Ace High v7

Discussion in 'Game Strategy Discussion' started by Nordais, May 1, 2024.

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  1. teeceebeemee

    teeceebeemee Advanced

    78 mins to go and I need 95 drops from the harvest in ten mins... Oh-oh, this is going to be tight...
    Green goo all gone... I need a bit of luck...:wuerg:
    Edit: made it! Got 77 drops and gave up a double... Phew!:D
    Last edited: May 8, 2024
    dumbunny, BellaMary69 and Nordais like this.
  2. Shimmer

    Shimmer Forum Veteran

    Well I messed up and missed using wonderfuel on one of the upgrades. All that effort and I didn't get the top prize :-(
    teeceebeemee likes this.
  3. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Board Analyst

    My 34000 event plants was enough, however I only made it to the middle of level 4 in the time it took to grow plants in DROPS but I used 300++ SG and CR aids for SG acceleration and made DROPS with quick roses. This way I got almost all the rewards I wanted DOUBLE.

    Of course, this was quite a risk, collecting 1-4 levels with the all-for-me-at-once tactic, it was close to not having finished, on the other hand, less than 25,000 plants would have been enough if only the upgrade curtains and I would have taken some of the prizes as double, otherwise I would have "thanked" forward Three A step forward with XL gasoline! But it went well.

    No, I'm not bragging, I'm just honestly saying that TWICE I used both the JackOGift and the "+100% Harvest Plant" bonus to collect a lot of plants, at the same time I got Party spins one time for the +100% Harvest everything bonus!
    Nordais likes this.