Add a tree/ep giver harvest to wheel rewards

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by woody, Jan 24, 2015.

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  1. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Add a coupon for auto-harvesting trees and/or EPs to teh basic level farm wheel. I realize this is a benefit of premium farmers, but offering it on the wheel would allow people to experience it and therefor perhaps build interest.

    Anyone who already had premium might get another spin or just another random prize.
    penguilnz, StingyMoo and steph2014 like this.
  2. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    Just to play devil's advocate, this alternatively runs the risk of losing payment for premium benefits. If players know that they can indulge in these benefits even if for a short time without payment, they may consider simply not buying a premium package and making the most of the opportunities they get through the farmwheel.

    Furthermore, what is the actual value of this feature? It is not a necessity for players; nor does lacking access to this feature put any player at a significant disadvantage to fellow players. It is a nice bonus to make everything easier and faster, but we don't need it, and to that end it is reasonable that it is a paid-for privilege.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2015
    penguilnz likes this.
  3. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I think it might be as beneficial as some of the other lower level prizes. I don't see it taking away from premium membership, though, any more than auto-harvest coupons take away from the harvester subscriptions. In fact, it was trying out the coupons that encouraged me to go ahead and buy the subscription, once I had some spare funds.

    The other benefit is that it does not impact markets significantly.

    At any rate, it is just a suggestion. I would like it.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2015
    penguilnz, StingyMoo and steph2014 like this.
  4. steph2014

    steph2014 Forum Pro

    I agree, Woody. I think it's a good suggestion. I was about to make the same comparison to the harvester coupons that you did in your second post. Those without the harvester aren't at a significant disadvantage, they make everything easier and faster but we don't need them...and yet they are on the farm wheel. I for one would love to try the auto tree harvester. Giving out free samples is a good business practice, which is why so many businesses of various kinds do it. It's a great way to rope people in from the business side of things, and it's a great way to try something out as a consumer. Nice idea!
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2015
    penguilnz and StingyMoo like this.
  5. bygo_cris

    bygo_cris Count Count

    Good idea. I agree too.
    penguilnz and steph2014 like this.
  6. StingyMoo

    StingyMoo Forum Apprentice

    I would love that too, a coupon for an auto tree harvest for a while.... Occasionally trying out something one does not have... is a good thing, it might lure me in to buy premium.
    penguilnz, farmerumf and steph2014 like this.
  7. dgirl_200

    dgirl_200 Padavan

    I agree I know I buy the harvester subscription because I like to auto seed all the 1x1's
    penguilnz likes this.