A Farmerama Gaming Alley (using event games) on a permanent basis

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by Growalot, Jun 7, 2022.

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  1. Growalot

    Growalot Old Hand

    There are some event games in Farmerama that are actually fun to play. I thought it would be great if a 'gaming alley' could be developed where these games (played at single and multiple times) could be accessed permanently as a way of earning rewards such as pens/trees, harvest coupons, resources, levelling up incentives, earning BBs or CCs, or a chance to win retro items, i.e. old cloud row givers, pets, +givers, piccolo boxes, etc (this would be extremely helpful for new players to gain retro items / CRs).

    Surplus barn stock & CCs could be used to purchase tickets for a free/base level game play, but also have an option to purchase high-end tickets with real money/BBs for greater rewards. It could be an incentive for more players to use real money in the game. It would also be a great way to use up surplus barn stock. It might rejuvenate/improve market sales too. Most events call for event-only crops and very few barn stock, which is left in the barn to gather dust.

    It could almost be like a Renzo Fair but offered on a permanent ongoing basis. It's a place to go when you want to have a little break from farming, have some fun playing games whilst remaining in the farmerama platform.

    Some of the games could include the mechanics for:
    • ice hockey / soccer
    • happy patches
    • viking saga
    • trail of lights
    • aces high
    • the great chase
    From my observations, the mechanics of these games generally have positive feedback and the negative feedback usually arises from the unrealistic event requirements and/or lack of time to finish. I have given up early on a number of events due to these factors. I had no incentive to purchase baskets because this should be an option and not a requirement to finish an event.

    I think this gaming alley would provide a more exciting form of play other than farming, FSQs, or waiting for events. Some farmers don't have the resources or time to compete in events (or not wanting the stress of drops or finishing) and at least with a gaming alley they can still play the fun games to earn rewards at their own pace in their own time. Plus there would be the added incentive to purchase high-end tickets for better rewards using real money for BBs. The tickets could also be offered as another daily gift option. With a gaming alley option, it would be an incentive to keep players on the Farmerama platform for longer periods of time. I usually harvest, maybe do some FSQs, sometimes rearrange the farm, then leave the platform because there is nothing else to do.

    Anyway, that's my two cents worth for the day.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2022