Baby Boom

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by pickles60, Dec 11, 2015.

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  1. pickles60

    pickles60 Forum Connoisseur

    I am absolutely up in heaven, received a Pegahorn from Haflinger :inlove:. This is the best skip I have had in 3 years :D. How is everyone else doing??
  2. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Congratulations pickles!:inlove:

    No skipping happening here....I am getting the next level up with some basic animals returned. I have tried a big variety but they are all that way.:(
  3. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    Got a Fire Donkey and a Milky Way Cow :inlove: from regulars but other than that a lot of 1 level and basics returned
  4. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    Got an angel reindeer and a dancing panda from regulars. With Banjo there that I'm getting lots of regulars back and 1 levels.
  5. pickles60

    pickles60 Forum Connoisseur

    Well done Banjoman!
    TCRooster and Banjoman like this.
  6. birdiesaunt1951

    birdiesaunt1951 Padavan

    got a kissing fish from a regular fish - not bad!:D
  7. mindy1701

    mindy1701 Count Count

    No skips here either. This is the really expensive (PF) way to breed. Think I'll wait for the next BB and see if things improve.
    davidb1yth007, JJenks and TCRooster like this.
  8. Willow

    Willow Commander of the Forum

    Got a school of rainbow fish and a pack of pack burros from regulars.:p
    Best skips were a puffer fish and a few postal reindeer from regulars.
    Glad to see some of you got very nice skips!:)
  9. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    Got a punkoo from regular cuckoos. It seems everything but what is required I am getting some skips. :D I am certainly not knocking it considering the crapola from the last few BBs. :music:
    davidb1yth007, JJenks, Willow and 5 others like this.
  10. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    Congrats pickles and everyone else - it's baby bust here!
  11. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    I got a few skips with reindeers..... a Angel and a couple of Postal. Everything else just to the next level with a few return animals.
    Really bad baby boom :cry:
  12. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Best is Angel from Regular Reindeer. 8)
  13. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I got a builder cuckoo. It does seem as if skips are fewer than before, but that is highly subjective. It could be just happenstance that the few of us here happen to be having poor luck (compared to all players). It could also be that the skip rate changed, but the numbers here are way too few to say for sure.
  14. Noelle20001

    Noelle20001 Forum Duke

    I did 132 breedings of basic goats. Best skip was ONE pygmy goat. What I mostly got back was my basic goats and speckled goats. Most of the results were 1 speckled, 2 basic. That has been pretty much the results for all the animals I've bred and I've gone through over 1500 PF. One of the next level, 2 basic seems to be the norm now.
    davidb1yth007 likes this.
  15. lucylu_jillaroo

    lucylu_jillaroo Forum Apprentice

    Very few skips at all here, and almost all of the skips that I have gotten were just one level up. Best so far is a Baldy from regular sheep -- which is great, of course, but nothing special for me.

    Downside to the lack of skips is that I got bored with BB after a few rounds of breeding.

    Ho hum. :sleepy:

    Woody makes a good point about the skips being subjective (unless anyone out there has been keeping detailed records of their entire breeding history).

    I think that it might *seem* like fewer skips to me now that I'm a more seasoned player and the Level 3, 4, 5 animals aren't exciting anymore.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 13, 2015
    davidb1yth007 and farmlily3 like this.
  16. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) Well, you can add my voice to the lack of really good skips...and how many more are there, who don't post, with whom it is the same story!!! This is a good sampling IMHO.:(
    davidb1yth007 likes this.
  17. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Please, everyone, take note that this new system allows BP to easily tighten the algorithm and while this system is new it is really strict. They are making us spend far too much on powerfeed. The above photos show in every circumstance except one, I have received the expected breeding plus two regulars. There is one where I got six regulars. I am trying to keep this in perspective, but there is a limit.
    I think that I just spent my last dollar here.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2015
  18. pickles60

    pickles60 Forum Connoisseur

    I have been breeding since the event started and apart from my first one I have had no good skips :(. I think I will bide my time in making PF in the mill rather than buying it in the sale :wuerg:, because it is not worth the anticipation of getting good skips for real money :cry:
    davidb1yth007 and 007Farming like this.
  19. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    This statement defies belief because of the way the 'twinning' was done.
    This is how it worked in the past. The twin would be a single regular or four regulars or a coloured animal, rarely a couple of coloured animals.
    This event gave two regulars or six regulars. (see pictures above in this thread, post #17) So this is enough evidence that the event was run differently.
    So the "balancing" as you mentioned was changed.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2015
    MARLYMAR and Banjoman like this.
  20. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Sorry David, but that is not true. Baby boom always (as long as I have played) gave an additional colored animal or 2 regular animals. The rune sometimes gives an additional colored animal or 4 regular animals.

    So with both BBD and the rune you can get these combinations of regular animals:
    • 2 regular animals (from BBD)
    • 4 regular animals (from rune)
    • 6 regular animals (from BBD & rune)

    However this time we were getting the 2 regular animals from BBD way more often than in the past - and so fewer random colored animals. At least that is the experience of many many players.
    LDCrow, MARLYMAR and davidb1yth007 like this.
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