Announcement Bahamarama Content Update

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by teddy.bear, Mar 16, 2015.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    Your favourite island getaway has a few new surprises in store for you! Plant brand-new trees like Acai palms, Pitomba trees, and Goji trees! The bright foliage is the perfect addition to your tropical paradise.

    There’s also a brand new Bahamarama quest full of sunshine, adventure, and prizes, as announced here!

    Set sail and discover new content on Bahamarama, starting tomorrow, the 17th of March, at 14 CET!
    Best regards,
    Your Farmerama Team
  2. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    New tropical trees

    The new tropical trees statues will be located in the 8th Chamber.
    In order to unlock them, you need to have access to the 8th chamber, and to have the Mate and Persimmon statues unlocked.

  3. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Details of the new trees

    Acai palm
    Produces: 4 x Acai Berries + 125 BEP
    Time: 20 hours
    Price: 36000 CC

    Acai palm XL
    Produces: 4 x Acai Berries + 135 BEP
    Time: 18 hours
    Price: 220000 CC

    Acai palm XXL
    Produces: 4 x Acai Berries + 245 BEP
    Time: 12 hours
    Price: 450 BB

    Pitomba tree
    Produces: 4 x Pitomba fruits + 135 BEP
    Time: 20 hours
    Price: 46000 CC

    Pitomba tree XL
    Produces: 4 x Pitomba fruits + 145 BEP
    Time: 18 hours
    Price: 232000 CC
    Pitomba tree XXL
    Produces: 4 x Pitomba fruits + 255 BEP
    Time: 12 hours
    Price: 480 BB

    Goji tree
    Produces: 4 x Goji berries + 145 BEP
    Time: 20 hours
    Price: 56000 CC

    Goji tree XL
    Produces: 4 x Goji berries + 155 BEP
    Time: 18 hours
    Price: 244000 CC

    Goji tree XXL
    Produces: 4 x Goji berries + 265 BEP
    Time: 12 hours
    Price: 500 BB​
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