A Multi-tasking Mill

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by Old_Mac_Farm, Oct 17, 2014.

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  1. Old_Mac_Farm

    Old_Mac_Farm Forum Greenhorn

    Currently, only one type of feed can be produced at the mill at any one time. It occured to me that it would be great if the mill was capable of producing (for example) up to five different types of feed.

    An alternative suggestion would be to queue up to a handful of different feed that the player has specified, so that when the quantity of one type of feed has been produced, the mill then automatically produces the next type of feed on the list that the player has chosen.
  2. Michael1877

    Michael1877 Old Hand

    I support the idea of a production queue, although I'm sure it is not easy to realize......for example the necessary goods must be reserved to be available at production time......hence there are seeding and market limits.....
    Also the simultaneous production of different feeds is a great idea......it could be implemented as a mill expansion to be unlocked on the Tree of Wisdom......
  3. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    If it could be implemented, it would be a good way to optimize mill time and have no down time on your mill. Great idea, Mac! :)
  4. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I like a lot the idea of making more feed at the same time:)
  5. chookie

    chookie Exceptional Talent

    This would be very handy.
  6. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    C'mon BP, It's a great idea... Put a $price$ on it and the Farmers will buy it
  7. Old_Mac_Farm

    Old_Mac_Farm Forum Greenhorn

    When I had the idea, it was based on the principle that the player would have the necessary goods in their storage barn, as is currently the case.

    Indeed, or perhaps as a reward for acheiving a particular level.

    I don't know if it was just a coincidence, but "Thank you" to the 'powers that be' for the recent mill improvement. :D
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 25, 2015