Naming of Animal Housing and Workshops

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by cthomafarm, Jun 4, 2015.

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  1. cthomafarm

    cthomafarm Forum Apprentice

    User: cthomafarmID: 9723533

    Would it be possible to name the animal housing and workshops so that they sort out next to each other when we are looking at them to place on the farm? For instance if the chicken housing, workshops and upgrades were named Chicken Coop, and Chicken Egg Farm, Chicken Coop I - Yellow, Chicken Coop II - Orange would they sort together? This would make it easier for me, anyway, to select items to put out on the farm and be able to see them together.

    Other examples would be Rabbit Hutch, Rabbit Shearing Shed; Turkey Run, Turkey Paint Factory; Beaver Dam, Beaver Saw Mill, Beaver Dam (Classic); etc.
    Aetheria14, SillyGuy, woody and 5 others like this.
  2. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    That is an excellent idea. I go mad trying to find the animal pens and thought I had lost a Reindeer pen on one farm, but the realized I had a Classic one.
  3. Cassie101

    Cassie101 Emperor of the Forum

    I think that's a good idea cthomafarm :)
    crzyjoyce likes this.
  4. cthomafarm

    cthomafarm Forum Apprentice

    Thanks! I get really frustrated trying to put stuff back out after every challenge. Sorting would be cool!!
    Cassie101 likes this.
  5. meba091

    meba091 Forum Veteran

    Thumbs up. It's so annoying with all the clicking and I don't think it makes any sense that you have to search several pages to find pens from one and the same animal.
    Cassie101 and crzyjoyce like this.
  6. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    Great idea!! Gets my vote.:)
    crzyjoyce likes this.
  7. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

  8. Mar_Bear

    Mar_Bear Regular

    Yes very good idea..
    i think they can go one step further and change the tabs at the top so that it has one tab for everything another for stables only and another for workshops only. I really hate trying to go through and find the workshop i want, then in the case of the rabbit and sheep shearing click on the wrong one only to have to go through it all again.
    I think if they separated it more with the tabs on top such as stables, stable upgrades, workshops and workshop upgrades might be too much to ask for.... I personally would make it that way but then i like things organized.
    meba091 and farmerumf like this.
  9. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I would definitely like this!