Repeatable Quests

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by neily35, Apr 30, 2015.

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  1. neily35

    neily35 Regular

    Can we get some more of these? Right now I only have the one with the trees. (The Herbarium) The comics are not worth the rewards.
    Make some easy ones, medium and Long ones/short hard ones. Short hard ones like (2k chickens, 2k50 Kiwi's, 20 Horses ) Easy like 10k,20,30k of the low crops carrots lettuce. How about each page in the shop gets a quest you can do over and over? At level 86 I'll have 9 tabs to buy from in crops. So every 8 crops per page ( the amount of pages you currently have) you can give to the quest for bonus experience/money/stars*? One with animals. I am done the noah's arch quest when you give animals for.

    Quest that I think should be repeatable.

    1. Guess Who? 11. Coconut Couture 21. Country Fair
    2. What a Relief 12. Theater on the Farm 22. Bahama Bar
    3. Picky Pirate 13. M6 quest 23. Granola Galore
    4. Down Under Wonder 14. Giddyup 24. Backed from Scratch
    5. The Wolf Next Door 15. Goat Cheese 25. Gaga for Greens
    6. Sweets Nothing 16. Truffle Snuffle 26. Angora Frenzy
    7. Chopstick Upcycling 17. Guano 27. Wool
    8. Fresh Coat 18. Milk for Everyone 28. Fresh Eggs
    9. Feather Forecast 19. Gertrude's Organic Eggs 29. Timed Quests
    10. Let There be Light 20. Kindergarten Awards can be coupon helpers?

    Increase the amounts needs and change some of the rewards like so you don't get duplicates give a coupon helper, normal prize spins, prize wheel spins, the random trees? Please.
    Last edited: May 10, 2015
    austg and IVANCICA30 like this.
  2. OneCrop35

    OneCrop35 Someday Author

    Hi I am back. No more cookies to eat. That would be a new improvement adding repeatable quest and if they were easy I don't have any of the harvest helper things. Grow crops and hand in to the quest then get a random reward. I would love to get a harvester helper since I don't play as much now.
    bygo_cris and IVANCICA30 like this.
  3. neily35

    neily35 Regular

    How come no one is responding to this topic? I have 3 MM quest I can't do until it's MM. 7 others I can not complete. I need 8 more levels. Right now there is only 1 Repeatable quest which is long and you only get toolboxes as a reward. I would really like so responds please thank you for taking some time out to read my suggestion.
  4. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    I actually feel a sense of achievement when I finish a FSQ, so for me I don't want repeatable quests, especially if they don't give stars. It is annoying having to wait to complete quests, but if you have patience eventually it all comes good.
  5. labmommy30

    labmommy30 Forum Duke

    I have no desire to redo quests over and over. I like filling up the "completed quest" bar! The one repeatable quest that I saw, had more negative feedback than positive. At some point in this game a strategy has to be developed to get where you want to go. It wouldn't be a game otherwise, it would just then become a mind numbing task that I signed up for and I'd be stuck being "gaga for greens" all of the time. All suggestions are valid in their own right and I can respect that, but at some point you appear to be wishing for a different game entirely. I read all forum posts daily. I have to admit that I simply move on from the majority..... I came to this game as it was suggested. It makes me do the math and accomplish goals slowly. If it were so easy to level up and get stars and speed through things it just wouldn't be fun anymore.
  6. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I also have no desire to repeat quests. There are many diverse things to do in the game and the time plus resources (crops, trees, animals, products) can be used elsewhere in the game besides quests. There were several that I thought would never end! With new quests being added regularly, it would just be too much to keep track of if they did not move into the 'Finished' quest tab but rather stayed active. I also went through a period of time where I found quests to be frustrating just because of the never ending balance of event requirements, FSQ requirements and time to build stock in between. Some of them are such slow progress that I would not choose to revisit the task.
    Last edited: May 16, 2015
  7. LDCrow

    LDCrow Forum Baron

    Oh man I don't want to repeat quests. I'm perfectly happy to have new challenges with good prizes and stars. It would be very boring to just repeat the same quests over and over again. If I had to do the "baked from scratch" quest again I would quit.
    kmellish, penguilnz, SillyGuy and 2 others like this.
  8. neily35

    neily35 Regular

    ok thank you for your input, I guess I just stock up on money then.