Bakery of Love

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Nordais, Feb 7, 2024.

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  1. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    I have completed this event. I was fortunate not to implement my Instant Refinement to boost drops of Almond Milk. As i hardly used much SG :p:wuerg: I do feel sorry for farmers to used up lots of green energy :wuerg::wuerg: I have over grown about 3000 Chocolate Roses as i was not sure if i have enough cake boosters to complete the event gaining 60 points using smart phone it helps alot as i can zoom snapshot on my phone make sure i got the right icing i was ok with the toppings and cake cases;)

    When i do events i always have backup to have instant crop refinement, I now done Turnip instant refinement getting bored with other instant refinements, Most of the events we do not have issue with event drops


    Would encourage newer farmers to focus on working of Crop Refinements for instant or near instant drops on top of that to max of Animal and Crop Trophy linked to living legend Rune ;);)

    This for sure was toughest event i played is some years I did not need that many Star Coins as i already had CAC and Pinkest Pie Reciepe i was unable to buy them in the shop anyway :p But i was please to get the peanut butter cup receipe as i will be needing that for Carnival Queen event to boost drops for that event so i need to start milling some :p
    xiop likes this.
  2. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    I just hope that the peanut butter cup will not be a necessity for futur event drops, it's quite expensive to craft and the end result may not be worth it.
    xiop likes this.
  3. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    The tropical event mechanic that I am thinking of that the Peanut butter cup would be helpful is the one that we pick between 2 crops (usually 4 and 8 hours), on Baha plantation and you have to finish crop 1 before you can start growing crop 2 and the hangup is the high number of drops needed as the donation between the 2 crops.

    That event mechanic always has negative feedback about drops and I normally only complete the first half. I normally don't have too much difficulty with drops but that event is a challenge event for long time players with Howies, cloud row, etc.
    xiop, dumbunny, Moraine and 1 other person like this.
  4. TommyBurns

    TommyBurns Active Author

    Well this is interesting, the event is live again. I had one last crop to get in towards the end of the event (with about 3hrs to go) but by the time got all my farms done and went back to play the last few games (just for a few extra goodies) I couldn't get in. There's no announcement but I have my Cocoa Syrup back and can now play them. Thanks BP :inlove:
    Nordais, Moraine and xiop like this.
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