1 romantic chicken run?

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by feelfree2win, Apr 10, 2015.

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  1. feelfree2win

    feelfree2win Forum Master

    under wisdom tree, herpetologist>chicken breeding starter pack.
    i am not clear as to what a romantic chicken run is, faq states 1 holding pen. can someone clarify this for me, is it just a regular chicken coup? is it a pen you can put in the park to show off animals for ep?
  2. CaliChrome

    CaliChrome Forum Baron

    It is not a coup for raising animals. It is just a display area to show off animals in the park (or in a field if you wish to put your productive ground to that use). It will give a small amount of EP depending on the type of animal you put in it.
  3. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    The EP amount is really very small. There is one good thing about the holding pens though. When I am super lucky and get a pink animal, I put it in a holding pen in the park, so that it is safe :D It would be so horrible if I accidentally bred it together with lower level colored animals, or lost it another way :oops:
    wolfeyesone and davidb1yth007 like this.
  4. sewinglady

    sewinglady Exceptional Talent

    teensy amount of EP...My first go at the breeding rune, I chose the snuggly sheep. Then I built a pen and put him in it. I get 25 EP every 9 hours. I'm sure it will help me reach the next level (64) much soonerxD... Mostly I just keep him in the pen because I'm so proud of him...he's very cute with his little quilt or afghan - whatever it is.
    wolfeyesone and -Mir85- like this.
  5. abubadi66

    abubadi66 Old Hand

    If you go to the city, in the green building where you can build workshops and stalls you can find it there, it is the last option just after the camels and pandas if you unlocked these, just scroll to the end, there are 2 types, single and group holding pins, as for the words used on the tree of wisdom (romantic chicken run) it is wrong, and no body cared to correct it, I asked the same question you asked 3 years ago, I think it was also long before that, when there were only chickens or a few animals in the game.
    CaliChrome likes this.
  6. feelfree2win

    feelfree2win Forum Master

    thnx guys, will probably go with bat or donkey first, most bang for the buck at the market for the 20 animals and i have plenty of room in the park still for the pen (probably not depending how expensive the feed is).

    since i have you guys here, now that i have opened up living legend i was looking at the tree and thinking next step would be the breeding branch, just in time for event later this month if i can get the stars. is there anywhere to see a pic of the tree fully open? would be nice to see everything the tree has to offer.
  7. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    You can find a description of most runes here :)
    CaliChrome likes this.
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