♫Ain't No Cure for the Summertime Blues♫

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by spotsbox, Aug 26, 2014.

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  1. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    Oh Mir, thank you for the yummy pancakes! I'm sorry I missed many of you today, with my husband being on night shifts I can't get on until later in the day. I will be in and out of chat all night, and back again about the same time tomorrow, so stop on by, we'll get some dancing done, and maybe we can wake up teddy to join us again ;) (for some strange reason teddy thought she needed some sleep xD).

    Don't forget to bring any ideas you have for games, I can provide PPP, White Innocence, CAC, ZAB, MOS prizes, just let me know who won!
  2. Jools

    Jools Forum Pro

    farmlily3 and Banjoman like this.
  3. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    spotsbox is making me dance....

    Feeling a bit awkward next to Latein...

    Last edited: Aug 30, 2014
    farmlily3, Latein and Arielh like this.
  4. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Oh, Latein and -Mir85- you are both fabulous! And so is everybody else! Now I just have to find out who is this awesome duckling :music:

    farmlily3 likes this.
  5. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    solotime dancing

    and puppiesnponies

    Last edited: Aug 30, 2014
  6. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    I;ll take some free blueberry pancakes!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2014
  7. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    How about Huckleberry instead?

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    farmlily3 and Gery like this.
  8. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    I have never tried that

    Teddy: [​IMG]
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2014
    farmlily3, Arielh and julie1013 like this.
  9. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    They're yummy in baked good, as cheesecake topper, in pancakes...enough to make you [​IMG][​IMG]
    Arielh and julie1013 like this.
  10. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    :D Is that how my happy dance looks like? Uh oh! :music:
    Gery likes this.
  11. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    Is that the Disco Duck ?
  12. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) That was a very interesting post, Banjoman! Especially the part about being preserved to make the journey from England to India. Thank you! (Do it again sometime?)8)
  13. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    Banjo, betcha didn't know I live in the malting barley capital of the world! ;) I myself prefer diet cherry Dr. Pepper. xD
    farmlily3 likes this.
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