Strategy for "Outfoxed" -Hungarian Event

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by 12ss12, Jul 17, 2015.

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  1. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    12ss12 you did a very good compiling the opening post.:)
    djh99 I don`t know the answers you search for but I really want to know too.
    d5aisy and 12ss12 like this.
  2. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I am not a drop expert so someone else may come along and offer different advice...

    I have some RL stuff going on so I am going to pull out almost everything (will leave in the kowhai, sorb apple, sea buckthorn, achacha, amherstia and boabab trees) and go to 1x1 on all fields.

    djh - what is your longest timed crop on Baha? Since normal trees only give you the opportunity to get a drop once a day (20 hrs), planting a crop will increase your 'odds/chances' as you can farm more frequently. My overnight crop will be ginger. If you decide to use trees, yes, XXL are better than base times.

    My experience is that while trees give the appearance of good drops, the long time before you can harvest again can leave you short of drops. I also have observed that though 4 and 6 hour crops do not give great drops per harvest, they may do better over the course of the day than trees. You can either grow a compatible crop on Baha so your harvest times are the same or grow a crop double the time (8 hour crop).

    Each player may have to individualize their own strategy based on real life factors (how often you can be at the computer) and use other methods (comfort fields, refined crops, super grow, suzy spray) also based on in game assets such as artisan buffs (CAC, PJ), how many animals you currently have in stock and trophy levels.

    Suzee's General Event Strategies is a great place to begin:)

    Good luck!
    austg, d5aisy, meba091 and 1 other person like this.
  3. dnin21cent

    dnin21cent Forum Baron

    2 days work, start on Monday
    Look quite hurry, a bit stress, But I'm happy that BP give us such
    early FAQ so that we could plan ahead. Tear farm & make good preparation.
    It's pity Baha could not included in this event. I just hope that we could still
    get drops from island. (Who know? FAQ say: drops from harvest your farm.)
    The CR look attractive. As well as those wonder stable & trees.
    So I will try best to finished the event
    austg and d5aisy like this.
  4. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    As for drops, from my observation I feel,
    1. Higher EP/BEP plants certainly give you more drops.
    2. And 1x1 plots gives you more drops that 2x2 plots.
    3. XXL trees are best & better than ordinary or XL trees.
    4. Crops planted in 1x1 are better than ordinary/XL trees.
    5. Putting out comfort field with roses/carnation or any in-between crops, before the starting of event & harvesting them as soon as the event starts will certainly give you very good lead in number of drops
    6. During the course of event, you can plant roses or carnation in 1x1 field as overnight crops for drops. They yield good results
    7. And it is always best to do some refinements in roses, carnation (and you will certainly get them very easily if you try them) and if your drops are low, you can use the refinements to grow roses & carnation within hours, using water, manure & if you can afford-use super-grows (85 super-grows can be got if you complete the first level of this event)
    The best strategy is to increase event seeds as soon the event starts by using ordinary 2x2 field + Super grow+water+Manure+ suzy' super grow +CAC/PJ. Using 20 to 30 Super-grow can give you a lead in the amount of seeds you obtain and you will be able to plant them all through out your 1x1 fields.

    Dear friends ! The underlined part was earlier wrongly typed as 1x1. It should have been 2x2. So I have edited it now. Sorry for the mistake.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2015
  5. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    After having analyzed the rewards, I've got to the conclusion I want -not need: just want- to complete 100% of this event. Rewards distribution between levels and tasks within levels was cleverly devised, at least for what's enticing enough for me.

    Just for the CR and its givers, levels 1, 4, 5 and 6 need to be completed, which obviously means also Silver tasks of levels 2 and 3 also need to be completed.

    But I want that level 2 org goose stable (by no means I'll invest any bred goose in building any coloured goose pen: they are so short-timed that it's not necessary, though I'll be glad to get another one this way).

    And I want those Lyra Mistery Stables of level 3. You never know what you may get.

    So, if I can, I'll try to complete this event in full. If needed, against my religion precepts (LOL), I'll partially and stingily use some SG to boost and speed up the 6hs event's crop output, since they haven't added Baha as a field for potentially producing it (though I won't break that precept -I may otherwise risk excommunication- if it is in the end added: we'll know for sure as soon as the event starts -dual EP/B-EP-yield has been removed from FAQ, so, I don't expect that to be the case-).
    austg, 12ss12, CaliChrome and 4 others like this.
  6. SillyGuy

    SillyGuy Forum Veteran

    I do not worry about the amount of event crops for this event, but 260 drop items in 2 days is a tough challenge to achieve where in 1.5 days we will be busy planting the event crops. Then we have to mill 27 Fire Punch as soon as possible.

    Hopefully Dev Teams designed generously drop items at this time. Best of luck to all and have fun, guys!
  7. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    For those wondering, there are 700 (1 X1) squares:
    202 in green meadow, 202 in main meadow, 184 in the magic glade, 188 in fully opened Baharama

    The biggest hold up will be getting the initial plants. Starting with 5, and putting them on 2X2 to start, with suzy supergrow for fields this, it takes just under 3 cycles of each crop to get the 700 base. We then need 3 full cycles of each crop.

    If you have enough supergrow and suzy supergrow to cover the event, you are set.... else it is almost impossible. Please correct my math if I am wrong, but it really looks like the only people able to finish this are those who can stay at their computer for the duration and who spend money.

    Also, drops will be another question entirely.

    Yeah, this is the one part that bothers me. We are all in different time zones. My work schedule is such that I will have to leave right before it starts and will miss the first 9-10 hours of the event. Basically, I guess they expect us to buy the packs or not finish.

    I would definitely like to see the minimum requirements for the cloud row, at least.

    I forget who pointed this out, but if you have the auto-tree harvester and a lot of high EP trees, then the BEST method is to fill your fields with these trees, and then time it so that your trees will "mature" about 19 hours before the event starts (that means timing it the day before). Then, you harvest right after the event starts. The auto-harvest function "backtracks" up to the last harvest, so this means that a new crop will be ready shortly after the first harvest after the event.

    (that is, it takes 20 hours for trees to mature. The auto harvest means that when you go to your field, it is instantly harvested, BUT the timer is set to when it matured. So, if the trees matured 5 hours earlier, you have 5 hours of growth already started. If your trees matured 18-19 hours earlier, then they are going to be ready to harvest again in 1-2 hours, effectively giving you 2 harvests in 2 hours or less. As far as we know, it only backtracks one harvest, so it does not pay to set the trees out sooner than that. )

    HOWEVER, if you have the supergrow "love" refinement and the flower cloud row, etc, apparently it is possible to get almost instant crops (see alunto's thread on refinement for specifics). That would, of course, beat out everything else.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2015
    100keltic, austg, SillyGuy and 2 others like this.
  8. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    I guess I will clear pretty much everything. I'll leave just a few special trees but I never get good drops from trees or stables. Starting off with refined carnations on 1x1's and ginger on the island. Shame we can't use the island for the 6hr crop. I don't like planting the 6 hr crop overnight, to short, bad for drops....but I don't see a way around it right now.
    Since they have it labeled as medium difficulty I have a feeling they will up the drops....or at least I hope. ;)

    Good Luck Everyone :)
  9. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    If you're really worried about drops, it's esp important this event to prepare your farm the day before the event starts. Or buy the baskets. Or...

    For the start of an event... yes.
    I don't use trees for drops. For anyone with 12h crops, or longer, trees as not a good choice. UNLESS you want to use buffs or auto-tree harvest.
    IF your level is lower than 12h crops... Use 20h trees for the beginning of an event. Use 12h trees during an event IF you are going to be able to harvest them twice a day. That should help with drops.

    I will only leave a handful of rare trees out during this event. I prefer crops for drops because... as I stated in the General Event Strategies thread there are more buffs for time reduction: water, manure, flower CR, refinements and SG. In the same 12h it takes for a tree I can grow "refined", "nuked" carnations... and get a lot more drops, about 50% more. Or if I'm feeling crazier than usual... I can use "instant" roses. I'm usually pretty patient and just use a long crop and check on RL in the meantime. There will not be time during a two day event for my usual strategy.
    If you're not willing/able to harvest the watered crops as soon as they are ready... use the trees. Or maybe some CFs w/ water, manure, etc and the crop that best fits your schedule. Forget the critters for this event.
    IF you don't have the LL rune, make sure you manage your trophies!

    Aluntino, I came to basically the same conclusion for similar reasons. Going to try for the whole... enchilada.

    woody, thanks for those numbers.

    Illy, 400 *3= 1200 per harvest.
    5716 /1200= 4.76 harvests * ~5h= 25h
    Almost 2/3 that time for the 4h crop.
    Sounds rather grueling / iffy. You could still finish if you don't mind some sleep deprivation.

    Events like this really feel like an attempt to get people to spend money on baskets. I won't. I thought we had gotten away from that nonsense.
    100keltic, austg, SillyGuy and 3 others like this.
  10. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst


    Just the CR and the 3 givers mean practically the whole event. For that specific purpose, 4800 clematises, 55 cascabel chilies, 4500 rose hips and 27 fire punches are needed, plus the animals and the fruits. So, it translates into:
    4800 clematises,
    4716 rose hips,
    190 cascabel chilies,
    plus the animals and the fruits.

    On an old comic pgm yesterday broadcast by the RAI (Radiotelevisione Italiana), a guy had said: "maths are an opinion".... LOL. So true....

    PS1: Trees must not be the bet for first harvest. There's no time for mistakes: go for 1x1s and crops and carefully avoid pens and workshops.

    PS2: After reading Suzee's last post, let me say I won't spend a cent either. I'll just go against my religion, and waste some SG (anyway, I have a neighbour who stubbornly -to my endless amazement- guarantees periodic SG downpours over my farm); I currently have some 2100 units piled up, so I can safely waste some 200/400; that will also help with drops.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2015
    austg, SillyGuy, d5aisy and 2 others like this.
  11. Cassie101

    Cassie101 Emperor of the Forum

    Thanks for all the info and tips. I'll just do my best. Good luck everyone.:)
    austg and d5aisy like this.
  12. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    Well, crud! Just noticed my SG CR won't be ready until around 10-11a Mon. I guess I'll have to be happy with WI.

    Aluntino, yep, crops would be better. 6h crop would mean 4 harvests a day, and some sleep deprivation or loss of drops overnight from late harvest. Drops might be be slightly better than the same 24h and harvesting the 12h trees twice. But 20h tree in 24h will mean a loss of drops anyway. But the timing can be the same as the event crops. If they use small plots w/ water it should produce slightly better results than harvesting 12h trees twice a day. One gets almost 5 6h harvests in roughly 24h that way. So one gets 30h of "growing" done in 24h. (I'm starting to confuse myself. Time for lunch. Maybe I can make that cleaner later. lol)

    24h period of farming can be:
    one 20h tree harvest
    two 12h trees harvest, twice the opportunity for drops, 24h is better than 20h
    four 6h crop harvest, in CFs w/ SG would be best
    six 4h crop harvests

    Personally, I'm going with the trees since I don't do well with sleep deprivation. Even tho I usually wake up around 3-4a and don't go back to sleep I force myself to stay there and rest.

    Yes, anyone that's ever taken a statistics class know how wacky one can get with math. I really enjoy listening to the TV sometimes when ppl start quoting studies. Not that I've ever done that... LOL!
    austg, SillyGuy, d5aisy and 2 others like this.
  13. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    That would be Arq's thread :)
    d5aisy likes this.
  14. djh99

    djh99 Regular


    I always value your comments and advice.

    I think I'll be best off with ginger on 1x1 for b'ama.
    SuzeeRabbit likes this.
  15. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    Just came back in from the humidity and read the entire thread.
    All i can say is that for the newer farmers listen to some of the old salts and you will do fine.
    I will be sitting on the sidelines and may grow a crop or two for a couple of stars but that is about it, with RL taking precedence...
    austg, SillyGuy and d5aisy like this.
  16. LDCrow

    LDCrow Forum Baron

    I think my only hope is to try to configure my farm early for maximum drop rate at the beginning. Currently raspberries are my longest crop, I usually use onions, broccoli or spinach though I'm wondering if there would be that much difference. Suggestions are welcome and no I don't have any long term crops refined at this point.
    I plan to pull all my trees :cry:out tomorrow and then plant all 3 full fields with long term crops to be ready to harvest Monday morning at event start. In my personal experience I've had better luck with 1x1's than I have with CF's so I'm going to stick with former and see what happens. I don't usually pull all my trees so it will be interesting to see if I can increase my drop rate doing so.

    While I'm busy propagating the seeds I plan to grow some mid range length crops on the other fields and I might also run a a couple of fields of chickens for the manure at the very beginning. I don't have any long crop for Baha unlocked and my drops there are pretty much nonexistent on crops. I will keep my trees out there and just try to build stock but really it's a non-entity for the event drops.

    I feel confident I can get the crops grown will have to cross my fingers on the drops. :)
    SillyGuy and d5aisy like this.
  17. omadon

    omadon Junior Expert

    For the start, I will aim only at deco items, without CR.
    For that, requirements are (quantities for Fire Punch included):

    Clematis (4h) 2.935
    Rose hip (6h) 2.836
    Cascabel chili 55
    Walnuts 50
    Ducks 10
    Turkey 10
    Mulberries 70
    Sheep 60
    d5aisy likes this.
  18. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    I have Planted All My Jumbo Trees and The Rest on Production Pens Such as Bio Glues,Cookware Forges and Paint Factories, All XXL Trees on the Outside. On The Island Will Put out All Trees. Since Island is not able to Grow Event Plants will Grow Bell Peppers as They Give Good Ep using Buffs as you can use Tiki Timer to reduce the Growing Time on All Island Vegtables...!!!

    I Always Rip up my farm for Events Most of the Time I use the Buffs Effectively so i need to change the farm layout anyway I am not a stubborn farmer leave certain things in my farm. As I try to farm with fun and Effective as Possible :D

    I focus Growing Clematis During The Day Time, Grow Rose Hip Overnight as I always get up in the Middle of the Night Anyway.
    austg and d5aisy like this.
  19. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Wow Woody ! Never knew it before. Great idea.:D But I don't have auto harvest.;) Farmers having auto harvest can effectively use this method & get 2 times the drops within 1-2 hrs, as you said. Please, why don't you highlight that portion of your post for others to notice. I think it will be helpful for our players especially new players .

    Moreover What I feel is that a little bit of planning is enough to complete any event. I do not plan elaborately for event. Put out comfort field & harvest as soon as event starts, then increase the event seeds by using 2x2 fields with super grows, suzy's super grows, water, manure, then convert my fields to 1x1 & use CAC. If your drops are low, rose planted over night will give you the drops. (now I find refinements useful and plant them during day time and harvest within hours.) This is my general plan for all events and I have completed almost all events.

    So no need to panic or worry.:)
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2015
  20. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    This idea is not mine, it was posted in a previous thread by someone else.

    Well, if my math is off...
    Otherwise, I would usually agree, however, I am not able to sit at the computer during the summer, except in the morning and evenings, so it will be difficult or impossible for me to finish unless I buy a bunch of items, which I don't want to do -- and that is with almost full living legend rune, multiple cloud rows to reduce harvests, increase drops, etc. This event really is shorter than most. On the good side, the cloud row is not all that spectacular. Nice, but if I miss it, I miss it.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2015
    blessedlady2 and 12ss12 like this.
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