Announcement Bahamarama Content Update

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by shooger.sweet, Nov 1, 2023.

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  1. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    On Thursday, 2nd of November at 14:00 CET (UTC+2), there will be new content available for Bahamarama.​


    The content update will bring:

    New crops

    Bitter Melon
    Chamber 13, top row, next to the Perilla Statue
    TEP (2x2): 280 TEP
    Time: 17 hours and 30 minutes
    Category: Vegetable
    Statue unlocking cost: 70 Golden Bananas

    Ribbon Plant
    Chamber 13, top row, next to the Bitter Melon Statue
    TEP (2x2): 28 TEP
    Time: 1 hour and 45 minutes
    Category: Other
    Statue unlocking cost: 72 Golden Bananas

    New Tree

    Flame Bottletree producing Flame Bottletree Blossoms
    Chamber 14, top row, next to the Neesia Statue
    Statue Price: 64 Golden Bananas

    Flame Bottletree
    Gives: 4 x Flame Bottletree Blossoms + 370 TEP
    Time: 14 hours
    Price: 18000 CC

    XL Flame Bottletree
    Gives: 4 x Flame Bottletree Blossoms + 370 TEP
    Time: 12 hours and 30 minutes
    Price: 45000 CC

    XXL Flame Bottletree
    Gives: 4 x Flame Bottletree Blossoms + 740 TEP
    Time: 8 hours and 30 minutes
    Price: 120 BB

    New Stables & Upgrades

    Cicada Habitat

    Unlocked through the Cicada Statue - Chamber 9, top row, after the Dodo Statue
    Statue unlocking price: 84 Golden Bananas
    Time: 9 hours
    Gives: 1 Cicada + 160 TEP + 2 Manure
    Feed Requirements: 1 Cicada Feed (2 Flame Bottletree Blossoms + 1 Bitter Melon + 4 Ribbon Plants - milled in 3 minutes)
    Buyable in Shop: 30000 CC

    Cicada Habitat I: Yellow
    Time: 8 hours
    Gives: 1 Cicada + 175 TEP + 2 Manure
    Feed Requirements: 1 Cicada Feed (2 Flame Bottletree Blossoms + 1 Bitter Melon + 4 Ribbon Plants - milled in 3 minutes)
    Buyable in Shop: 69000 CC

    Cicada Habitat II: Orange

    Time: 11 hours and 30 minutes
    Gives: 2 Cicadas + 525 TEP + 3 Manure
    Feed Requirements: 1 Cicada Feed (2 Flame Bottletree Blossoms + 1 Bitter Melon + 4 Ribbon Plants - milled in 3 minutes)
    Buyable in Shop: 150 BB

    1 New quest

    As Sick as a Monkey

    Best regards,
    Your Farmerama Team
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2023
    shellhappybj and sanddollar15 like this.
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