Bahamarama Mill

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by Banjoman, Jun 22, 2015.

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  1. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    I am going to make a suggestion that was suggested in the past but hasn't been implemented and is sorely needed.

    If we use PF (PowerFeed) on Bahamarama... Why can't we make it in Bahamarama Mill?

    Would the developers please look to consider or add this feature or give feedback as to why not?
  2. muscaricat

    muscaricat Forum Pro

    I agree entirely. The Island mill is often idle as there are not so many animals on there and therefore not so much feed is needed. In comparison the mainland mill has to mill feed for a huge variety of animals and is always busy. At least if we could mill PF on the island we could make better use of the mill there and it would help us to buiild up more PF in the barn. :):)
  3. NanaLyn

    NanaLyn Active Author

    Also in complete agreement ... BP this enhancement could possibly boost your monthly mill subscription sales, earning you more $.
    tiageorge and bygo_cris like this.
  4. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    Completely agree...this has been needed for some time now.
    farmerlily22, bygo_cris and meba091 like this.
  5. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    I also agree, especially now the milling time has increased.
    farmerlily22, bygo_cris and meba091 like this.
  6. chookie

    chookie Exceptional Talent

    Would be helpful.
    bygo_cris likes this.
  7. farmerlily22

    farmerlily22 Forum Master

    Add me. o_O Confused since we can make event items there why we wouldnt make PF...
    tiageorge and bygo_cris like this.
  8. bygo_cris

    bygo_cris Count Count

    I agree too.
    farmerlily22 likes this.
  9. farmingfreebird

    farmingfreebird Exceptional Talent

    I would like to be able to make power feed in the bahamarama mill.

    Those animals EAT power feed TOO, so why can't the mill make it?
    Besides, we have SO many animals that need all kinds of feed, this way, the Main mill is always making powerfeed, and the rest of the food choices just don't get a chance.

    We really need either a faster mill, an extra mill, or the baha mill being capable of making PF too. That would at least give us the CHOICE in which mill to make it so the other one is free to make the rest of the food.

  10. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    We have been asking for this for a long time, but I want to add that we now have so many more animals needing their own feeds on the mainland, the need just keeps increasing.
  11. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I know we have asked for that for a long time and I would like the option to use it but I probably wouldn't very much just because my mill already stays busy (non stop) making island feeds. They take such a long time on their own that I wouldn't be able to mill PF. My main focus in between events is animal husbandry so I go through a lot of feeds but if you are a farmer that primarily grows crops, then milling in Baha mill would be a nice feature.
  12. Brakta

    Brakta Advanced

    make it so it uses bahama crops ;) and the time is shorter
  13. farmingfreebird

    farmingfreebird Exceptional Talent

    I don't care if the time becomes shorter, although that would be nice, the main thing for me, is that the powerfeed production doesn't have to stop, while we still can make mainland foods. So if the baha mill can make powerfeed, i'm a happy camper. :)
    sanddollar15 and baw815 like this.
  14. FarmerTed

    FarmerTed Forum Apprentice

    unfortunately BP makes more off of powerfeed sales than mill subscriptions....

    user name: farmerfarmerfarmer
    ID: 30538303
    farmingfreebird likes this.
  15. farmingfreebird

    farmingfreebird Exceptional Talent

    that could be easily fixed....
  16. BeingStella

    BeingStella Padavan

    It would be nice to be able to produce a powerfeed that is only used on Bahamarama with Bahamarama crops. Perhaps once a few more Bahamarama animals are introduced, a powerfeed will make its way to the Island.
    I'd imagine once Parrot Breeding or Elephant Breeding transform the need to breed, a Bahamarama milled powerfeed
    will most surely beee
    granted to one and all.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2015
  17. MissSmartyPants

    MissSmartyPants Padavan

    BeingStella: We already have monkey, panda, and camel breeding, so I don't know that adding parrot and elephant would make BP more inclined to grant us Baha-milled PF. It's a nice thought, though.
    In terms of introducing more animals (on the island or anywhere else)...please BP, for the love of all that is holy, no more new animals.-.-
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2015
  18. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    I don't care if it's the same powerfeed on the mainland or if you create a new one just for Baha. Let us create powerfeed on Baha. Thank you for listening.
    farmingfreebird and TCRooster like this.
  19. farmingfreebird

    farmingfreebird Exceptional Talent

    Would it help, to wish for it every day? :inlove: or is that not allowed? :oops: (i really don't wanna be wrong here... i love this suggestion you see!)

    Powerfeed in Bahamill pleeeeeez!
    baw815 likes this.