Auto starting

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by BerthaL, Jan 8, 2020.

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  1. BerthaL

    BerthaL Forum Apprentice

    I wish they would consider stopping the way some things automatically start. I won a twelve-hour harvester tonight that started automatically. So that means that I can STAY UP FOR TWELVE HOURS or WASTE half of my harvester. I think its rotten of the game makers to do that!
    morris111, bruno1992 and 1Kay58 like this.
  2. 1Kay58

    1Kay58 Advanced

    I completely agree with you, it's bull!
    morris111 likes this.
  3. bruno1992

    bruno1992 Junior Expert

    Agree. Let us decide when to start.
    1Kay58, morris111 and BerthaL like this.
  4. BerthaL

    BerthaL Forum Apprentice

    YES! That's the way they should be! Most of the time they start when I don't need them or am going to bed.
    morris111 likes this.
  5. rivak

    rivak Forum Baron

    I'd much prefer to win a coupon that I can redeem later than an instant start from the wheel. Especially if it's the seeder or harvester. I know we already can do that, so why not convert the insta-starts to coupons?
    1Kay58, morris111 and BerthaL like this.
  6. BerthaL

    BerthaL Forum Apprentice

    Oh, I agree! IU wish BP would listen to our idea's!
    morris111 likes this.
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