alpine needs to be cute and visually appealing like farm

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by Lea2191, Jan 1, 2023.

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  1. Lea2191

    Lea2191 Forum Inhabitant

    I just opened the alpine village and there a lot of reasons it is needed. I has the potential to help the farm by being a place where animals are used ect helping crop prices.

    However, I don't see myself playing it for a decade the way I played the main farm. The main farm is amazingly visually interesting. Most of the stalls are interesting by themselves. When together they can create something that really gives satisfaction while you are harvesting. Watching a whole grove of trees can be interesting if they are all the same or a mixture of trees. The otherplay fields are just busy and I harvest them for effect but would not want to spend much time there.

    Most of my time so far is spent on a board that has no visual interest whatever and it feels like work. It feels like I'm working on a spreadsheet or something. Then the farm itself with the trees all fenced in doesn't inspire me much either.

    You need to be careful how you develop this because people are going to loose interest quickly if you take out the admiration factor which is present in the farm. I can admire the main farm. It makes me happy to look at it. The spreadsheet way of playing isn't going to last.
    FrootloopGrove and upa70 like this.