Tiki Timers in the market

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by TCRooster, Nov 11, 2014.

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  1. wolfeyesone

    wolfeyesone Forum Veteran

    Thank you, What do you need Arielh ?
    penguilnz likes this.
  2. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I will send you a personal message so we don't spam in this thread
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 17, 2015
    penguilnz likes this.
  3. jennifersiegel

    jennifersiegel Padavan

    I absolutely agree wholeheartedly!!!
    Exactly the same happened to me.
    I didn't even notice at once!
    And now I can't scroll back anymore to find out which wonderful people send them to me!! Enjoyed the 100% bonus on Bahama even more this way.

    Thank you so much!!!

    I usually have some spare CAC to give if you need one?
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 21, 2014
    penguilnz likes this.
  4. kmellish

    kmellish Regular

    I hope I am not double posting (old eyes cannot always see everything in suggestion posts), but I have loads of these things..... I know I can gift them, but it would be nice if I could sell them as well. It would also be nice if the Carousel Music Box could come back for sale in the shop once in a while in order that some of the players who missed out at the time or had not started playing when it was introduced could get this wonderful and useful bit of 'Kit' :)
    Peanut1492, penguilnz, d5aisy and 6 others like this.
  5. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    It has been already suggested... It is not your fault you don't know it.;) There are 13 pages of suggestions:wuerg:
    But it remains a good idea:D
  6. kmellish

    kmellish Regular

    Thank you Arielh, 'Old Eyes' and senile moments come into play ....LOL xDxDxDxD Please can a mod delete this thread to avoid any confusion when they have a chance... Thank you !!! Will send my special chocolate chip cookies ....
    Arielh, d5aisy and farmingfreebird like this.
  7. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Or just combine it. (I think at least one of the older threads is mine, so...)
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 17, 2015
    Arielh and kmellish like this.
  8. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    Tiki timers only work on category "Vegetable" Baha crops. Nothing else.
    penguilnz likes this.
  9. 100keltic

    100keltic Board Analyst

    Too bad they can't re issue tiki timers givers for newer players, even make it a package deal if not an event win, buy the bb pack and get... I know I would :inlove: the tiki's let alone the giver.
    Cassie101 and Peanut1492 like this.
  10. MissSmartyPants

    MissSmartyPants Padavan

    I came to this section of the forum specifically to post a suggestion about tiki timers being in the market...and here I see there's already a thread about it! :D It's nice to know I'm not the only one who really wants this. I'd love to be able to buy the timers, since I have tons of veggie crops I need to grow for a quest. Please, BP, make this buff available for purchase in the market, I would buy a bunch of them!!