Suggestion Bahamarama~In a nutshell

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by saturnia22, Feb 16, 2015.

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  1. saturnia22

    saturnia22 Forum Great Master

    I would like to suggest more space (as in growing fields) for Bahamarama.
    Take the Shipwreck bay and turn it into farmland sooner than later.
    Never mind the coral reef; if we have an entire field with 5 zones for decorations, the
    magic stalk row is heavily promoted so all the items go there first so it sits...empty.
    I have two zones open here and now I consider it a waste of resources to unlock 5 zones for decorations? for real? but I'm sure I'm not alone wanting some more land besides having something new in the game to stave off boredom and feeling like a sardine farm.
    The screen is already built and ready, why not?