Strategy: Country Doodles

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by farhana, May 26, 2015.

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  1. dafodily

    dafodily Forum Duke

    Me 3! xD Or should it be 4, 5 or 6? :p
  2. feelfree2win

    feelfree2win Forum Master

    done here too, gratz to all who finished, sure is a huge ep boost plus the cac.

    funny thing is i opened it quickly and it sat there forgotten until i finished lighthouse beckons a month ago. with this event now complete the beenstalk will give me 50-55k ep a day.

    DBAYES Count Count

    Yay!!! Free CAC for all of us!!!!:D:D:D
  4. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    DB a CAC is on the way!

    And it's not one of those cheap free ones.

    If you'll believe it: I worked long and hard to obtain the CAC.

    (I would say I made it myself but I don't think you will believe me.)

    Free trashy CAC for us all.

    Celebrate and send a dear friend a CAC today.

    DBAYES Count Count

    Well thanks FB what treat! I take your Trashy CAC any day!xD
    farmer_broke, meba091, tlcmom and 2 others like this.
  6. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    Amazing how many drops Carnations bring !!!
    Done !
  7. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    xDFlat broke again with exactly -0- ccs. :cry:

    I don't know why. xDxD

    But I now have a real trashy CAC row. :wuerg::wuerg::wuerg:

    Need an automatic harvester. xDxDxD

    Can't even give that junk to my friends anymore. xDxD
  8. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    The downside Broke... You can't sell that trashy CAC for as much as you used to so you could sell it and knowing you...
    Staying Flat Broke ;)xD
  9. a12

    a12 Forum Greenhorn

    So i still need around 200 drops at this point, anyone think its possible for me to complete?

    Farm name - NinaBina1
    farhana and farmer_broke like this.
  10. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum


    With no more than 200 drops needed AND everything else in hand you have a chance but a chance you have. From all I can tell of your screen name, and being realistic, I doubt it. At any rate, much of the following will depend on your trophy level, harvesting correctly, and on time. I don't know if any of the following options are open to you

    1. Invest RL cash and buy baskets to finish OR
    2. Beg for drops in the forum with the hope of receiving 20 per day and that will give you (20 + 20) or 40 total. If you have enough trees then fill ALL of your fields and Baha with trees. If you have all the BAHA land and enough trees (other than apple) this should conservatively give you about 110 drops for a one-time harvest. This now brings the total to (20 + 20 + 110) or 150. Using 1x1s, take the longest time growing crop you can use and harvest and submit before event ends (using water) and manure (if you can afford). Good time-management required. YOU HAVE A SLIM CHANCE. Nothing to loose by trying.
    EDIT -- Produce orchids 3 times with water as your last crop and you should have it.

    If trophies are maxed out then you have a chance of completing it all with continuous 1x1 orchid harvests and the gifts from your friends. Alarm clock needed xD

    Here I do not know the crop you are using. Also the use of super grow will do it. This depends on your willingness to invest the RL cash if you do not have a super grow stockpile. I would harvest everything on time as that last crop growth and drop yield depends on it.

    An experienced farmer here would be challenged with producing what you need in the remaining time. You may wish to contact one by igm for a more refined plan, and quick.

    I wish you well.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2015
    grllvs2hnt, meba091, JJenks and 4 others like this.
  11. a12

    a12 Forum Greenhorn

    Thanks for the reply Farmer_broke, i knew it was a bit of a long shot, but i had to try.
    No CAC for me :cry:
    pepsishot likes this.
  12. farhana

    farhana Forum Mogul

    my 2nd farm still needs 90 drops, is it possible to get that many within 29 hours?
  13. SillyGuy

    SillyGuy Forum Veteran

    Yes, you have a great opportunity. ;)

    90/29 = 3.1034.... = 4 drops/hr.

    If you could manage 4 fields (main, meadow, glade, and baha) without lag, I think it has a great opportunity. Additional, 40 markers from neighbors gift will increase your chance.
    farmer_broke and farhana like this.
  14. tlcmom

    tlcmom Forum Expert

    All done except for 63 event plants, will be done in 2hrs. How I came up that short, I do not know. Congrats to my farm hubby farmer_broke in finishing another event. I must be rubbing off on you. Thank you for all the markers you sent.
    Banjoman, JJenks, labmommy30 and 4 others like this.
  15. igotfrogs

    igotfrogs Forum Overlooker

    Lucky you Tlc ..... you got markers:D:D..... someone i know got bombarded with Wilsons :mad:-.-:cry::cry::cry:xD
  16. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I completed the event!:D
    Good luck to everyone still trying;)
  17. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    Completed on Friday. Grew insta-Roses for drop acceleration...
  18. farhana

    farhana Forum Mogul

    Thanks sillyGuy:)
    Its down to 30 now :D:D

    Edit: 25 now but no harvest until tomorrow morning :)
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2015
  19. alexis2112

    alexis2112 Forum Pro

    And now I have 245 markers ... o_O

    Guess I shouldn't have worried, but I wish I could donate to those still trying to finish.
    farmer_broke, SillyGuy and CaliChrome like this.
  20. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    Hint: Try Carnations!
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