Rodeo babies event stratigies

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by d5aisy, Apr 21, 2015.

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  1. d5aisy

    d5aisy Forum Inhabitant

    I just wanna say... oh my goodness I'm so happy the stars are back:)

    I was wondering what people thought about waiting for a baby boom day to try to get all those breeding animals. 12 Shetland ponies, white cows and halflingers each seems like a lot.

    I've got the PF [been milling since the last BBD, aside from animal food], pink jelly, unlocked breeding runes... but it just seems silly to breed outside of BBD's.
    What do you guys think?
  2. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Wait for BBD definitely :D And if you have some of the breeding animals: Brown cow, white cow, haflinger or Shetland pony, then sell them now! You can always buy them back cheaper during BBD if you want to ;)
    penguilnz, d5aisy, kmellish and 5 others like this.
  3. mackboy

    mackboy Padavan

    Normally BP do have BBD to coincide with a breeding event. Lets hope so but with BP not been nice to their customers recently and not listening one never knows but lets hope so. As for me Ive got more than enough of each not to breed but will be silly of me not to make some extra and show my farmwife I to can make cc's eh Froggy;);)
    So glad stars are back imagine the backlash if they did not bring stars back but thats another discussion point
  4. d5aisy

    d5aisy Forum Inhabitant

    Really? the prices for first level donkeys [pack burros?] went sky high during the last event that wanted them. Idk if different markets are different. I know people predicted chickens, pigs and whatever would get high during the Czech roots event but in my market the prices didn't rise at all.

    Thanks for the advice about breeding though... never breed outside BBD's:)

    I got tired of waiting for BBD so I tried breeding the wild boar so I could open up cloud row... Even with both runes open it was so awful I wound up buying the second one [I think the wheel gave me the third one]. I just hated throwing all that power food away cause with only one baby per batch it took so many many breeding hotels.
    kmellish, abubadi66 and IVANCICA30 like this.
  5. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    If you do not breed you cannot do the event.
    It requires breeding to get the Calves and Foals...
  6. mackboy

    mackboy Padavan

    Oh yeh Bhodho what a stupid oversight on my behalf>:(>:(>:(
    How embarrasing it was the thought of making some extra cc's

    ''''Hiding in dunce corner'''

  7. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    There are several differences that affect the market dynamic here d5aisy :) During the last event that required colored donkeys there was now BBD, which makes a huge difference.

    Also, as Bhodho said, you will have to breed cows and horses to get the calves and foals to do this event. But the same thing happens every baby breeding event. FAQ come out, prices skyrocket, event starts, people realize they are going to have to do some breeding, then during BBD prices fall a lot :p
    KaiCat33, d5aisy, kmellish and 3 others like this.
  8. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    I'm wondering. Are we likely to have BBD? I seem to recall we had one event that didn't have BBD even though it was a breeding event.
    Such knowledge or lack of it or both affects my strategy...
    d5aisy and IVANCICA30 like this.
  9. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    No, we have never had a breeding event without BBD :) There have been events requiring lots of breeding animals without BBD, but they were not breeding events ;)
  10. mackboy

    mackboy Padavan

    Lets hope so, every breeding event Ive done there has also been BBD
    d5aisy and IVANCICA30 like this.
  11. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Well, I am counting on it big time :D have sold all the relevant breeding animals o_O
  12. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    Ahhh, age seems to be catching up with me.
    So, for BBD, I will wait, and wait, and wait, and...
  13. sudhir

    sudhir Someday Author

    Thanks Mir85 for the advice :) I also sold mine ...... and very quickly too :D

    Yup thats true people overlook the fact that they need to breed animals to get calves etc.
    Smart farmers like you grab that oppurtunity to make CCs :p

    But can anybody tell me why prices of some more breeding animals like Monkeys,donkey,Turkey etc. are sky rocketing .
    Am I missing something:sleepy:
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 22, 2015
    penguilnz, d5aisy, kmellish and 4 others like this.
  14. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    O wise one !
    O learned one !
    (who ever it may be)
    Why have you not posted the event requirements ?
    We lazy people are eagerly waiting for it. We don't want to use our brain, what if it gets worn out in the process.;)
  15. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Monkeys because of the new Sand castle quest, donkeys because they were required in an event and we haven't had a BBD since. Turkeys no idea, they are not super high in my market, but all breeding animals are a bit expensive. There might be several factors, but it has been longer that usual since BBD, and the last six months breeding animals have been required quite often for events.
    penguilnz, d5aisy, mackboy and 2 others like this.
  16. sudhir

    sudhir Someday Author

    Hmmm ...... So there are multiple factors affecting breeding animal mkt.
    Thanks for the indepth analysis.
    Happy Farming
    d5aisy and IVANCICA30 like this.
  17. CJAT

    CJAT Forum Expert

    I love your logic!! xD

    I have like 2 min before I hop in the shower and then rush to get out the door in time, but here is what I figured so far for breeding animals and milled cereal! (Disclaimer... a bit of math is still needed!) ;)xD

    need 12 shetland pony
    12 white cow
    12 halflingers +6
    12 brown cow + 6

    58 carrot mash + 86
    26 fennel cereal + 46
    36 apple oatmeal
    24 pear farina

    Have a wonderful day all! ~CJ
    KaiCat33, Cassie101, d5aisy and 7 others like this.
  18. Toekie75

    Toekie75 Someday Author

    Thanks! that is very useful! :D
    d5aisy, Arielh and IVANCICA30 like this.
  19. IVANCICA30

    IVANCICA30 Regular

    thank you CJAT for nice help :inlove: but dont forget all that we need 120 apple ,900 hay,700 soyabeans,120 pears,800 shoghun and 145 whalnuts to put in to :wuerg::cry: my mill will be so busy it will get in fire :cry::cry::cry:
  20. igotfrogs

    igotfrogs Forum Overlooker

    I would remind everyone (not that you guys are silly) BUT .... remember if you put say ALL of one kind of baby food in the mill needed say like the 144 carrot cereal needed that none of it will become available until the full amount is milled ........
    So i'm thinking I'll do my baby foods milled in the sections of each amount required .... so with hopes wont get hung up waiting on the mill
    KaiCat33, penguilnz, RubinaK and 12 others like this.
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