how BP get themselves out of this mess they have created
    vizcacha, Dienstag, penguilnz and 2 others like this.
  2. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) BP, would you really like to give us fair compensation?
    Woody made an excellent suggestion: A separate slot just for milling Power feed - with the old or shortened times, and we get to keep what we have already milled, whether or not the whole amount has been milled.
    Since we have already invested our time to mill them, it is not fair to turn around and take them away - without compensating for that time already spent. Period. End of story.
  3. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I was also going to buy BBs for the wonder trees. Now there will be no BBs and no wonder trees.
  4. labmommy30

    labmommy30 Forum Duke

    Yeah, I'll be saving my money too! It'll take a lot of very careful thought before I ever give BP any more of my money.
    vizcacha, Dienstag, ostpol and 7 others like this.
  5. mackboy

    mackboy Padavan

    Will be interesting to see, and I hope it is, if BP's revenue is down until they do restore our faith in them.
  6. omadon

    omadon Junior Expert

    Even for me, who haven't bought Valentine CR, it is completely clear that there is only one real compensation, returning BB to anyone who does not want cloud row any more. Don't be stingy, all of them will soon enough use it for something else anyway.
    Everything/anything else will just cause more regret, and disappointment.

    2w of mill subscription will be welcomed by most, but for those who expected ... more fair reaction from BP, I'm afraid will simply leave some bitter taste.
  7. dhazzerr

    dhazzerr Forum Apprentice

    Initial issue was affecting only those who bought CR Valentine.
    BP fixed it and now entire community is affected. Huge side affects.

    I dont like the change where you dont get partial feeds, only the end result. I mill Bahamarama feeds in large quantities, usually 999. It takes over 400 hours to mill it. You tell me that if i cancel after 399 hours, for whatever reason, i will get 0 feeds ? It's nonsense.

    My guess is that game producer is not staying long in that position.
  8. daisy

    daisy Forum Apprentice

    I usually set my mill to produce 8 power feed when animal feed is not required. If I need the mill before the 72 hours are up I cancel and lose the products for the power feed presently being milled. If the mill is required for events this will obviously no longer be possible. It also means that large quantities of animal feed can no longer be milled if I want to do any events as we do not received the requirements of an event days before. It seems to me that I will have to choose between doing the events or doing regular farming. Doing both no longer seems viable. :(
    Dienstag, penguilnz, omadon and 4 others like this.
  9. Froggy_Shenanigans

    Froggy_Shenanigans Forum Greenhorn

    I have been milling Beaver food for several hours now and the number of units still shows the same amount as when I began (?). Is this a glitch or something new? It's very helpful to know how many units have been milled.
    farmlily3 and crzyjoyce like this.
  10. dnin21cent

    dnin21cent Forum Baron

    very disappointed! really disappointed.
    I rarely post in this section. I keep saying: it's just a game, if it make you unhappy
    You could chose >>Put it aside.

    BP, pls ! don't let me to do this action!

    BP, I don't want your bonus code, Or I say, I don't want any changes on the Mill
    pls give me back the old mill, I don't mind go to island & main farm to open mill
    separately. I don't mind I haven't any 2nd slot or 3rd slot!
    Let everything go back to normal :
    People buy valentine cloud row could mill Power feed in 3 hr & get back their benefits.
    People like me only buy mill subscription & had the mill rune could get 4 hour milling PF,
    & most important. Let all of us could get partial feed when we stop the Mill!!!
    Then it could settle all unhappiness you cause on this days!

    I'm not a free player, I buy BB for machinery, & Mill subscription, I like this game
    sometime it make me feel a bit bore and sometimes, It make me upset. Overall
    It still attract me to play it. But your recent action is blowing me away.

    You make changes affect those buy your products. they want refund!. No seller would
    like that, so We had a very quick response (Producer's newsletter) which you promised to
    make them happy again. But what you done is now affect more crowds of players &
    make I think over 90% of your customers( either buy BB or not in your game) unhappy.

    You could keep this changes only if :
    you refund back fully/partial BB to those buy valentine cloud row, refund the unused
    mill subscription to those don't want it anymore (I'm consider about it)
    If BP keep it's own attitude :
    Oh,I'm sorry, I know I'm wrong, I will make improvement. pls be patient, Then come out
    is just another bad action!
    Then I must say. BP will get big losses. Sooner or later, much players will left this game
    Even they stay, they won't spend their money like before. Because. they don't trust
    this game anymore. They know : What they get on hand is not safe.
    they afraid some day in future. It will be taken away by the producer!
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2015
  11. CaliChrome

    CaliChrome Forum Baron

    BTW: It looks like the "full" batch processing may be in effect on the Artisan shops. Does that mean the cancel there will work the same?
    Dienstag and farmlily3 like this.
  12. dnin21cent

    dnin21cent Forum Baron

    CaliChrome, don't worry! I just test, artisan shops won't affected. cancel will get the partial finished product.
    penguilnz, crzyjoyce and CaliChrome like this.
  13. -matselleste-

    -matselleste- Forum Duke

    I almost never complain. but this - I am complaining. I did not buy the Cloud Row. I do buy the Mill Subscription, and have for quite a while. Why am I being punished by having my feed take LONGER than it did before something went on with a cloud row that I didn't even purchase? And this "full completion" thing - which isn't even explained anywhere - why did they change a good thing? Count me in with all the rest of the players that say no more BB will be purchased here, if this is how we will be treated for being good players.

    Side note: the mods have been WONDERFUL the past few weeks, with lots of manure hitting the ceiling because of changes being made, changes the mods have nothing to do with, but they have had to (patiently) deal with lots of complaints and lots of ugliness. The mods are amazing. And by and large, I think the people at BP are doing a better job of listening, giving better prizes and overall more motivation to play - but here, they gave with one hand and took with two.
  14. Peanut1492

    Peanut1492 Active Author

    I do not have the cloud row, so I do not have the issues the others are reporting on. But, I love the new mill. It is great especially because I work and I can now make 3 types of food while I'm at work and when I come home they are all finished. Before, I could only make 1. And giving it to us for free is very generous, I feel. It appears to me that the BP team works hard. I do feel that they listen to us and seem to care when we are frustrated. They do compensate us as well. Overall, I am happy (as long as the stars come back soon. It's been almost 2 months since I've got some stars.) I think it is a big improvement to the old mill. Great job BP!

    EDIT: I just tried making PF with the new mill. It does take longer now. (Heavy sigh). Maybe you guys can fix that? If you all put your heads together I'm sure you can come up with a way to fix it. Please just give it another try. Thanks.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2015
  15. cpeterson

    cpeterson Forum Inhabitant


    I've been holding off on posting my thoughts, hoping to calm down and not turn this post into a rant.

    I am NOT pleased!>:(:mad: This bonus code is nice, don't get me wrong, but due to its temporary nature, I do NOT consider it to be a suitable compensation for changing the permanent CR with no warning. Morever, the mill changes have simply made the interface worse, not better.

    Point 1: What's 69% of 20? 37% of 16? Am I really supposed to now have a calculator handy to calculate remaining feed numbers? Why can't we see how much of the batch has been processed (in units of feed, like it was before)?

    Point 2: Turning feed batches into all-or-none pay-offs is a blatant push for more players to pay for the feed they need (specifically PF), when something requiring it appears but players don't want to throw hours of investment down the drain. I refuse to pay on principle.:mad:

    Point 3: All-or-none payoffs negates all of the possible advantages of the CR and the mill change. Players have to now mill in much smaller batches than before, plan what feed to mill when, and worry about scheduling milling time around upcoming events that may require the mills. Congratulations BP, you've turned a game into a job! I already have one of those, I don't need a second. -.-

    Point 4: The fact that the time goes back once the buffs expire (even though it isn't as bad as it was) remains a slap in the face given how all other buffs permanently affect anything started within the time frame. While these "fixes" appear to minimize the impact, large batches have just become the next best thing to impossible without paying RM for a mill subscription. Another blatant push for money that, again, I refuse to pay. >:(

    Point 5: The two thing that most players would like to see (PF in the Baha mill, and an ability to see total feed numbers even when all mill slots are full) have been ignored (in a very obvious way) once again.

    Point 6: The default tab is still reseting to whatever category was last used. This has graduated from being a mild nuisance to being extremely irritating.

    I actually don't mind the change in buffs, they now seem to work the same way all the others do (by each new buff acting as a % of the previous adjusted time, rather than the original base time, if I understand them correctly). To my mind, this actually makes things easier.

    In contrast, the EN mod team has been great through all of this. They've been taking a lot of (mostly accidental) flak, and have handled all of it with grace, tact and respect. :) Their communication is direct and transparent, and they admit to mistakes as soon as such are pointed out, and fix them as much as they can. BP should learn from them about customer service. :sleepy:-.-

  16. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Greetings lovely Farmers, :(

    Thank you all once again for all the feedback - it has been forwarded to the Game Team so your opinions and concerns have been acknowledged, and all the reasons of your disappointment clearly stated.

    Also, thank you very much on behalf of the Mod Team for your kind words - your understanding and appreciation means a lot to us. We are doing our best to support you all, make your voices heard, and I can assure you that the whole situation is saddening and hard not only for you, but also for us and for the Game Team. We are also very grateful, thankful and impressed by your diplomacy, as despite your frustration, you have provided all this relevant and constructive input, instead of "just steaming" - this is very important, and gets your points of view across nicely.

    We are looking forward to more of your feedback, suggestions, constructive criticism, and we will continue to forward them.
    Best regards,
  17. playful123

    playful123 Forum Pro

    bp doesnt really listen to its players they just try to appease us with minor changes . bp when u redesigned the mill why didnt u make it so we can make pf in the baha mill ? we asked for golden bananas in events u put them in true but can u actually win them ? noooooo .and the farm machinery how hard is it to implement a stop button so we quit wasting what we pay for while waiting for these long growing crops i am begining to think the only way we will get what we want is to boycot the game mighty strange we dont have bulls in this game but we sure do get a lot of bs
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2015
  18. igotfrogs

    igotfrogs Forum Overlooker

    Thank you Teddy ..... and i fully understand that this isn't in the hands of the Mods so wont shot the messenger :) but it's nice to know someone is listening with any luck the powers that be will do and make changes as for what was promised when we made these purchase's ...... dont get me wrong i love the new mill ..... all for the time to process the items and the fact of items lost if milling is canceled .... i think all most of us want is what we thought we were buying and whats even worse we had the access to the items as they should have been for a while .... so now notice it BIG TIME ....
    again Teddy... Thank you for your time and understanding and helping us ......

    Big Chocolate pancake for teddy
    vizcacha, Dienstag, steph2014 and 3 others like this.
  19. Kaydd2

    Kaydd2 Junior Expert

    Could this be the final nail in a very patient coffin.

    We have tolerated broken promises over the years from the CAC/PJ combo & 7 AV, but the large number of issues with the mill alone, may have sealed the deal. The number of promises made in the last couple of months and not one of them being fulfilled, that is the deceptive behaviour I expect of utility companies and some ex-partners.

    Game changes are expected, but shouldn't be to the detriment of those that have spent RM with now almost worthless features.

    It may be time for further changes to occur. Clarifying that sentence may see me banned, might be a good thing in the long term.

    This could be the major reason, why the game is so new farmer friendly to the exclusion of players that have supported the game over the years. They are more willing to spend cash.

    Older farmers also would have vigorously asked for many of the recent problems to be changed.

    I seriously hope those that spend RM make a stance, seems to be the only way that notice is taken.
    vizcacha, Dienstag, steph2014 and 5 others like this.
  20. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    I have a current subscription for the mill. It is not working. I have finished the whole Tree of Wisdom.
    Yesterday I was able to make Powerfeed in four hours or three with the cloud row. Today it is taking nine hours.
    This is deplorable.
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