Gone Fishin'

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by EssaB, Jun 26, 2015.

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  1. steph2014

    steph2014 Forum Pro

    I still need all three cloud row items.-.- I got the cloud row with the one golden trout I caught, but until I get those items, it's just another grayed-out row.
    On the plus side, at least I got the Gone Fishin' sticker.:wuerg:o_O
  2. mindy1701

    mindy1701 Count Count

    Steph, we're in the same boat xD I'm almost sorry the first golden trout was a guaranteed cloud row. Since I'm only getting enough feathers to make about 12 lures/day, that cloud row will probably remain empty.
  3. steph2014

    steph2014 Forum Pro

    Exactly, Mindy! I just went fishing again, and caught 2 rainbow trout, which gave me...4 turbo mulch. :wuerg: The only kind of luck I have is bad luck.-.-
  4. igotfrogs

    igotfrogs Forum Overlooker

    well i'm still frustrated with this event ..... i've won FOUR of the pond monster .... yet still in need of best friends to complete my cloud row :cry::cry::cry:
    Cassie101, bygo_cris and Banjoman like this.
  5. Clashstrummer

    Clashstrummer Count Count

    Steph and Mindy I think I'm stuck in that same boat with y'all. :p I've had just dreadful luck getting enough feathers to make at least 10 lures a day. I have the CR but no items for it, I will say that as least I have won EP, BEP and CC instead of TM so on that I've been lucky.

    I've tried just about every type of stable I have even going so far as to think maybe I should put out bears and fish since they go with the theme. Does not seem to make much difference in how many feathers I get. Meanwhile I have more than enough gummy worms and I've more than quadrupled the amount of machine parts in my barn.

    Sadly I'm thinking Aluntino hit the nail on the head by saying this was basically the farm wheel in a different format and I'm having just about the same amount of luck as I do on the farm wheel.
  6. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I got all three cloud row items, but I did wind up buying some lures.

    Other than that, I have not altered my basic farm plan. I have stables in my green meadow, mostly crops in my main meadow and crops/high value pens (kiwi and platypus) in my magic meadow, with trees all around the edges. (high value trees, for the most part).

    I am using only premium lures, and seem to get about 4-7 a day. (the variation is because I had to work out the right crop/pen balance). I have carnations planted, but I have put in some shorter term crops here and there to fill in time gaps when I need.

    Hitting the target seems to increase your chance of a nice fish, but there is a chance of getting a minow for a perfect hit and of getting a golden trout for a way off hit.

    I was worried until I got my cloud row filled, but now I just see everything else as "gravy"-- and some of it is very nice gravy indeed! I even got 4 golden bananas. (a prize that almost surpasses filling the cloud row!)
    Cassie101, desi20, 100keltic and 3 others like this.
  7. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks acme for the posting your observation. My circles too give random rewards. Overlapping of circles doesn't seems give me anyother fish other than the basic ones. My 'sweet point' isn't stable either. It seems to change with every catch. But somehow I got Cloud Row with all items and 15 stables & 2 trees, 48 hrs coupons - 3 and also GB once . Nothing worth mentioning other than these.

    Like Aluntino said Fishing Event catches = Farm wheel spins. No skill needed, its just chance.
    CaliChrome, JJenks, Cassie101 and 2 others like this.
  8. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    Thank you. Will wait the year if I get that far...
    At least you have some luck. I have none...
    DBAYES likes this.
  9. SillyGuy

    SillyGuy Forum Veteran

    Here is a translation of Event FAQ from Hungarian forum:
    Concerning about the premium with normal bait, both lure types give you the chances to get any of the 4 fish even though doing a perfect catch. Of course, the chance of getting a better fish is higher with the more perfect your catch is.
    Depending on the lure type you choose, the fishing mini game will be more or less difficult: the normal lure has a faster speed, making it a little bit harder to do the perfect catch, while the premium lure has the mini game in a slower speed, giving you a better chance for perfect catch!

    The fishing mini game's aim is to have the moving circle overlapping with the stationary circle. When the moving circle and the stationary one overlap, they will be glowing light green - it is the point you have to aim for, to maximise your chances of getting the best fish.
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2015
  10. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Hi SillyGuy, Weather You are using a Normal Lure or Premium Lure. It is completely Misleading in FAQ that Premium Lure with help you get more perfect Catch. In The FAQ and Mods Comments stating that with a Perfect Catch, there is no guarantee that you will get a Golden Box Reward.

    I have to Agree with 12ss12 it is just Chance. Why Waste More Lure Feathers and Gummy Worms on Premium Lures. When you have Twice as Many Chances to Get to a Golden Box Reward weather you get a Perfect Catch or Not !!!

    FAQ is Misleading The Difficulty of Getting a Perfect Catch as FAQ Stated The Difficulty of Perfect Catch is Made Easier using a Premium Lure. There is no Comments or Proof by farmers that this is True for Those who have used Premium Lures !!!

    There are some Farmers who have experienced getting a Perfect Catch when the Two Circles are not even overlapping at All !!!

    Therefore I am going to Maximise to try and get as many Lure Feathers and Gummy Worms during the remaining Hours of This Event and Make as Many Normal Lures as Possible. Change my strategy to Get a Lucky Catch. Gaming mechanics in FAQ for a Perfect Catch does not work for me and other farmers too. Some Farmers have been more lucky than others in terms of Rewards from this Event.

    Using a Normal Lure or Premium Lure you could end up getting 5 Minnows in a Row Thus Giving you a Wooden Box Reward.

    SillyGuy the Info you got from Hungarian FAQ is more Correct about the Odds of Getting a Reward ( Common,Normal,Rare and Very Rare) This has more true with the outcome of rewards we are currently getting
    12ss12 and Banjoman like this.
  11. igotfrogs

    igotfrogs Forum Overlooker

    i would just like to state for the record no matter how green you land on you can end up with a minnow there was quite a few times i should have gotten a far better fish than what it chucked at me .... i now have 6 boat monsters .... now whilst i know they are a great BEP giver ... i mean c'mon gimmie at lest 1 best friends!
  12. pferdepferdefarm

    pferdepferdefarm Active Author

    Interesting that some people have got all the cloud items and others lots of extra cloud items while many like me are getting none at all.

    I still believe that the randomness includes a measure of how much you spend on the game. The more you spend per month the more likely you are to get the items.
    Cassie101 and marymac50 like this.
  13. marymac50

    marymac50 Someday Author

    I'm making only normal lures...it doesn't seem to matter I still catch A LOT of minnows :wuerg:

    Good Luck everyone :)[/QUOTE]

    I won one of the fancy lures and the only difference I noticed between the regular and fancy lures is the circles move slower on the fancy lure....
    Cassie101, SillyGuy and Erridge like this.
  14. Erridge

    Erridge Forum Expert

    Just harvested Baha mix of camels and pandas- 10 pens, 10 feathers
    Harvested 5 dogs - 5 feathers.:)
  15. SillyGuy

    SillyGuy Forum Veteran

    Hello Mooboy,:)

    Whatever you choose a normal bait or a premium bait will give results that are not much different. The difference is only the speed rate of moving circle overlapping with the stationary circle.
    However, while the premium lure has the mini game in a slower speed, giving you a better chance for perfect catch. Why should a perfectly catches if I can get better results than that?

    This is my conclusion about this event based on what I've been through:
    Let's say we will have the opportunity to obtain a golden trout has 5%, a rainbow has 20%, a bass has 25%, and a minnow has 50% when you do not have a perfect catch. (NOTE : I do not know the real rate)
    You still get a small chance to obtain a rainbow or a golden trout, right?!:p

    When you have a perfect catch, those rates will be a golden trout has 8%, a rainbow has 25%, a bass has 30%, and a minnow has 37%. (NOTE : I do not know the real rate)
    You still get a big chance to obtain a minnow, right dude!!:wuerg:

    There is no guarantee to obtain a bass/a rainbow/a golden trout each time although you are doing a perfect catch spontaneously (by using premium bait or normal bait). But, a perfect catch means having greater opportunity to get a better fish. We also need skill to make a perfect catch.

    Taking relax and having fun for the event, ladies and gentlemen..:)
  16. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    Just might go fishin in 66 hours.

    Right now the fish have my attention needing feed.

    A handful at a time is all the fish seem to want. But ............

    heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere fishy fishy .............. herrrreeeeeeeeeeeeee ya go xDxDxDxD Brokes Feed .........guaranteed animal feed! Get any kind of animal feed you want to make those lures. Brokes feed is guaranteed to give you what you want. xDxDxDxDxD


    And just because someone pays that much for feed does not in anyway make sense for me to pay that much for the animal..... Think I'm cuckoo? (don't answer) xDxDxD

    Believe me, you got animals for the freezer. But if ya need to give um away....well.....Broke's cheap animal shelter will open in just a few days.

    Got ah whale of a deal for ya! 8)

    Who knows what lure I can mill.

    Right now I da need um. 8)8)8)8)8)8)8)8)
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2015
  17. Cassie101

    Cassie101 Emperor of the Forum

    I'm wondering if BP has listened to our complaints about too few feathers as I've had a lot more today. Harvested 20 stables and got 18 feathers. I've also had 4 golden fish - 2 x 250,000 Baha eps, 1 pond monster and 6 XXL tool boxes. :)
    I hope everyone else is getting more feathers too.:)
    SillyGuy and 12ss12 like this.
  18. pepsishot

    pepsishot Forum Expert

    I'm starting to hate this event. I'm hoping someone won more than they needed of the 1x1 item so I can trade something with them. I have won 7 of the 2x2 fishing bear. >:( I don't foresee completing my cr :sleepy:
  19. Cassie101

    Cassie101 Emperor of the Forum

    Still 71 hours to go so you still have chances to fill your CR. If not I'm sure you'll be able to swap for the items you need in the next G and T event. Good luck pepsi:)
    SillyGuy and pepsishot like this.
  20. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    Seriously, guys, on what grounds some of you suggest that a perfect catch in any way increases the chance of getting a better fish? From what I've seen myself, and what everyone is reporting, none at all.

    Let's stop trying to rationalize what can't be: just get the baits done and make attempts at catching fish, as many as you can: the more, the better. We are trying to make sense of the original development team's claim as it was passed on to mods to inform us, when there's nothing to make a sense about: it was a hoax, pure and simple. Randomness is absolute, meaning it doesn't depend on landing on the greenish circle or not. What for sure is true is that the chance of getting the worst fish is higher than the one of catching the best one. But that's all than can be said with undisputed certainty.

    After 73 std bait tries so far, I got 1 of the givers -Fishin' Fun, the best one- . I suppose I'll eventually get all of them. There are still 3 days to go. In the meantime, I'm accumulating awesome prizes, which sweetens the wait for those givers. If they don't come in the end, well, no drama: I won't have them all. UPDATE: I've just tried 4 more, std, and got Pond Monster. So, now it's only one left. I hope I'll get it.
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2015
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