A Sincere Apology

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by squigglegiggle, Apr 20, 2015.

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  1. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    Hi all,

    This is not something I ever, ever thought I would have to write - in fact, it never even crossed my mind that this was a possible situation.

    As you may recall, about a year and a half ago (or a few months less) I elected to leave the game to focus on my studies. I dipped in and out of the game every few months during that first year (2014) but virtually did not play at all. In January of this year, I elected to leave the game for good until I have completed my studies, as even small uses last year were simply too distracting.

    I also have a cousin who plays this game (and I gather many are all too familiar with her - I will get to that in a minute) who chose to leave the game at the same time this year as me, also due to her schooling commitments. We made this decision together on a family holiday.

    Unfortunately during that family holiday, another family member who neither of us know particularly well managed to get a hold of our passwords, whether through guessing, or observing, or some other method, I don't know. Though neither of me nor my cousin have been active in the game since early January, both our accounts have been active this entire time, and particularly on the forum. It came to my attention only a number of weeks ago that this family member was in fact playing, but more importantly, speaking, using our identities.

    I have spent the past few weeks regaining control of my farm, but again, far more importantly, discovering the extent of the damage that this situation has caused - and I see it has caused an absolute whirlwind of distress, both via IGM and the forum. My cousin has noticed very similar trends from her own account.

    In honesty, I am absolutely disgusted by what I have read come out of "my" keyboard - or at least posted under my name. These are behaviours I am well beyond, and I have absolutely no tolerance for them whatsoever. Unfortunately, my own feelings towards what has been expressed under my name and my cousin's name does not resolve the most prominent issue - the effect that this hack has had on you, fellow players.

    More people have been hurt than I can even comprehend, and I do not think I can find the words to express just how absolutely heartbroken I am that someone has used my name, or indeed anyone's name, to cause such pain and distress to as wonderful a community as this is.

    Anybody who has been at all hurt by this troubling incident, please do not hesitate to contact me - no doubt I have missed some of the interactions between the hacker and you lovely, wonderful, kind and generous people. If you have been slighted even in the smallest way, I urge you - please let me know, and I will do whatever it is in my power to do to make this situation right. Unfortunately I cannot necessarily contact those who have been hurt, as it is my understanding from IGMs that many have blocked my account - and no wonder, given the words written from it.

    I would like to assure you that neither me nor my cousin were behind the actions of our accounts since early January, but far more importantly, I would like to assure you that I am doing everything within my power to make this situation as good as it can be given the distress caused under our names. I do not even know if I am right in posting this thread, but I had to say something - I need to find a way to help those of you who have been affected by this.

    If you would like to talk about anything whatsoever, whether they are thoughts on this issue or personal experiences, please contact me.

    Again, I am so very, very sorry that this has happened. I have taken care of what needs to be taken care of on my end, but I am yet to sort out the issue with the words spoken.

    Thank you for being such an incredible community.
  2. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello squigglegiggle,

    I am really sorry but this does not belong on the forum. :(

    Accounts cannot be "hacked" - Bigpoint ensures total security from our side, so the only way to lose access to your farm is if you willingly share your password (observed, guessed, etc), which is against the T&Cs. If your account is compromised for failing to maintain its security, all the actions are your responsibility, even if performed by 3rd parties.

    Should you experience further problems or wish to discuss this further, please contact Support, if you haven't already.
    Best regards,

    - closing thread -
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