Alchemist in training

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by spotsbox, Sep 20, 2014.

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  1. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    Well, I decided to spend some of my stars and open the alchemist today, woot woot! :D Am level 4 in confectioner, bakery, florist and spa, so this is new to me. And, I have no idea what I'm doing, lol. Yes, I will look at the FAQs :p, but if anyone wants to share their alchemist strategies, I'm all ears ;). Meanwhile, I'm going to put on some 80's classic rock and dance around the lab while I experiment :music:xD.
    puppiesnponies, Banjoman and DBAYES like this.

    DBAYES Count Count

    Congrats, woot woot! Wish I could help you out, but I've been at level 2 for quite some time and actually forgot how the Alchemist works. So on that note I will be checking up on this thread for help...LOL! Splash Dancing...Bwahahaha
    *stargazer* and spotsbox like this.
  3. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    Did you know if you mix :p and o_O you get :wuerg:?!? xD Never mind the explosion, it was just a small one, and I'm sure the roof can be repaired before winter ;). xDxDxD
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    ummm....anyone seen the cat?
    sglick, baw815, Brookeham and 2 others like this.
  4. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    congratulations spotsbox!:D
    I don't know any alchemist trips because I am only Confectioner 3. I don't want to spend my goods to open a new career right now, maybe the next summer:p
    DBAYES likes this.
  5. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    Hi spots! I worked on the alchemist for a while...and reached level 3. I had to make a cheat sheet for which each potion was used for and its ingredients. It's different from the other artisans....whereas it doesn't explain what they do while you hover over them.....or maybe BP fixed that.
    Anyhow...good luck with it..........maybe someday, BP will introduce a new, useful alchemy recipe that everyone will HAVE to have....and you'll be ready! :)
    CaliChrome and DBAYES like this.
  6. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    I am like DBAYES. I made enough to get to L2 and then stopped. I even have most of those Gnomes that I made in my inventory. My problem is that I forget to use them when I plant a long term plant. Plus, it is very confusing like Brooke said.

    I think my Gnomes are basically just for grains so that means I could benefit if I grew Spelt or Rye. I would have to plant a Gnome and then plant the crop around it. A Gnome is a 2x2 so it takes up a lot of space. The benefit is a time reduction. The Gnome gives a percentage of the time so with out a cheat sheet it is a giant guess as to how much time will really be reduced and will that be enough of a time reduction to fit ones schedule to make it worth it.

    I am L5 for my Confectionary and Bakery and L4 for Florist and Spa. When I am L5 for all for of these, then I will start messing with Alchemy. I am sure I will be bored enough to want to fool with it. The good news is that I have 40,318 Mandrake Roots.

    Spots, Congratulations for opening it. Maybe, you will be able to master it and rule the universe of Gnomes. xDxDxD

    EDIT: I just remembered the real reason why I do not mess with the Alchemy is that amount of Pain Pallets that it requires. It is just not cost effective to use so many ingredients to get such a small time reduction on a few obscure grains that I do not grow that often.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2014
    spotsbox and DBAYES like this.

    DBAYES Count Count

    @sglick, Wow that's a lot of Mandrakes! I have about 22,000 and we have the same Trade levels! My plan is the reach lvl 5 in the Spa and Floral. I like the idea of having a useful worthwhile recipe for Alchemistry and I would also love for a couple extra Diamond/Gold Buff slots! Dream on right!
    baw815 likes this.
  8. CaliChrome

    CaliChrome Forum Baron

    A recipe that creates a gnome that earns GBs or BBs!
    Brookeham, baw815 and spotsbox like this.
  9. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    All of my Confectioners and Bakeries are lvl 5, spas and florists lvl 4 as well as sglick. I have 39k mandrake alchemist is lvl 1. As sglick reminded me... I didn't bother using it because I could make a lot of coins selling pain(t) pallets and the gnomes were too much trouble. I haven't looked at the price of pallets lately but probably still worth too much to use in alchemy.

    I also have 22k bricks and roof tiles and 89k nails in inventory. And 1722 hammers. LOL!!!
  10. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    Thanks for the input everyone! I've been looking at the FAQs and experimenting a little bit, but I will probably do the same as most of you, that is, wait until finish leveling up everything else before really get too excited about alchemy. I agree Suzee, paint pallets are too precious a commodity to use willy nilly for a gnome I will more than likely forget to put out anyway, and which only affects one field. Especially when you consider that you need paint pallets for the florist shop as well:(. Maybe BP will come up with some better uses for the alchemist in the future, but not going to get too worried about it. I got bored waiting for those 8 hour crops -.- (2 more harvests should finish me - fighting temptation to use restart strategy from strategy thread:D). *wanders off looking for still missing cat*[​IMG][​IMG]
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2014
    julie1013, DBAYES and Brookeham like this.
  11. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

  12. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    Run for your life![​IMG] I think I mixed something wrong! [​IMG]
  13. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    You just reminded me - I pop back to my "lab" from time to time and make something, anything, just so I can level up and finish the artisan quests! xD

    I am halfway through level 2 but am of the same mind as most here - don't know what to make, forget to use it if I do make something and don't really like using my pain(t) pallettes for ... well nothing! I will also concentrate on it when all else is finished when I remember it is yet to be finished and I get bored enough! :music:

    Edit: Just realised/remembered that I must put out Scribe Gnomes to get the 100 Alchemist points - they take a full 2x2 plot, they take 30 minutes to work and you have to remember to move something to put them in. Oh, and most important - make sure you don't leave them in overnight and was that 2x2 plot! :music:
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2014
  14. watershipdown

    watershipdown Forum Apprentice

    UUHHHH....well....o_OI just the other day used my stars for the Alchemist instead of the Spa....after reading this....kinda regrettin it :oops:.....:cry:
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